Be me

>Attend orientation day at University
>Get handed orientation pack full of goodies
>Thank person and go home
>Open bag
>Find condoms
>Find lube
>Find latex fucking gloves
>Find a fucking plastic sheet?!
>Read instructions: sheet is for licking vag

I don't know exactly why but this bothers me on so many levels. Maybe because I am going there to improve my mind and they are assuming I will be engaging in degeneracy. Maybe because treating your partner like a class 4 biological hazard defeats the purpose of intimacy? Maybe because they have the temerity to assume fisting and muff diving are standard courtship activities? What the fuck has my sex life got to do with this institution?How do we fix higher education and take it back from these degenerate assholes?

Attached: the-falling-man.jpg (1296x730, 205K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The gloves are for fisting her asshole btw.

yeah we had university hosted sex bingo where you go to meet other people, play bingo, and get condoms and win sex toy prizes. there were signs stuck in the ground every where, posters in every building (except the STEM building, kek), and flyers stuck under peoples doors and inside the card swipe things on our door. some girl was walking around dorm hallways passing invitations out

welcome to college, dude

>Read instructions: sheet is for licking vag
wait, so as in you put the sheet over her vagina and lick the sheet?

yoo what uni u even going to that's starting now in AU dickhead. fake story

first post leaf post

Form a North-West European Origin Student's Union.

when they complain, form a Nazi party

Better than paying $250k for poz brainwashing

Avoid and do not engage ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING that seems like poz.

Especially do not get into a LTR unless she's white and she bleeds when you take her virginity. Do it soon, then have kids.

t. guy who got pozzed at an ivy and it set back my life by 10 years

Haha yep.
>"Go down on me user" she says
>"Sure thing baby! let me just open this sterile plastic sheet and place it over your filthy genitalia" so I can lick a piece of plastic like a retard"

That would go down well wouldn't it!

>Maybe because treating your partner like a class 4 biological hazard defeats the purpose of intimacy?
This. There's nothing sexy about announcing your suspicion of your partner's slutiness by putting a latex barrier between you and her. Eliminates the whole point of sex.

lol, what is even the point?

Post pic of the bag

The imagery you described made me laugh into my coffee. You might as well just finger her.

University is truly an adult daycare center these days. Also post bag

I know. You may as well just both put on spacesuits.

what's the point of going down on a woman?

one of my childhood best friends, a conservative Catholic, went to an Ivy and got fucking pozzed. like almost openly "hurr durr let's replace all the white people in America with brown people" tier pozzed. it's insane. and they taught us that those are good schools, growing up.

>he fell for the college meme
>he thinks he will improve his mind there

Attached: image.jpg (452x476, 88K)

Fake and gay..kys

>fake and gay..kys

I know. You may as well just both put on spacesuits.

Fuck off its true. La Trobe University Bendigo. Why would I make this shit up?

Was it sponsored by someone?

>post pic of items then.

I believe this is called a dental dam or something.

Post pics of this "pack" or you're just another larping faggot who deserves to jump more than the poor fuck in his OP pic.


I don't know. I'm guessing the student union put it together.

post pics of pack to verify and act beyond just complaining about it

Ask they put a strap-on in the bag next time
Also, you're extremely offended
Make it even more ridiculous

Already threw it out and I'm not going to rummage through my garbage bin just for you.

The point is to save yourself from getting HPV viruses in your mouth which increase your risk of throat cancer. Women at university are usually teeming with STDs.






Sounds plausible to me. My university was handing out free condoms 15 years ago. I'm sure it has only gotten worse.

I know but it just doesn't sound pleasurable to either participant, which defeats the purpose.

Post pic of items or it didn't happen simple as, I want to believe you, I've seen this shit myself, but what's the point of coming to pol with a story like this and not posting pics, it's easy to do and would make your post better

Attached: 1537970470180.png (256x196, 7K)

No, what's the point of going down on a woman without the intimacy and pleasure of actual contact.

What did he mean by this

I only got one condom, glad to know I pay tuiton fees for everyone to get a free one

Nice virgin showing there Aussie. You're supposed to put the plastic on her pussy and do a hummer, works wonders on the clit.


