Quebec is a distinct nation within Canada. We speak a different language, have our own culture, our own laws and aren't as cucked as the ROC

If Catamemia gets their flag we should get one too.
This needs to happen. Show your support to petition the admin.


Previous :

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Other urls found in this thread:

memeflags are cancer stop

>give a flag to a province that voted for Confederation and twice voted against their own independence
Quebecois are the biggest, undeserving fart sniffers on the face of the planet.

thanks for rigging each and every single one of those decisions

But we're still there and alive ;) because like the biggest cucks in the world next to sweden that you are you allowed britain to keep us alive to divide and conquer Canada.

Based Imperialism. Based Jewish Queen

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>it was rigged!
>the unity rally ruined everything
>dang anglos!!!
I weep for you

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>it was rigged!
The referendum :

>By importing an unconventionally large amount of immigrant shitskins in the years before the referendum and dumping them in Quebec knowing they would vote "No" like all the other shitskin

>By virtue of being 20% of the province and overwhelmingly voting "no" before fucking off to Toronto.

>By using old Sicilian, Jewish and Greek anglo mafia networks to rig the polls in the Montreal area, then blocking attempts for recount afterward when there was evidence of fuckery aground.

>By using our tax money to play non-stop anti-independence propaganda in our medias and bringing in as many bought experts and intellectuals as you could. By using those same funds to generate large rallies and parties to sway the minority of undecided Quebecois.

>By powerful Jews and Saxons business owners threatening a coordinated relocation should the "Yes" succeed, leaving thousands jobless. But then doing it anyway after "No" succeeded.

First referendum :
>Litterally uses war powers to imprison, harass and weaken thousands of political opponent

>Near complete monopoly on economic and media scene to play scare tactics on worried workers.

>Actively threatening military intervention and sanctions to further scare undecided voters.

Confederation :
>literally controls the political scene

Wew. Despite all this you still go majorly cucked by based Trudeau Sr and Jr. And we'll keep sending rootless globalists to rule over you and further ruin your retarded nation.
No problem :)

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holy shit, that's a big conspiracy!

Ontario poster here but I definitely agree

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The word you're looking for here is coordinated political effort.

So they would protect the French language , but flood Québec with niggers , and other pest?

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L’éternel tête carré

Most normalfags doesn't understand that conspiracies were literally the staple of politics for thousand upon thousands of year and that its only quite recently that they've twisted the public perception of such a concept as absurd. Like honestly try to find a single royalty or kingdom that wasn't neck deep in conspiracies may it be to defend themselves or assert their authority over another kingdom.

that's three words

>he thinks votes can't be rigged

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FLQ were a bunch of useful idiots, literally a handful of people (no joke you could probably count the entire group on a single hand) that have been suspected to this day to have been greatly helped and financed by the federal government as a false flag with the intention to damper the sovereign movement which was at its strongest back then with the then-recent expo 67, which put Quebec on the world map and the quiet revolution a few year prior.

Like the way the federal government enacted martial law in direct response to the situation was an extreme over-reaction, also they put under arrest hundreds of peoples related far and wide with the sovereign movement without any warrant which never resulted in any concrete accusation but still, the wound is felt to this day. The federal government outright sent tanks and soldiers to patrols our streets, over the actions of literally an handful of peoples. That whole ordeal stink to high heaven, as the years go by it become even more clear that it was meant to destroy the reputation of the sovereign movement which in the end only set it back a few year until both referendum which brought the result ever closer to the majority until the dreaded referendum of 95 where the federal government cheated like fucking crazy so the results fell on 51% no and 49% yes, with one of the main politician culprits of this farce actually getting promoted all the way to supreme judge of Canada. Not even joking about that last one, Oldfags will probably remember the name: Michel ''jme rapelle pu'' Bastarache is a supreme judge of Canada.

no doubt a false flag / controlled opposition operation

>he thinks I said that

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Not just that, but look up the unclassified false flags by the RMCP including literally blowing people up then getting caught with their pants down because anglos cant even conspire competently

So basically the goal was to paint all secessionists as terrorists over the actions of a controlled opposition.

