I don't know if you know the AFD. This says: ,Burkas? We like bikinis.'
That speaks to me on a deep level.
Shitty electioneering
"we'll stick to bikinis" is a more accurate translation
I like Burkas desu senpai. Slutty muslim girls with fat titties are the best.
Embracing degeneracy just to spite islam lol
the west is dead
>literally saying "'rapeugees welome"
Great, now spread it across the middle east and Africa, I'm sure it won't make them want to go to germany
muslims are bad because theyre not liberal enough, we must defend liberalism from these conservative hordes.
>doubt it
>kike who didn't forget to switch on his vpn
seriously what the fuck. god damn german fucktards can't ever get it right.
No it‘s not. Maybe „we fancy bikkinis“ or „we‘re into bikinis“
>if you give in to your enemy's culture, you win
Literally two different, perfect butts. Both absolutely edible.
>our culture
>women walking around almost nude
is it real? if so it's very tacky for a political party.
>When your country is so degenerated conservatism means to conserve liberalism
bikkinis are not really degenerate, it adds a nice sexual tension when speaking to women. As long as you‘re not a nigger who can‘t hold himself back, the bikkini actually improves quality of life and white people need more children anyways. There are some bikkinis that are dekadent, yes but the problem often lies with the women not the social acceptance of the bikkini, i think.
this is the exact ad that made me refuse to vote for the AfD, because it shows what this party is all about: embracing degeneracy, rejecting traditionalism. islam is only rejected by the AfD because it is a traditionalist cult.
if islam would embrace interracial pornography on kidsTV, the AfD would love it.
remember that the AfD is literally led by a lesbian goldman sachs zionist, who wants to ban headscarfs.
So their entire electoral platform revolves around muh women and right to dress like whores, great party you have there.
Because the alternative is better.
Fucking kike.
Fuck "the West". Our civilization is dead; it's time to look to the next Great Culture. We are the progenitors of a new Blood, the heirs to an ancient flame scorned by our fathers. Nietzsche knew this, Spengler knew this, Hitler knew this, Evola knew this. It's time to cast out the Saturnian lead of the Faustian civilization and gaze your eyes on the Dawn of the Celestial Axis, a new Solar Empire
thank you
Wolfgang Gedeon, an elected AfD representative, has included feminism, along with "sexualism," and "migrationism", in an ideology he calls "green communism" that he opposes, and argues forfamily valuesas part of German identity.
This was just a tacky ad i suppose
IMO the AfD should hijack this slogan. Frame it like the establishment parties are pushing a multicultural experiment and the AfD wants to keep order. That is a great way to counter the "AfD are radicals" frame. Much better than this pro-degeneracy frame.
>going on the beach is degenerate
ok then
Holy shit its just an other form of underwear. Stop being so degenerated. Do you niggers need full body cover for a woman so you dont have the urge to rape them?