
Can't wait to see Magatards try and spin this one Stories&pgtype=Homepage

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I don't think Trump's supporters care. So he isn't really a great deal maker and daddy gave him all his real estate money ... so fucking what. The money he made from The Apprentice he made himself. Liberal heads are still going to explode.

lmao, take a look at all of the accusations levelled at Trump since the elections.
You come here acting smug but every time you post shit like this it's another public display of jimmies painfully rustled.
shower me with your tears brah, please continue

>When people actually try to argue that the sitting (or any) president has ever had a sub 120 IQ.
I'll give you a hint on who the least intelligent president was:

Grant, with an IQ of 120

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>These maneuvers met with little resistance from the Internal Revenue Service


We don't care.

He fights.

>Yfw nobody gives a shit what the (((MSM))) says and Our President's approval rises even further.

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"Suspect" tax schemes. Meaning he didn't break the law. Of course a businessman is going to be a sleazy piece of shit doing everything he can to make more money. With the rest of the world treating us like piggy bank, personal security and punching bag all at the same time, most of us WANT a sleazy piece of shit who'll do everything he can to make more money.

>may have
>might be
>looks like
>trump family
>not really trump
>looks illegal
>irs doesn't care
>well known loopholes
yeah, yeah, he's a criminal mastermind. If anything was illegal on his taxes, he'd have been fucked a looooong time ago. This guy is still under a current audit. he's been audited more times than almost anyone else. we're expected to believe irs audit hawks missed something so obvious and did nothing about it?

This tax fraud line that democrats are frothing about is fucking retarded, always has been.

You're right. We don't give a fuck. This is trash, and he is saving the country. MAGA nigga.


People who are proud to pay their taxes, and don't take advantage of loopholes and exemptions, are scum bag statists who bask in their ignorance. In any case, most of your day to day interaction and benefit comes from things state, not federal, taxes provide.

"Suspect"? Was he ever charged, indicted or prosecuted? No? Next?



>the new york times investigation

well, he's an insider in sketchy behavior which makes him good for the job since he knows every scam there is.

Spin what? Who cares?

Obama sitting at 90.

Trump is the ultimate wizard, it's why I support him. Even when he does something entirely against conservatism or populism, his followers who may have stated they were against that all of a day prior, are within the week changing their mind to support him. Libtards can't understand that we will just support anything he does kek

Taxation is a rightwing sperg dog-whistle, you won't convince anyone of anything on that front in here.

>Of course a businessman is going to be a sleazy piece of shit

The article shows that this businessman was his father. It shows that Trump is just a daddy's boy, who did nothing and had all the wealth given to him by daddy and he managed to nearly fuck everything up.

You suckers are still lapping up his dealmaker image, that he lies to you about. He's just a reality TV star.

Taxation is theft

Don't you know you have to be at least 18 years old to visit this site?


Imagine unironically seething this hard

Ultimate test of faith. If GEOTUS wanted to cuck you, would you let him?

I wouldn't, but that's because like many of his supporters I'd have no one for him to cuck me with.

Don't you know you have to have

The only people who take the NYT seriously, these days, are leftist boomers and a few leftist Xers.
No one reads it. No one cares.
The day of the NYT and the WP being able to command the allegiance of the majority of Americans is over! We've siloed our news choices, now. We read what we want to read, not what they tell us to read.
Of course, FANGS are trying to force us to be obedient, blinkered little leftists. But as fast as they censor, we're out there with a work-around. They can't keep up and never will. IN the meantime, dissenters are getting stronger and more determined.

Fascinating, really.



Billionaire legally exploits tax code to his advantage. Imagine my shock.

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So, he used the law to his advantage, even if it meant doing some legally "grey-area" things? So what? I do everything I can to reduce my tax burden. I take every deduction, every write-off, every credit I can. I do the minimum to ensure I pay my taxes according to the law. Everyone else does, too. Do you really think millions of taxpayers are monsters because they exploit the tax code to ensure they pay as little as possible?

This. Nobody cares, suck it commies

No one cares

We don't have to do anything. Just wait for the page 87 retraction when they realize everything was done usual.

The article is about how Trump isn't even a businessman. All the business was his daddy. Trump is just a showman.

It is not about taxes although many would like it to be as then it would be easier to brush away the ugly truth - Trump is not a businessman and never was. He is exactly as dumb as he looks. He is just a successful celebrity like Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian.

Remember not to reply to memeflaggers