Look goyim, mossad is here to (((protect))) you from the big bad Iranian boogeyman

Today (((France))) raided a progressive Shia Muslim community center that was aligned with Hezbollah and allies against Zionist/wahhabi terrorism worldwide. The (((authorities))) accused the suspects of being linked to Iran and of plotting to bomb an actual exiled Iranian terrorist group in France (MEK) that is ISIS tier and that the west supports.





>The activities of Centre Zahra France are under particularly close watch given its leaders' clear support for several terrorist organizations and movements espousing ideas contrary to (((French republican values))).

Meanwhile wahhabi salafists who ram innocent people with trucks and support ISIS/Israel/al-Nusra/al-Qaeda are free to roam the streets and their community centers are left untouched. Really makes you think.

Seems as though (((France))) got butthurt after Iran launched missiles at France's ISIS terrorist buddies in Syria yesterday to avenge the terrorist attack on the parade in Iran.







Attached: France Mossad Iran.png (629x718, 613K)

Attached: Iran missiles parade 2.png (920x880, 820K)

Fuck Israel

Attached: France Mossad playground.png (1019x756, 720K)

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Attached: Macron Jew.jpg (550x550, 35K)


Attached: France Zahra Centre doormat.jpg (300x480, 57K)

bump good thread

Attached: 113Lies.png (849x243, 36K)

Makes no sense why Iran would try to bomb France when they are the ones who are giving money and working against US sanctions.

Mossad are masters of false flags attack, see 9/11.

>thwarted by mossad
More like Mossad called off a false flag and then claimed that they thwarted it.

That's what I was saying.

I know, I was agreeing with you.

Israel did the exact same thing in Argentina in the 1990s. Mossad bombed a Jewish community centre and their own embassy to frame Iran/Hezbollah because Argentina was preparing to deliver nuclear technology to Iran.

Attached: Israeli Mossad motto.jpg (550x356, 42K)

Why didn't they stop the ricin letters

The only good thing about this is that normalfags can't tell sand niggers apart so they'll just see further associate sandniggers with terror.

jesus you shitskin lovers are cringey. how about instead of talking shit about israel you actually do something. and no i dont mean use your own family as human shields while you blind fire rockets into israel. fucking shitskins make me sick.

why would argentina give that tech to shitskins? argentina has a larger white population and its generally considered immoral to share western tech with shitskins as they are animals

>i dont mean use your own family as human shields while you blind fire rockets into israel.
Stay mad kike.

>why would argentina give that tech to shitskins?
I'm just stating facts Moshe. Not my fault if you don't want to accept reality.

Attached: Jew anger.png (427x500, 464K)

Spotted the kike. Fuck off faggot

Friendly reminder.

Attached: israel supported terrorism in iran.jpg (891x725, 156K)

Why can't France ever decide which middle eastern savages they are going to side with? I thought they were on Iran's side because of muh cheap oil.

Reminds me of how the Iranian Revolutionary Guard was allegedly plotting to bomb some Florida restaurant or some shit when the kikes were beating the drums of wars to invade Iran. They really ran out of creativity lately.

And all the pieces come together.