Italy arrests nigger lover mayor for excessive nigger love english news report


>oildriller mayor
>smuggles niggers
>takes more care of niggers than his own kin
>tries to come up with shit to give them full citizenship like getting FAKE IDs to niggers and pushing townsfolk to marry men and yes, even strongly encouraging white men to marry nigger women and arranging the bogus marriage papers himself (got taped)
>Xenia (hospitality in Greek) Operation begins
>oildriller got house arrested today
>his nigger partner (Tesfahun Lemlem) cannot stay with him at home

Imagine that happening in the USA.

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Other urls found in this thread:

> english news report
>>oildriller mayor
>>smuggles niggers
>>takes more care of niggers than his own kin
>>tries to come up with shit to give them full citizenship like getting FAKE IDs to niggers and pushing townsfolk to marry men and yes, even strongly encouraging white men to marry nigger women and arranging the bogus marriage papers himself (got taped)
>>Xenia (hospitality in Greek) Operation begins
>>oildriller got house arrested today
>>his nigger partner (Tesfahun Lemlem) cannot stay with him at home
It does. Its on commercials and

che cazzo di nome è Tesfahun Lemlem?

>Per favorire autonomia e integrazione dei migranti, a Riace assieme all’euro circola una moneta esclusiva del posto, utilizzata ogni giorno dai migranti nei soli negozi riacesi per l’acquisto di cibo, vestiti e ricariche telefoniche. “Il ministero ci accredita queste risorse con molto ritardo, ci siamo inventati un’idea di moneta locale spendibile solo a Riace con riscontro positivo dell’economia locale”, spiegava il sindaco.
>Il progetto è diventato un modello finché Mimmo Lucano non è stato indagato.
>A lui vengono contestati i reati di truffa aggravata per il conseguimento di erogazioni pubbliche ai danni dello Stato e dell’Unione Europea, concussione e abuso d’ufficio. In particolare, sotto la lente degli inquirenti era finito il rapporto tra il comune e le sei cooperative che gestiscono, senza aver vinto una gara pubblica ma solo attraverso delle convenzioni, i quasi due milioni di euro all’anno che finiscono a Riace per l’accoglienza.
>“So quello che ho fatto e di certo non mi sono arricchito, qui si sta giocando con la vita di molte persone”, sostiene il sindaco. A Riace intanto è stato dichiarato lo stato di dissesto finanziario.
Il naso non mente, lmao
>Make parallel paper money for local economy

sorry, forgot link

Thanks Italy for keeping it real


You can look for the #lucano hashtag on twitter to see lefties openly defend the violation of the law if it's to give illegal migrants the Italian citizenship

>his nigger partner (Tesfahun Lemlem)
Is this a sheboon name or is this oildriller also a faggot?

What's the point.
All Italiens are Niggers.

>Imagine that happening in the USA.
happens with illegal mexicans

Lmao it's true
>ma Salvini ha rubato 49 milioni
>una dichiarazione di guerra
>La Lega è come la 'Ndrangheta
I'm laffin

Why not find out where these fags live and plan a walk there with some flammable liquids, just be careful to not trip and fall. You might start a fire if you are not careful.

Just tell them it's because of the paper money, they'll eventually get there by themselves
Maybe they'll even get to blame the kikes this time around, who knows

I'm not even on twitter, I just lurk there for a laugh when I smell a shitstorm coming

Our mayor is doing the same thing, except with gypsies and EU money
>receive infrastructure money from EU
>but wait goy
>have to build a refugee center with them!
>cant say no!
We have fallen

>>oildriller mayor
>>smuggles niggers
>>takes more care of niggers than his own kin
>>tries to come up with shit to give them full citizenship like getting FAKE IDs to niggers and pushing townsfolk to marry men and yes, even strongly encouraging white men to marry nigger women and arranging the bogus marriage papers himself (got taped)

It's just baffling that these kind of people even exist at all, it's incredible. The amount of ideological contamination one has to hold to do something like that.

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>TV presenter Gad Lerner called the arrest "a slap in the face to those who practice the duty of welcoming."
And that's a good thing!

(((Gad Lerner))) Porco D che degrado...

When did we become so based?

(((Gad Lerner)))

>Gad Lerner

Since when we care about what non italians say?

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Yeah. This is classic. Same in many places. They use gypsies as resources for gibs. Usualy transport them from cities to villages. They repair some old house and turn it to small gypsi ghetto. Still better than have gypsi family in every street.

>Lega with the sardinian mafia
Lmao they're grasping at non-exsistent straws

Based as fuck, italy

From foreign cities or our cities? Are we importing the shitskins or just moving them? Thanks for the input so far


I'm gonna go with faggot


He's straight, as straight as an oildriller can be. It's a nigger woman, and he really likes nigger women, because he very much encouraged white men to do the same. He's literally jungle fever incarnate. I said "partner" because I don't think, ironically, that they are married.

throw his ass to africa if he likes them so much

>it begins
The fire rises, brother.

