Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
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Well they kind of are of the same hobbit race.
Are you going to prohibit black people from procreating next?
A literal midget kike xD
Me in front. Im the short one.
They aren't hurting anyone
Why would you care?
>Why is this allowed?
Eugenics is not popular anymore.
We need real life halflings.
Orcs, aka [[[blacks]]] shouldn't reproduce.
looks like midgets have a diversity problem
because we need a race of dwarvs to we can make lord of the rings real.
>your son is guaranteed to be a megamanlet
i prefer gnomes over jews anyday
>tfw midgets have accomplished more than I
All these goblinas remind me of jeb’s wife
at what age do you think they realized their parents genetically fucked them?
Warwick Davis isn’t a joke he was in good movies, so he can fuck whoever he wants and get bitches knocked up because he is a movie star unlike most of the sad neckbeard incels who are jealous of him for plowing that 7.5/10 dwarf woman.
>Midgets getting with other midgets
I don't see the issue here, at least they aren't spreading their genes into the common genepool but rather finding similar midgets.
If this goes on long enough maybe we'll go full Tolkien and have races of Dwarves or Hobbits forming societies.
OP is once again, and always, a huge faggot
I would kill my parents if they did this to me.
Pretty sure dwarfism isnt hereditary you fucking morons.
>Why is this allowed?
Because Hollywood needs a future generation of midgets?
Who cares? It's all self-limiting.
>tiny proportion of the population with a genetic disease decide to only fuck among themselves
>within 2 generation they produce invalids, who can't even eat unassisted
>die out
give them socks
Evolution has branches
>Are you going to prohibit black people from procreating next?
Can we?
Where else will we get court dwarves if we don't breed them?
I bet you're one of those faggots that would take CG over practical effects.
>hatting warwick davis
If you believe in evolution, then you must believe that DNA experiments by creating a range of offspring. The offspring with the best traits for survival carry forward. I would say that little people are the future, since we seem to be in an uncontrolled population growth. Consuming less food and taking up less space is nature correcting itself for allowing us.
yes it is.
>Pretty sure dwarfism isnt hereditary you fucking morons.
What a fucking brainlet, lmao.
because you fucking mutts stopped us from fixing the humanity once for all
One on the right is pretty cute
Because Dwarf tossing needs to become an Olympic sport.
>that height difference
Level99 manlet
Hobbits are the good guys.
Niggers are Orcs, Muslims are Haradrim, Mutts are Uruk-Hai
Who is anybody to deny them freedoms?
A person with two different forms of dwarfism would be more disabled but as long as both parents have same their children are equally healthy or unhealthy.
If this continued they could literally create a new subspecies.
Pretty sure you're fucking retarded mate
Words are like bullets.
Yep, that's right. They know that Chinese Hai-Wei-Wood is gonna get the upper hand.
Very strong racials, stoneskin is good in both pvp and pve. The new dwarf race has probably the strongest racial in the game.
Hrs a horrible little PC maniac cunt too.
Tolkien's Dwarves were a lot bigger than Warwick and his family though, and in proportion.
>die out
You mean
>become another burden to the working man, along with women and wogs
When the female reporter has the same height difference the normal chinese got to the dwarfes.
Warwick Davis is a manlet among dwarves.
Cause it's fucking hilarious
You know that on small islands natural selection favours the genes for this, because tiny people need less food. It's a legit mutation.
if half a white man can have white children, you can too
Why shouldn't this be allowed?
>hasn't even heard of 2nd breakfast
dude. come on.
Fool of a Took.
I was in a midget thread on pol a while ago and there was this Australian (or American) who talked about buying land in Australia and starting a midget kingdom. As in he would be king of the midgets, the only normal-sized person in a land of little people. I thought this was a very interesting idea and if you're there bro can you expand on this. Could I join you in the midget kingdom? Pretty please?
user did you ever watch Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory?
Challenge accepted
Ez there adolf.
Wow. Such shit luck these two had then!
He's probably got a 13 inch cock
There is a clan of German Jewish midgets in South America that is immune to cancer and diabetes. FACT.
A dwarf and ginger. Not ends of his stick are shit.
they're not hurting anybody.
Midgets would be awesome if they were proportionate. I'd actually be able to watch irl macro shit.
All the real midgets just look like retards though.
That is the most adorible family ever.
Chosen People confirmed.
any midgets posting in here right now
santa needs his elves.
Why not?
Because Satan takes delight in distorting reality and turning our world upside down. That's why the bible tells us to not love this world. We should not be attached to worldly concepts like fame, wealth, and even attention.
It makes the NPCs happy.
Everyone has a right to a family. If there were government qualifications to bearing children, I gaurantee you wouldnt make the cut.
In a world of shrinking resources, they are the future. Kys you dinosaur. And make way for the new humanity.
>Why is this allowed?
So we can have another Wizard of Oz remake.
The Ovitz family. They were holcausted (literally)
Up the airy mountain,
Down the rushy glen,
We dare not go a-hunting
For fear of little men
proof that if there is a god he's an asshole
They're hurting their children.
If they had an ounce of shame, they would not have procreated.
What's wrong with being 5'11?
Let's not judge.
When will they ever learn?
first midget porn post wins
I don't see the issue, there are bigger things to concern yourself with.
Those who pay taxes care.
>Use less resources
>Live in tiny houses
>Drive tiny cars
I see nothing wrong with this new sub-species.
desu this is not a jewish thing, if retarded midgets breed with other retarded midgets it won't affect us in any way.
In a similar way we isolated the red heads in Ireland.
They brought suffering to their children, and did so knowingly. This should be a crime, akin to knowingly not aborting a child with down syndrome.
you'd change your mind if you got a blowjob from a midget. it's like committing an atrocious sexual crime on a child, but it's also completely okay for some reason
>Let's not judge.
especially since you don't believe in judges
The Tin Drum is a good movie about Nazis and midgets
Is the woman on the right photoshopped?
reality is photoshopped