>He isn't an actual Aryan shaman yet
>Hasn't even communed with Odin
>Will never experience neurogenesis
The Source of Spirituality
One shameless self bump
One shameless self bump.
Tell somebody who is skeptical of shrooms and the people that take them the best way to experience a good trip
I'm not fully convinced on the whole spirituality thing and I haven't been able to get too into meditation, assuming there's a "spiritual" side for me to tap into while on shrooms, how do I do it? How much should I take? Should I try to get myself into a certain mindset or prepare my environment a certain way beforehand?
I'm just not experienced with shrooms and therefor can't really see a practical application for them, I've taken them once before and had fun but didn't necessarily have any sort of spiritual experience.
Ok so in the pic, what's a shroomer
this pic gets me. Ex-shroomer here downgraded to doomer. Could be worse I guess,
He doesn't know. All that psychedelic stuff was pushed by CIA.
I wasn't sure or convinced either, so (apart from one mild experience a few years ago) I began by reading Food of the Gods by Terence McKenna and then How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan. I know there's a stigma because often it's filthy soulless hippies who use them for fun and orgies, but there's also real medical professionals who work underground with them for psychiatric healing and if you read the literature first you're not joining the degenerate retards.
You need to do your own research, but basically a good mindset (safe, happy, relaxed) and a good setting (comfortable surroundings) are required. These are NOT recreational drugs, they are a medicine for your mental health and can help you see things in a new light.
My advice would be to do a half-level trip first to understand what these things do to you and get familiarised, then do a full one later. Almost everyone who seriously and cautiously experiments with these drugs say afterwards that the experience was the most important and beautiful of their lives, and I'm telling you it really is worth the effort to investigate.
There is little to no spirituality involved.
A common affect of shrooms is racing thoughts and an inability to express yourself. Youre not going to have any revelations on it
people like bill hicks
I wish I had some shrooms right now
They tried it for MKUltra with LSD, which is different to psylocibin, but taking a drug voluntarily in a controlled peaceful setting is going to be a vastly different experience to getting it injected into you by agent Smith whilst strapped to a chair and being played hypnotic mind control tracks day after day for weeks.
Supposedly the CIA dropped it in the end because it wasn't very effective anyway.
>The Source of Spirituality
Literally the existence itself.
The sum total of all minds in the universe is one.
Reality is God-consciounsness's super-immersive singleplayer RPG that looks like it has multiplayer.
Source: See what breaks the von Neumann chain.
>The Source of Spirituality
It's mental illness
I'm taking 2g of shrooms in a week and a half with my friend and am a diagnosed schizophrenic, what am I in for?
I'm you from the future, a week from now. Don't do it. You overdose and die.
something something eradicate the jews
you will probably make ur mental defect worse and start believeing that we live in a simulation. I invented the NPC meme years ago on shrooms
stop drinking soda and eating sugar, ur fake schizo will go away, but after you cure yourself of schizo life gets really borning and you will be wishing for your insanity back. That is true.
Well if that means I get to turn into a time traveling ghost that can live on the internet and shitpost on Jow Forums that's fine by me. Does this mean I finally get to meet my waifu too?
>worshipping false gods and ignoring the fact that the Christian saints were able to destroy the false idols of Thor and Odin
read a book some time
No, We''re afraid we used our last strand of light moving forward to give us this message. We will cease to exist soon. Don't let our sacrifice be in vain.
This is the only wake-up call we are allowed to give myself. We still have things to tie up before the end. That's all we are allowed to say.