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And does this "curfew" apply to law enforcement and firemen for example? Might have a "problem" if it does


pay for their own drinks?


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Everyday I am told I am worthless
>Men are archaic
One day I will kill them all, I swear they will rot

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Yh just brilliant that the person who started this meme is literally a man

How are women going to to get free drinks and attention/validation at clubs if the guys aren't out? A curfew for males would really piss off the sloots.

Just so you CIAni--ce people redirecting the site right now know, Jow Forums is a satire board of peace and this post is satirical.

Women are just as likely to be the targets of violence when out at night as men, and are less likely to be killed in the process. Fear of going outside preceded any violence; their cowardice of leaving the home is literally a product of their genetic expression and has nothing to do with "male privilege."

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Now ask them what women would do if men refused to do any hard labor.


Naturally this curfew doesn't apply to Chads, this would just be another way of ensuring that non-Chads are kept away from women.

Here are all the things men were do if all if all women had an all-day curfew:
>create a wonderful world
>maintain western civilisation
>make lots of beautiful babies with the women
>earn lots more money so the babies can be raised properly
>conquer space
>construct new technologies
>destroy the Jews

>Implying I got outside after dark in Sweden apart from weekends every now and then
lmao there’s only criminals, ”””youths”””” and druggies out at that time anyway. Maybe if I still lived in a smaller city but Stockholm is fucking cancer.

Women have been creaming their panties over this "Handmaids tail" for the last few years. Which is all about the "horror" of being subjected to male control again.

Yet this author can't see the irony in jerking it to the male equivalent.


probably wouldnt care because they're oblivious as to how the world works

hard labor is outdated user we're a service economy now
also capitalism is wrong

Love how they think a mere curfew is going to stop rapists and criminals from going outside to keep raping.

"Oh no, it's 9:01 PM, I cannot rape more for today! Dang it!"

Munch carpet?


But seriously besides maybe going to a restaurant (which they already do) what the fuck would they want to do? Women go to bars and clubs to meet men. This reminded me of that all female holiday island that most women said they wouldn’t want to go to.


Kill yourself commie fuck

What he's really saying is "I'm desperate, someone validate my existence."


Especially in winter when it gets dark at like 5pm it becomes even easier.
Besides they're assuming that the majority of night working staff arent men, what will these women do when shelves at walmart arent stocked, delieveries of every kind by lorry drivers cant take place alongside huge amounts of failed next day deliveries via kikeazon. Literally america would fall apart.

You have missed the point of the article. If men were not allowed out after 9pm, you would probably still have the normal problems with fires, but the need for police and law enforcement would automatically drop almost to zero.

gotta give the left credit
they always find new ways to drive people into "our" arms

>because criminals would abide by these curfews

It's probably just like what children would do if adults had a 9pm curfew
> Oh yes i did

>Implying I am going to follow a damn curfew at 9pm
If I want a damn meal at 10pm at my favorite local restaurant and some police try to stop me because that's not allowed at night, he can gtfo this town

The main difference being kids know about saturday morning

Fuck that, I'm out past 9 for work frequently because of certain contract stipulations. They'll have to arrest me if they want to stop me from bring home my paycheck.

Try not to get a flat tire

Why do all men get the blame for what niggers and spics do the lion's share of?

For people who claim they don’t want labels, they sure do love them.

Someone should ask what women would do if heterosexual white males had a 9pm curfew.

Because when we say men are better than women at...everything, it passively assumes we are including the nigger men and the spic men when everyone knows we are talking just white men.

Here are all the things men were do if all if all women had an all-day curfew:
>create a wonderful world
>maintain western civilisation
>make lots of beautiful babies with the women
>earn lots more money so the babies can be raised properly
>conquer space
>construct new technologies
>destroy the Jews

Where do the homeless go after 9 since they are mostly men?


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>be roastie
>post on IG and facebook about how you are scared to walk down the street cuz men
>also post pics and videos of you and friends walking drunk down the street at 2am being loud and obnoxious and taking selfies

Roasties openly show that their feminist whinging is just them projecting their desire for complete unquestioned power onto men, news at eleven.

Or peoples habits would change.

I grew up in a hive of criminals.
My parents spent most of my life in prison/jail and much of the rest on probation.

I know so many drug dealers, pimps, old bikers, junkies, gang members, etc.
Honestly, they all make me sick.
Even the ones I grew attached to as a kid.
>dont give a fuck what time of day it is
>often drink hard liquor for breakfast
>are high, all the time they're able
>will first fight at 7am
>will steal or rob at 5am, 10am, or any other fucking time of day (burglaries often happen in full daylight while decent people are at work)

But yea, if you're a skank out getting drunk at bars/clubs at night and not having the sense to stay in a group of genuinely trustworthy people, then this is when you get raped.

Not by me.
Not by anyone that I would have called a friend since I turned 18.

But the same is true for men.

As a man, your likelihood of being physically assaulted is far higher than a womans.
And mostly, crowds of supposedly decent people will just stand back and watch it happen.
I cant doung the fucking bullshit I have narrowly avoided.
Single guys, drinking without friends, are targeted by pieces of shit wannabe gangsters every night.

I dont give any more fucks of skanks getting raped than dudes getting assaulted(which happens in far greater numbers).
Stop being stupid.

Fuck man, I could post a dozen '#metoo' moments of my own.
I've had my sick grabbed a dozen times.
I've woken up from blackout drunk no less than 3 times with a woman on me.
I've been felt up at 14 by my best friends older sister who was 19.
I've been forcefully kissed and hit on by my brother's, best friend's, wife.
When I was 5, a couple of my sisters 10 year old friends had me touch them.
When I was 6, a kid I spent the night at touched me, found out years later he was abused by his step father.
I had a girl at my 5 year high school reunion pull me in to the ladies restroom.
I honestly had no idea what was happening.

>op ed article trash
Nobody but old boomer women who are already irrelevant to life and our species and liberal extremist read this trash


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This. Feminists that I knew, who screamed the loudest about victimization of women, would have their public Facebook profiles full of every place they were at or had been at.

Thanks, now I know you're not home, so I can go break in and take your shit. Or break in, wait, and rape the shit out of you when you finally get back, drunk.

>Why are you thinking like that, user?! Are you a fucking rapist?! Normal people don't think that way.
Every. Fucking. Time.