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RCMP are literally the most incompetent, corrupt and compromised group of useful idiots in existence
reminder that high level RCMP officers would routinely hang out at Robert Pickton's farmhouse

> (((A nation within a nation)))

Don't worry, we know you fucking rat.

Use the flag... faggot. 2x1 is not the Quebec flag.

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Is Canada a US territory or state? I forget

Sit down, you cultureless mongrel. You useless anglos have contributed absolutely nothing to this country.

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Literally, the whole country is founded upon Anglo-Saxon culture you fucking meme flag. As is the entire world.

Pretty much, but amusingly the guys they took for the groups were idiots who went full retard when they heard that the federal government was coming in with martial law so they killed one of their hostages while the others one ran away if I remember well.

Are you retarded? Yids are one of the groups who are the most open against separatism, with Jews like Anne Goldwater and co jumping on the opportunity to shittalk Quebekers ''chronic xenophobia'' at every opportunity, often making crass comment directly after horrid event like that one attack by Alex Bissonette, which amusingly we haven't heard of since, probably because peoples started to realize it was kinda sketchy how both the PM and all the MSM already had talking points about the guy before the cops even publicized a report or any information on the situation.



It is owned by the monarchy. Every law is subject to “the crown” and the queen has the power to dismiss our government.....and the military serves her, but most Canadians are too stupid to know this. The are also blind to thier loss of rights, freedom of speech, and every government approved monopoly that makes everything expensive (like the crtc or the dairy mob).

No, they're not against separatism, in fact they prefer to live amongst their own rather than others. When haven't they wanted to be recognized as a separate people? They wanted to live in ghettos rather than "contaminate" their blood by living amongst gentiles.

> often making crass comment directly after horrid event like that one attack by Alex Bissonette, which amusingly we haven't heard of since, probably because peoples started to realize it was kinda sketchy how both the PM and all the MSM already had talking points about the guy before the cops even publicized a report or any information on the situation.

Buddy, I don't even know what you're on about, but keep fucking that chicken.

>As is the entire world.

Your typical Anglo ego is showing mate, as they didn't do shit but enforce their rule via physical violence and trickery befitting of their Yiddish masters. You, as a canadian anglo, is literally nothing more than the descendant of merchants and shitty soldier who were forced to live here by the crown while all the guys that weren't seen as total shits were sent to southern colonies as to live the rest of their existence safely away from all conflict. No matter how you twist it, you got the short end of the stick but I guess its better than to be sent to Australia.

They are against separatism because the only thing that insure their nepotism is never threatened is the federal government. The moment Quebec become sovereign they'd loose their main waterway into the Atlantic, which mean tariffs and losses in profit, the only things that matter to Yids.

> Physical violence

That's not even true though as Anglos have always preferred diplomacy over a battle. But when it does happen, beware as Anglo rage can lay waste to any world.

> You, as a canadian anglo, is literally nothing more than the descendant of merchants and shitty soldier who were forced to live here by the crown while all the guys that weren't seen as total shits were sent to southern colonies as to live the rest of their existence safely away from all conflict.

Resorting straight to insults. Pathetic.

Canada belongs to the royal crown.

We can keep going back on forth with this "yes/no" debate as much as we like or we can view the Jews as people that have always maintained their ties to one another. A Jew on the other side of the world is more of a brother to another Jew than one of the citizens of the country he lives in.

> The moment Quebec become sovereign they'd loose their main waterway into the Atlantic

Literally no, no one would give a fuck about what Quebec had to say in the matter. Anybody can waltz into Quebec whenever they feel like it.

>Anglos have always preferred diplomacy over a battle

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>Prefer diplomacy over a battle

Ha ha ha, the Opium wars, the divide and conquer in India, the mistreatment of Africans and Boers in Africa, etc etc. Yeah right mate, get off your high horse and realize Britain is one hell of a shitty empire that ruled by force. Also with what I said it ain't insult you humongous faggot (see? This is an insult), I'm just stating the fact. The same way i'm the descendant of poor ass peasantry that were goaded into North America with promise of prosperity only to get fucked by the King of France who preferred brown peoples and sugar cane.

