Muh "small loan of $1 million"

>muh "small loan of $1 million"
>muh successful businessman

That ‘small loan’ of $1 million was actually at least $60.7 million -- much of it never repaid. He actually inherited most of his wealth to the tune of $500 million from his dad. No wonder Trump never released his old tax returns, they would have exposed him as a liar and a crook.

Attached: crooks.jpg (1178x1138, 326K)

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Surely, this will be the end of Donald Trump.

wtf I hate Trump now

I'm sure this investigation was entirely objective in its findings. Drumpth is finished now. We got him dead to rights!

>repeating 2016 memes

Good luck.

>trump not a self made man
>bad businessman who lost billions

color me shocked.

Attached: 45-Sarcastic-Look-Meme.jpg (600x389, 40K)

is this 2015?


“These maneuvers met with little resistance from the Internal Revenue Service, The Times found.”

Yeah, much ado about nothing. This is a gripe about how rich people use tax laws to pay lower taxes. Yawn

Oh will you look at that

It’s a diversion from the total lack of facts they found vs Kavanaugh.