California now REQUIRES women on corporate boards

I thought sex discrimination was unconstitutional?

Attached: thenoseknows.jpg (512x377, 44K)

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They should keep piling on the regulations. Companies fucking LOVE regulations!

We should just let them secede.

Just get a board member to throw on a dress and when feminists complain sue them for trans phobic discrimination.

I really want to see this

the fine for not complying is cheaper than having a gash on the board. also why wouldn't they just relocate?


Forced diversity.

Very easy to defeat. Just have one member identify as a woman. Use their idiocy against them.

Very easy to defeat. Just have one member identify as a woman. Use their idiocy against them.

Boss move.

So which companies do you think will leave because of this?

no one incorporates in California, this is virtue signalling

most large companies incorporate in Delaware or Nevada

If republicans or the president say anything about this we'll probably have another wave of muh sexism in the media. Probably the plan.

Identify as a woman or pay fines
problem solved

California proves itself to be the best and smartest state in the Union once again.

Women are better managers and companies led by women are more profitable.

Investing in a company led by a women is a guaranteed win.

Misogynists BTFO forever.
Jow Forums BTFO forever

Basically they made all male boards illegal but not all female boards. Muh equality.

>Start tech companies with your buddies in a garage.
>only become corporate after 10 years.
>the few people who have worked at the company from the start are all men.
>be forced to place woman with less than 1 year experience on the board.

Virtually all the businesses run by women are small-cap companies that tend grow faster than larger corporations during a bull market by the basic laws of economics to begin with, if you compared small-cap businesses run by men and small-cap businesses run by women you would likely find a significant disparity in both prevalence, performance, and longevity.

>Just get a board member to throw on a dress and when feminists complain sue them for trans phobic discrimination.
That is the answer to the problem. They don't even need to throw on a dress. They can say that they choose to wear pants and a suit like Hillary, and that they simply just Identify as a woman.

They forgot all about niggers, spics, illegals, and fags.....