I agree. I fucking hate leafs but not French canadians. They are all right. They need a flag so we can tell them apart.

Anglos are blood traitors and brother killers.

Get out of this thread snipdick.

Dont speak to your betters like that.

Everything the anglo has touched is in ruins, you are spineless sub-humans. The only successes that stem from your hasbeen empire is the USA, because it refused to be anglo scum.

Not even on a high horse, I'm just stating the obvious that minds win battles more than arms.

> literally nothing more than the descendant of merchants and shitty soldier
Well, understand that calling someone the sons of merchants one might take offence to. Maybe not in Quebec but everywhere else, yeah.

It's such a shitty empire but there are literally over a billion people on the planet learning English at the moment. It's obvious that their effects have been profound. I don't even know what you're pissed off about, you fucking goof. Oh, look at that insult, am I learning yet?



Get fucked frenchie.

>minds win battles more than arms
>if you kill your enemies they win

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Dont worry guys. They do this with everything. Make angry demands and give nothing.
The differnce here is, its a good idea. Then everyone can see that the biggest tards on this board are all from one shit location.

what are some good documentaries in French? i am hoping for some in the 70s technicolor style where the narrator speaks clearly and can be heard easily. hoping to learn some french because why not and am interested. i did find an old asterix and obelix cartoon series on youtube but they speak a little too fast for me

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I wish you faggot loving frenchmen did have enough testosterone to fuck off for eternity, if it wasn’t for the lodestone of Quebec around our throat, Canada would have made Rhodesia and South Africa seem like a multicultural paradise.

We went from a country which proudly proclaimed “none is too many” about the Jews, that was happily annihilating the gas chuggers and locking them away in fenced reserves, that barred Chinese and and Indiana from coming off the boat to today’s White Man’s Burden.

It was PAPINEAU who legalized the presence of Jews in Canada so they could bankroll aristocratic frenchman families against the British. It was LAURIER who opened the door to immigration that wasn’t from the British Isles to undermine thr British character of our nation. It was ST-LAURENT, and MULRONEY who sold us to the Americans and turned us into a vassal state. TRUDEAU SR, MARTIN, CHRETIEN ALL Frenchmen ALL the architects of mass immigration and multiculturalism combined with massive government apparatus that french cucks inherently crave. And now we have a part time drama/ski instructor, ANOTHER Trudeau who has the audacity to say my nation doesn’t exist and has no right to affirm its existence.

I am utterly sick of you Frenchmen feigning perpetual victimhood. We bent over backwards to accommodate you snakes. It wasn’t the English that left you as a dilapidated fur post, it wasn’t the English that kept you as serfs tied to your seigneuries, it wasn’t the English that brainwashed you from the pews of your churches as superstitious thralls to stay away from schools, books and anything that had a whiff of “heresy”. YOU COCKSUCKERS DID IT TO YOURSELVES.

If any of you had a shred of honour, you should be going from house to house in Outremont, l’ile Bizard, Quebec City and exterminating anyone even remotely related to the Papineaus, Peladeaus, Bourassas, Duplessis, Bouchards, Vaniers, to name just a few of your REAL masters.

*and Indians. Fuck.

> he doesnt know that kikes and shitskins robbed us
pic very much related

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>if it wasn’t for the lodestone of Quebec around our throat, Canada would have made Rhodesia and South Africa seem like a multicultural paradise

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I'll repeat it.
When you make this thread again, use the right flag.

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This is a compelling argument but Quebec is far more white than the rest of Canada per capita.

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He's just some deracinated anglo jealous of our cultural unity.

*rubbing hands*

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Are you saying that the French has been fucking you spineless cowards since inception? And here you are talking about testosterone. Are you seeing a pattern now?

Meanwhile, Quebec is 87% white, protectors of culture and language, have a history of nazi and antisemitism, just voted a right wing government and we're still bleeding you fucking cucks dry out of money. Pay your taxes and send more while we flood your shitty provinces with pajeets and chinks. Faggot.

