Ask a Mexican anything

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You do anal?

he does

donde esta la biblioteca?

Do you do anal?
Well, do ya punk?

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are you a mexican intellectual?

Why do gender neutral pronouns not exist in Spanish.

You have to go back.

hope that whore doesn’t get paid a lot of money. nothing more infuriating than women who try to make money off their looks.

Is it true they don't have crunchy tacos in Mexico?

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we have.

Is lighting farts illegal in n Mexico because of all the beans?

"mexican cuisine" is actually American.
Those stinky sweatbacks haven't contributed anything of note to any society.
But props to OP for staying in his own shithole.

>Those stinky sweatbacks haven't contributed anything of note to any society.

says the gigantic jail.

tacos are mexican, but idiots says that its american.

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Are your chicas thin because the drug war disrupts enchillada shipments, leading to partial famine?

Can you drink water from your tap without getting sick?

Mexican food is essentially american at this point. They turned your (their) doritos with salsa into a better food with more popularity.
Anyway, keep your tacos. Note that I said your people haven't contributed anything "of note" to society - besides crime and the spanish language.

You leave the fairy bread out of this mate. Also, checked.

yes, but taste salty.

>Mexican food is essentially american at this point. They turned your (their) doritos with salsa into a better food with more popularity.
>Anyway, keep your tacos. Note that I said your people haven't contributed anything "of note" to society - besides crime and the spanish language

you use mexican things daily, abbo.

What have you got against fairy bread, beaner?

Don't blaspheme fairy bread with your cactus eyes.

everything nigger, how can you call that shit food?

>Most of them are Aztec inventions
Aztecs =/= Modern mexican mutts
You are all ugly (save the weathergirl in your pic) rapebabies with sub-room temp IQ.
Your the chiwawua thinking the wolf is just like them. Sad!


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>culinary marvels consist of corn and mystery meat slops inside tortillas
>criticizes other nations food

>A meximutt thinks he has any say on what is or isn't shit food
Fuck off. Fairy bread is an exquisite desert snack far superior than the likes of any of your kind's food (which isn't saying much anyway).
You pick a fight with the fairy bread and I'll glass you, cunt.

anglo saxons and abbos are ugly, our med people are hotter than you.

brits are ugly as fuck , thus all shitstralians.

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went to Tijauna the other day, do the prostitutes actually get to keep the money? or does it go to the cartels?

>You pick a fight with the fairy bread and I'll glass you, cunt.

hahahahaahahahahahha nigger abbo, your food is not actually food hahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahha

Mexican food is a delicatessen known in all the fucking world, we invented chocolate.

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I'll not lie, your goblinas are quite stunning until they hit fridge-mode.
A shame about the male mexicans - they're just ugly from birth lmao

the cartels, what a lame question mutt.

How the fuck are you guys posting? Like all of Jow Forums is experiencing some weird network errors.

the spanish mexicans aka white mexicans are basically meds, so no.

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eth eth eth eth, eth-eth eth eth eth eth

me too, this is the solar flare.

I have noticed it's been extra slow of late.
Can't stand waiting 5 mins between every post so I'm going to stop shitposting now. Maybe you can take over instead

I can do heavy work and sports all day without my dick or boxer starting to smell bad, I do gaming or officework maybe 8 hours and between my legs it stinks. Do you have this too, and if so what do you do about it?

Why is Mexico so poor compared to similar areas like south California, Arizona and Texas?

Do Mexican girls like Englishmen?

Do you have a head?

Stop smelling your dick.
It's like this, see: does a tree fall down if no one sees or hears it?

it depends what areas below the southwest

What you "invented" was a sloppy bitter goop that tasted like shit and had to be improved and perfected by the white man, like the rest of your cuisine.

To be fair I don't think any girls like Englishmen.

What you "invented" was a sloppy bitter goop that tasted like shit and had to be improved and perfected by the white man, like the rest of your cuisine.

The new stripper chick is hotter.

like taco bell idiot?

to USA?

sup jose. i worked a lot in monterrey. shit i loved it. you people are great when you're in your own country. motherfucking mexicans in the factories there speak more english than the ones here. had a lot of fun down there.
build the fucking wall

(also doing my part to make kike the most used word on this board kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike )

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how are your women

to australia, to bored to death

because those factories have engineers that speak english

medstizo woman are so hot

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Can you please die?

What does "por la acerca" mean. For example:
No quiero ver a ella por la acerca.

Dude, that crazy broad is sexy as fuck.

its for la acera

it means sidewalk

ej, no quiero ver a ella por la acera.

WOW, you're right. I read the sentence incorrectly in my book.

Mexican intellectuals DO exist.

yeah sure, and we mexicans dont use la acera, thats very common in Spain. we use la banqueta.

That's the plan m8, we make sure trash goes that way and we keep the good ones (except for the fucking cartel shit, they need workers too) to make sure Papa Kike wipes you up with our blood.

Yeah, putting fuck tons of sugar like the sweet craving fuckers they are.

Also, your bread is a shit.

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How much different is Mexican Spanish from Spain Spanish?

Very, pretty sure Mexican Spanish has more words that are borrowed from the nahuatl dialect for example "chicle" instead of "goma de mascar"

Also certain words like chocolate, coyote, and ocelot come from nahuatl.