Nevermind my proxy, I go to the same school as OP, most of us got orientation packs full of maps and coupons and a few books.
I guess the faggots got something different.


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Fucking do it, you pussy.
It's the only attention you'll ever get out of that bag

>Be me, burger in US, in college for STEM
>See high school sweet heart I took to a school dance in 9th grade attending liberal arts college.
>Ask her out, She said yes!
>Take her on nice dates, walks, things going just as expected.
>Always kind of a gentlemen, not really thinking about sex until I get to know her.
>She invites me over for a party at her house.
>Arrive, nothing going on, go up stairs to her room.
>She wants me to fill out this list of sexual fetishes, where 2 people fill it out separately and then it shows what is shared.
>Pretty much only select 1 on 1 heterosexual monogamous
>We see results, she looks disappointed. A few people arrive and we start having a few drinks.
>She feeds a lot of mixed drinks, mixed is a loose term here they were very strong.
>Grabs me drags me to her room and says "Let me try something."
>She starts slapping my chest and harshly pinching me. I stop her.
>She starts making out with me, and giving me a hand job under the sheets. Suddenly she tries to slip a dildo into me.
>I stop it and say I should leave.
>She apologizes tells me to come downstairs and see something.
>I go down stairs and there is this 5/10 red head in a sex swing getting fisted by a twig boy while 5 people sit on the couch and watch.
>Frozen in confusion, she just smiles at me and starts to get undressed and precedes to put a on a strap on and start to fuck the red head.
>I grab a bottle of liquor from the kitchen and slip out the back, and went home and got black out drunk.
I fucking slow danced with this girl in high school and she was a shy cute little angle. What the fuck did college do to her?

This has to be a pasta no way someone is trying this hard

No dude, I have had what has been seemingly outwardly normal and successful but VERY fucked up life. This isn't even in the top 10 of most fucked up things that occurred. I am a god damn professional scientist, but I can only talk with like 1 person I know in the real world about all the crazy shit I found myself in and that has happened to me. Jow Forums has become like the only place I can freely talk about shit.
This 100% happened.

>Maybe because I am going there to improve my mind and they are assuming I will be engaging in degeneracy.
They aren't assuming you will, they are hoping you will.

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I think this was the website.

How do you eat pussy through plastic? I dont understand..

stop supporting it by giving them your money and your life you idiot

tell us your stories senpai

prediction: degeneracy will be mandatory in college pretty soon
not just encouraged

>Attend orientation day at University
lmao dork


Cornell is a technical school, pleb

this is bullshit.

Cornell, like all other higher ed in the US, is totally infected with SJW propaganda. Yes, stem fields are better, but there's still requirements for taking bullshit humanities classes and doing programs that indoctrinate you with SJW bullshit. Some of the supposedly "best" schools are the worst about this. Think Yale, Brown, Harvard, Williams, all the small liberal arts colleges... all marxist trash and deserves to be nuked

t.Harvard alum

Cornell is the trade school of the ivy leagues.

>treating your partner like a class 4 biological hazard
Lets be honest, most roasties are bio hazards at this point

kys elitist fuck

school name recognition is vastly overrated and perpetuates the insane income inequality that causes so many problems in our country

only NPCs get perfect grades and groom themselves for elite circles

You honestly should go loudly public with this. Degeneracy has taken so much ground because the righteous quietly yield it to them.
But they fear the righteous.

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pics nao

Going down on bitches is fun, you can call me pozzed but I get off on the taste

You're not going to taste much with a dental dam in the way

Roasties collecting HPV strains who are responsible for a skyrocketing >8000% increase of certain HPV-related cancer types in brain, mouth, throat with young men.
>getting run over by her cock carousel
Never go down on a roastie.

t. Princeton

>being this upset over pussy
>not being a gay man

pick only one


>You might as well just finger her
Don't forget to put on a latex glove!

I thought humming on a sheet of plastic produced farting noises alongside the vibrations? Surely you can't keep a straight face during that, especially not her.