>Gad Eitan Lerner noto semplicemente come Gad Lerner (in ebraico: גד איתן לרנר?; Beirut, 7 dicembre 1954)
>Lerner è nato a Beirut, in Libano, il 7 dicembre del 1954 da una benestante famiglia ebraica, stabilitasi in Palestina sin da prima della fondazione dello Stato ebraico, e dove tuttora vivono molti dei suoi parenti. Il padre, Moshé Lerner, nacque nell'allora kibbutz di Haifa da genitori galiziani originari di Drohobyč (una cittadina al secolo parte dell'Impero austro-ungarico, attualmente in Ucraina), mentre la madre, Revital Taragan, nacque a Tel Aviv,

>the arrests are starting

>meanwhile, far from terronia....

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Salvini's power level is skyrocketing

You’re a big guy...

Please no, I didn't want to masturbate tonight.

Why is she so perfect guys?

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Italybros, tell me. Is it time to add Italia to the list of /basedboys/ in Europe such as Poland and Hungary?

It's really never been too unbased at all, their Presidents and left wing parties have been actively suppressing the shit out of Italians for ages though. Last 4 prime ministers were appointed not elected or something like that.

>tfw we had more than 10 PMs in the last 9 years or so
>tfw the last 3 PMs came from the same ruling party in less than 2 years (after 2 of them got motioned by their same party to step down)

European politics get funnier the more you go towards the East.

Illiterate idiot ndtangheta is a mafia from calabria not from Sardinia, being Sardinia one of the safest place in italy and not related culturally to Italy and its mafia traditions

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Mafia racket in italy

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I'm so glad I'm going to do Magistrali in Verona right now.

why did they wait until now?

gad lerner lives in the hood, right next to the barbershop, his red shirt match the shoes and his rolex shines like a diamond

We have been illegally ruled by European imposed left-wingers since Berlusconi.
What they expected? No backlash?

>test 2
baby shark du du du du du du

>Imagine that happening in the USA.
been happening for a while, except with spics.


>Lucio Musolino

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Why Italians are so racist and cowards? Italians aren't white and aren't Romans.
We nordic people, anglos,germans are the real white people and we gonna save Europe.
Italians are bunch of shit, seriously.
Red and blond haired people are the smartest and gonna save Europe, we are the solution, you Italians are shit.
You aren't romans neither renascence neither 18-19th century inventors.
In 2000 you country gotta browned-up by 500,000 black immigrants.
Secretly nobody knows it.

Wtf is only Jow Forums working?

dumb smelly kike

All Italians inventors and painters have blond/red hair and blue eyes.
This boy is real Italian not the shit that we have today because in 2000, 500,000 blacks secretly gonna in Italy and browned up all the country.

Attached: italianrenacsce.jpg (197x255, 8K)

Real Italians.

Attached: realitalian.jpg (286x176, 8K)

Real romans.

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>Imagine that happening in the USA.

We'd have no politicians left, lets do it

Cry more, queer

Based Italy, I hope you can save all of Europe

You must be 18 to post here.


Get the rope!

fuck niggers lol

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italy NO!!! when will you learn?? this is heartbreaking

A great JEWISH country.

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Did an Italian fuck your mom by any chance?

yes, i did

No, but a nigger fuck you president.

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Yeah well, he's not my mom


Too Italian didn't read. Thanks for the basic gestalt though, OP.

30% North african jewish mom?

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Damn it Italy I didn't think you had it in you but ..
Nessun dorma! Nessun dorma!
Tu pure, o, Principessa,
nella tua fredda stanza,
guardi le stelle
che tremano d'amore
e di speranza.
Ma il mio mistero è chiuso in me,
il nome mio nessun saprà!
No, no, sulla tua bocca lo dirò
quando la luce splenderà!
Ed il mio bacio scioglierà il silenzio
che ti fa mia!
(Il nome suo nessun saprà!...
e noi dovrem, ahime, morir!)
Dilegua, o notte!
Tramontate, stelle!
Tramontate, stelle!
All'alba vincerò!
vincerò, vincerò!

We are the original jews, that's nothing new.
Now we got tired of being nice and we're going to outjew the jews so hard they never fuck with us again.
Sometimes the lion needs to show the jackals who he is.

Jews cannot be jew'd

Fuck off interpol.

You'll have no luck here.

Yes, you are the originals jews.
Italy gonna kill US,UK,France,Germany because it's shithole whitoides country's.

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lmao always with the cheap romaninan VPNs

Do they sell them in bulk?

Asking for a friend.

Another example.
Italian creator Galileo Ferraris of AC motor and zionist father Theodor.

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You fokin w0t m8=

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Italians don't hate.
Don't hate Pizza but hate everythiing.

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Show us your flag you divisive kike

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Not your ancestor, med cuck.

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god bless our venetian brothers

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How does it feel being a bastard mutt? Go hang yourself mixed boy

I'm 100% german/sweden ancestors.

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100% sopa de macaco uma delicia

Iam literally Norman. I see you live in a fantasy with buff naked blonde guys wearing nothing but a horned helmet. Faggot. You can claim to be whoever you want here Joao, but nothing will ever change the fact that only a marginal amount of european blood flows in your veins because your whorish grandmothers thought nappy hair looked good.

this is what nigger cum does to your brain

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