Jow Forums hates single mothers

>Jow Forums hates single mothers
>Jow Forums hates men that raise other people's kids

so what should be done?

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Other urls found in this thread:

put women in cages as indentured servants to men



Forced hysterectomy for women who cannot present a father for their child.


Jow Forums is filled with autistic basement dwelling NEET virgins that could not even get a single mother of 3. I have never been with a single mother, but I have big respect to men who pick up the slack and father the kids that aren't theirs. Not every situation makes him a cuck, she could be a widow, she could have married young and not realized the guy was a piece of shit until they had a kid, there are many factors. If you're a virgin that lives with his parents and has never worked a real job, your opinion about who marries who is useless to me. You're not even an adult human person.

post-term abortion

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women should have their legs closed until they're sure that they have a man for life?

>Jow Forums hates birth control
>Jow Forums hates abortion
Great post OP, we've deduced that Jow Forums hates sex or is just jealous they can't get any. Case closed.

What about single fathers?

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kill them both

End your life my guy.
This is the avg pol user benches at least 3 plates for reps weighs well over 200 pounds higher than 6 ft can get women but has become a volcel while waiting to create a trajectory that will provide a safe life for his pure white children.

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Take responsibility and stay with the mother of your children.

Men collectively will rise to meet whatever standard women collectively choose to set. Women can start by setting a higher standard. Think about what it takes to be a single mom. Think about the mistakes you have to make it every stage from neglecting birth control to choosing the wrong man to initiate the most sacred and personal act that two people can engage in.

It's not that I blame men for not sticking with their women. I think the question needs to be asked, "Why do these men run away from these women as soon as they discover she's pregnant?" I wish more women would ask themselves that question. If the father of your child didn't want you then why would any other man?

>Jow Forums hates [insert whatever]
>what do

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am I wrong?

People should get married instead of fucking random strangers like whores.


I don't really hate any white people unless they have mixed race kids or are leftists that support race mixing

It makes for good laughs but seriously my great-uncle raised 4 kids who weren't hiss and all of them thought their real dad was a piece of shit and bawled their eyes out when he passed away. Blood relations is overrated. I'd rather have kids who adore me that aren't mine than an ingrate of a blood son.


Marry before having children.
Did you think you had a gotcha?

did you forget divorce exists?

4th term abortions

honestly it's the best for all invovled
t. raised by single mother

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Don't have kids until your married?

Jesus fuck the fact this is even a question blows my mind.

Obviously people don't plan or think before they decide to have babies.

It shouldn't. At the very least, no-fault divorce should be banned, and adultery should be a felony

just what america needs
more people in prison

step-fathers are exponentially more likely to abuse their kids than a biological father. we need eugenics to get rid of the trash that ends up in this situation.

>Jow Forums is one person

Don't divorce


Hate is a feeling
One can simply use logic and decide somerhing is a bad idea without hating

Uh women should stop being sluts, having kids out of wedlock, and stop getting into relationships with irresponsible shit tier men?

Single mothers are the result of a women being entitled. It is the sign of a woman who believed she deserved a man commitment instead of having to earn it.

Openly discriminating against single mothers is the best thing we can do for women as it encourages ladies who have not yet made that mistake to avoid this fate at all costs.

I don't know why NEETs care, but I hate having to pay for the shitty choices of every dumb fuck that pops out a kid.

And I can't avoid it no matter what I do since the government puts a gun to my head and forces me to pay even if I do not associate with idiots in any way.

Widows are one thing, everyone else you mention can fuck off and deal with their own shitty choices or judgement. The money I make should pay for my own kids.

widows get a pass- agreed thats just completely out of their control entirely

Most often than not its the people making this kind of decisions who end up hating themselves and not the other way around

where can I get a polar bear as a pet?

try russia

got the b@n and didnt even post with sound rekt and dogpilled

course the leaf would be a dog fucker bc its legal there faggot

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Prisons are full of children raised by single mothers.

bc of why I didnt report it I dont give a shit its a joke nigger did u want him to post more?

>I have never been with a single mother, but I have big respect to men who pick up the slack and father the kids that aren't theirs.
Imagine feeling BIG respect for cucks, imagine looking up to them.

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I'll say this again, and I'm not joking about any of it.

Abolish and outlaw:
>Contraception (Including condoms)
>The entire welfare state
>No-Fault Divorce

This alone would fix most societal ills, even amongst nogs. It would force women and men to be more careful about sexual deviancy, and force men to become fathers and own up to their natural responsibilities. Women would go back to their natural and desired maternal instincts, and would choose their sexual partners and (eventual) married partners based on merit and security. Virginity would once again be valued in society (particularly among women). The economy would show some semblence of stability as massive reductions in welfare programs forced men to enter the workforce earlier and into more varied markets. Competition would rise, thereby increasing the job market while reducing the cost of living for pretty much everyone. Celebrity and outrage culture would be vastly reduced, as people would be essentially forced into a responsible lifestyle where the last thing they need to worry about is Kim Kardashian's pussy flapping in the wind on TMZ, instead forced to caring for children. Men would go back to being fucking men. Masculinity would be once again valued while true femininity--the kind where motherhood is the noblest of female pursuits--would become the norm once again. Again, communal bonds would be strengthened, as families would learn to rely on each other and their own hard work for outside support and assistance, thereby increasing mutual respect and understanding of people across society.

This is literally the only way society and the West will stabilize and prosper once again.

how is outlawing abortion going to decrease the number of single mothers?