>start college in 2014
>first day, everyone goes over their pronouns
>given Jewish Marxist texts to read for most classes
>everyone is a white-hating bourgeois liberal Jew
>stick out in a philosophy class because I'm the only one there who isn't a "durrrr life is pointless there's no such thing as morality fuck God everything is subjective" doomer
>literal tranny in one class
>in two years, find exactly one person who isn't batshit insane
Never again.

>start college in 2014
>first day, everyone goes over their pronouns
>given Jewish Marxist texts to read for most classes
>everyone is a white-hating bourgeois liberal Jew
>stick out in a philosophy class because I'm the only one there who isn't a "durrrr life is pointless there's no such thing as morality fuck God everything is subjective" doomer
>literal tranny in one class
>in two years, find exactly one person who isn't batshit insane
Never again.

My friend from college was an RA I believe this, they gave this shit out all the time including gloves for “anal play”

The plastic sheet is a dental dam, pic is what it’s normally used for: creating a clean field for a root canal. When colleges give it out it’s for eating pussy and ass.

Attached: 3010E684-EF18-4F56-9D71-CD946CA1C68C.jpg (600x400, 53K)

>calling them degenerate
>post a picture 9/11 victim

u really need to go to the doctor something wrong in that head my friend .

Thats the only thing that your gunna get from that university worth anything so enjoy, while your being fucked.

Fuck why attending, Fucked with the bill at the end.

Funny, I always found this kind of talk — that life has no meaning, that there is no higher power, that morality is made-up stuff and so on, to be very liberating, rather than depressing.
Think about it. If there is no god or divine plan, then whatever you choose to do has meaning if you say that it has. If there is no afterlife, then what we do here matters, not as some test before true life, but as our own statement to the universe. If there is no absolute truth, then you become the judge of your own actions, attaching "good" and "evil" labels to them if you choose to, or judging only their results and how they affected others.
It's the ultimate freedom and ultimate responsibility of being completely unhinged.

Attached: 502.jpg (600x763, 75K)

Or you're just making the shit up.



Finally a subject that a leaf can speak on with authority.

>When colleges give it out it’s for eating pussy and ass.
Underrated post.

Yes. I don’t think anyone has actually done this before though.

Nothing sexy about 18 years of child support payments either.

Goddammit, I have been using the plastic sheet wrong.

You used it more than once?

My university goes out of it's way to get people to fuck and party and then when someone over doses or we have an STD outbreak or some little freshman drinks himself to death the entire University starts LARPing as Puritans and goes on a hunt to find a Frat to blame kek. It's all such a joke.

>reaching this hard for something to call OP out on

nice one

I like munching on vag. I’d rather make out with a girls poon than her mouth. And yes- Catholics are very susceptible to leftism. Catholics are comfortable in SJW culture because it is an authoritarian cult very similar to what they grew up with. No questioning allowed, speech policing, intolerance of opposing opinions, dogma over facts, everyone who doesn’t agree with me is going to hell/is a nazi, and degenerate sex.

That's because you're Russian and for you to believe in God you'd have to accept he hates you.

>The SJWs are the real fascists!
Honestly this is pretty boomer-tier thinking. Apart from Nazi Germany pretty much all the fascist, anti-communist, anti-liberal movements were based around Catholicism.

T. Brett Kavanaugh. The girl on the swing was Ramirez, and the shy girl is Christine Ford.

Attached: lawyer.png (485x488, 175K)

Juice? Is that you? Are going to shoot up the school? 87820322

A master electrician will mint 150k plus a year after age 30. While pulling 70-80k in his twenties.
Though harvard and yale grads can make far more dont knock the trades son.

I the feeling friend.
Just start finding likeminded people and changing the culture. Thats what I'm up to these days. You won't believe how many people are reseptive to the redpills.
I usually start by asking if they know any of the typical e-celebs and before you know it they sound like Jow Forums. You can't use your institutions to your advantage so go for all the things your professors and equality committees can't touch. Like culture.
Also, the reds at uni up here don't do much but rant about how angry they are at normie behaviour and moderate people don't like it at all.

Anyways, does anyone have the pic with Goebbels talking about finding likeminded people?