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Ps I agreed with you until you mentioned uncle Duplessis
He literally did nothing wrong other than putting whamen in the kitchen and sell our retards/future commies to the APA
He was openly against kikes in Quebec
And there were no jews in Canada until you guys came in, perhaps sabotage. Now my fault if you gave powers to your proud slaves.

Not really. 1 in 3 Quebecers live in Montreal and that demographic weight will only increase as time goes forward. Montreal and the Greater Montreal area are projected to be majority Arab/Chinese by 2036. The rest of Quebec is a desolate wasteland that relies on gibs from Montreal to keep them on the BS till its time to pave the roads again come summer time.

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>have a history of nazi and antisemitism
and Marxist-Leninism. Quite the trifecta.

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Yeah but if it goes bad people in montreal will starve, the bs in gaspesie will hunt and farm
Who cares what you think beyond that

c'est ca le nouveau drapeau du Québec
>desmares coat of arms

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you should listen to based radio station 'Radio Courtoisie'. they have archives on their website and lots of great stuff on youtube

Thats why I say Quebec master race
We could survive in the worst conditions, poverty included, and do ok
Squareheads deported the acadians and they ate crocodile from there.
The little bread mentality has some up sides

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Poutine, strip bars and HeeHaw-tier French do not a culture make

> all the guys that weren't seen as total shits were sent to southern colonies as to live
>Australia is a penal colony
I'm not even anglo but that's really fucking stupid user

Yes, exactly. We were Bilbo holding the sword over your heads and you were Gollum squirming in the mud. Our greatest mistake was to not follow through with the Durham report and either deport you all to France or forcefully assimilate you like it was done in the Scottish Highlands. Britain’s moral fortitude had already degenerated by then and the bankers had seized control of the Empire. Long term prosperity was sacrificed for short term economic gain.

Don't comment on these threads if you aren't going to put any effort in

Vivre le québec libre!!!! L'oppression anglais est fini!

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15 minutes long for low attention
+ it has this little bread mentality feel to it so you get a glimpse of how the pleb is like here

>talkin some dumb bullshit
what a shock

>Britain’s moral fortitude
Brother killers from the conception till the end of time.

Only if you fags stop mailing ricin to America.

>ideology based entirely on larping as a voyageur and circlejerking about anglos being big bullies

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I work in Montreal for the $$$ but I would never live there, there's shit on the streets, all new housing projects are way too expansive shitty condo style towers (only upside is the pool on the rooftop in the summer), way too many blacks/asians/sandniggers, the commute from and to the city isn't that bad.

I see no reason an intelligent person would move to Montreal

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I mean, that's basically every city in this country. (except for the ones in NB, don't tell anyone about NB)

I thought the Crown was a separate entity than the Queen.

More so an OCP like company that owns the government.

Attached: ocphq.jpg (1280x684, 295K)

it's real, just not in use for whatever reason

Attached: Quebec.png (16x11, 278)

fucking wrong lol
Atlantic Canada is 95% white

Just about nobody in Quebec uses the leaf flag.

The only places that do are post offices, town halls(hotels of the ville kind), and lodging(hotels of the place to sleep kind).

Attached: quebec_pepe.png (792x772, 170K)

>burger larping as FRENCH leaf
lmao why though

Martinique flag


I was surprised how little Jow Forums cared about the elections yesterday, especially with the libs getting curbstomped.
It IS just provincial but how many western leaders have gotten in on 'fewer immigrants'?
I don't imagine it's more than a handful

Name one thing of meaning that Canada contributed to the world. Pro-tip, you can't.

I suppose you don't like my politically incorrect Russian flag then.

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You can't really dog on your own country for being literal nobodies and at the same time claim the Quebecois are somebodies.

idk if thats what id call an upgrade but then youre a frenchman

Yeah, you obviously have not been there.


hahaha what a faggot with his Tolkien references. You won the war and got cucked by the losers. It doesn't get any more weak than that. The entire anglosphere is infected with a severe case of Stockholm syndrome.

Pathological altruism.



There were a few threads yesterday but the quality was pretty shit. All opened with bait titles like

so it was filled with a lot of clueless burgers both congratulating and condemning us over something they never even googled