>and would choose
Ehh, I would rather have fathers choose who their daughters get with, like they used to. Women making decisions never ends well.

Do you read what you type before you post ?

Incentivize women to have sex with the guy mentioned in the second line in the first place.

sterilizing poor fags

Prisons exist precisely to contain human garbage, of which there is no shortage in this day and age

It wouldn't do it alone. That's why erasing the welfare-system, which actually incentivizes single-motherhood needs to be demolished, along with contraception. Basically women will once again value their uterus, as any chance encounter with a male could result in a child which they have no way of getting rid of. You'll always have single-motherhood, whether by death of a spouse, abuse, or choice. But right now the vast majority of single-motherhood is a choice made by women who know they can easily scam the welfare system to continue to live in degeneracy without a father present, and in turn pass this on to their kids, who are the real victims in all this. The traditional nuclear family is the single greatest factor in determining a child's future success in life. Economic barriers, ethnic barriers, cultural barriers...they are all minor issues compared to the barrier a child has when in a single-parent household.

It's not a terrible idea. And even in America, well into the 20th century, "arranged" marriage was very much a common thing. Not in the sense that it was legally forcible, but parents were always looking for the best partner for their children until recently and often it would work out that children ended up with someone their parents generally approved of. This is why the tradition of "asking for her hand" from the man to the father is still, to this day, such a culturally strong symbol.

Well said French bro

how about adultery only affects divorce settlements, rather than being a jailable offense.

Make fornication and divorce illegal.

>so what should be done?

Cut off welfare.

You sexist racist piece of shit! How can you expect women and lesser races to make good decisions on there own? And I ducking suppose you want them to live with there mistake and take responsibility for it? Fuck you Alt right Nazi make me fucking sick!

Uh, how about not having sex outside of a secure marriage?

>what about women who didnt realize the guy was a piece of shit

What about them? It's not my fault if women fail to understand the person that is fucking them. You can understand anybody if you really try, and you should really try if that person is going to impregnate you.

This! White sharia now!

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Based toothpaste lad.

Make people of all genders responsible for their actions.

*both genders, that is

>single mothers are irresponsible
>men who raise someone else’s kids are cucks

Both things can be true at once. There’s no contradiction.

>Jow Forums hates single mothers
>Jow Forums hates men that raise other people's kids
what race are the kids?

women should be chaste to start

You know the rules, rostie

Mixed race sweaty :`)
As it should be

>hates single mothers
Single mothers are just a symptom of a sick society. There's no point hating them.
>hates cucks
Yes. Weak faggots should be bullied

Just like my /d/ comics

>>Jow Forums hates men that raise other people's kids
We do? I just laugh at them. But if they don't tell me how the fuck would I find out.

I don't follow your question. Don't date single mothers and don't raise other people's kids?

Yes wahmen are subhuman and when given rights they do the devils work.
Take away their rights and maybe the western society will have a chance to recover.

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Yeah, 99% of the ideas that get parroted around here aren't even fucking feasible. But whatever. I'm going to head back into the real world now.

>its mens fault
so you are taking agency and responsibility away from women?

There are different types of single mothers. I think Anne Coulter has covered this very well for probably decades.

If a soldier dies and he has a stable wife at home with kids, it's very different than a crackho who gets knocked up from a one night stand.

If both parents come from divorces and have kids, that's very different than a single man taking over a teenage knockups kids as his own.

I mean there are tons of different scenarios. There are even some probably "good" scenarios that I wouldn't be comfortable entering, knowing you would always be second to the kids. But that is just natural after all.

Does it fucking not?

maybe don't fuck men who won't stick around?

maybe if you knock a girl up raise the kid?

Women shouldn't whore themselves around, and especially not raw
Also stop providing a financial incentive to break up families, shits fucked

They've never had it in the first place. Pretending they are equal is what got us in this situation.

>child has downs
>"i'm willing to give up my kid for a man"
Imagine the cuck who beds down with a whore who not only has a polluted womb, but abandons her own child for some dick.

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Irrelevant. Back when women weren't entering the workforce and fucking up wages men were ready to sacrifice themself. Today we have a declining birthrate because we gave them the right to vote.

If a guy wants to make the best of a bad situation and help raise some white children i’m all for it.

Genuine incels have a way to contribute that way.


could’ve just stopped at ‘Asian’

Exactly. Women have no morals and on top of that they lack logic and reason. Who the fuck thought that it would be a good idea to give them voting rights?

Anne Coulter triggering single moms for over 10 minutes, to the point of tears for many of them. kek

good for you, but this shit isnt my problem

I literally fit that description to a T except I’m fat :(

Fuck off, in today’s age if a man cheats on a woman or is overall a shitty father after a span of like 5-10 years why would she stick around if he doesn’t change?

You think raising a kid in a toxic environment is a better option than trying to better their life with a better father figure??? Granted there are some cases where maybe a mom has 3 kids by 21 that she’s a red flag but a woman with a child who is divorced isn’t always a basket case. I would venture to say that most women trusted that a man was going to help her provide a good family life and he let her down. Why should she be held accountable for that? It’s not for everyone but for the dudes that do it out of good faith i commend them

Ann is buttfucking ugly imo but that doesen't matter as long as she isn't fucking niggers.

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I mean, it's down syndrome. It's not even human...

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That image is literally me I both took the picture and modeled for it. And I'm the average user

I love Ann. I need a wife like her

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