When moses announced he is leaving Egypt pharaoh gave him the permission to do so
but in the last moment he changed his mind and told his army to chase moses and other jews
because he found out that moses had stole the capstone of the great pyramid
great pyramid was some sort of a nuclear plant and the capstone was what powering it
ancient egyptians used this nuclear plant to make gold and do other insanely powerful things
thats what they call the great work in alchemy
and the reason why egypt took over the world
moses took a sarcophagus from egyptian tombs and put that capstone in it
jews now call this The Ark of Covenant
this was the device that helped moses split the waters of nile
and help jews escape egypt
jews had no power prior to this event
but after that they became powerful
and started to take over the world
they made gold using the ark of the covenant
Joshua 4:18
Joshua 4:23
jews took the ark of the covenant to the temple of solomon in israel
and they started worshipping it
now the funny thing
theres a mosque built exactly on top of the temple of solomon
its called dome of the rock
muhammad said to have ascended from that exact spot to heavens to meet allah
and told muslims to face dome of the rock while praying
when moses came down from the mountain
he said god gave him two tablets of testimony
christian art pictures this as two conjoined tomb stone like tablets
but in hebrew the word doesnt mean slabs but sapphire and it was shaped hexagonal
that thing was the pyramid capstone
moses stole this generator like crystal or sapphire which was put inside the ark of the covenant later and used to split the waters of nile
this is why there is always wars going on in middle east
powers that be fight over this object which is the pyramid capstone
thats what you see on the dollar
that pyramids capstone is parted from the body of pyramid with the providence eye in it

Attached: Sminem Green Candle Meditation.png (839x853, 598K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Jews were never slaves in Egypt.
Torah is bullshit.
OP is a fag.


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shut it down

Attached: sminem.exeeee.jpg (1000x581, 42K)


>Expulsion not Exodus

Attached: religionsdidn'tbuildthis.png (640x421, 765K)

hyksos (jews) came back and took over egypt with the power of the ark of covenant aka the great pyramids capstone. the mountain that moses came down from was the great pyramid. you just confirmed what i said.

there was no mention of slaves. you are glowing in the dark.

30% truth the rest is lies as always.
Yes you're right about alchemy and the pyramid capstone being used for alchemy. No No mosses didn't steal it
No The Ark wasn't made out of it.
The capstone is contrary to the corner stone(Christ) which is why the enemy uses it.
The capstone is Sirius the doG star.

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Days Turned Into Decades. The Hebrews spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness before they finally did take the Promised Land. While they were in the desert, God gave them miraculuous provision: manna from heaven for food, and water from a rock.

Distance from Egypt to Israel is 612 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 380 miles. The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Egypt and Israel is 612 km= 380 miles. If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Egypt to Israel, It takes 0.68 hours to arrive.

Does this mean Ra and the Pharaohs were good all along?

not the cap stone. the cap stone would be far too big to move. inside the pyramid there is some kind of socket which supposedly fits the arcs dimensions perfectly and the pyramids sure as hell are encoding advanced knowledge but im not too sold on this theory. also shilling my thread real quick since it fits into the ancient knowledge stuff

>jews had no power prior to this event
>but after that they became powerful
>and started to take over the world
>they made gold using the ark of the covenant
also this is wrong. the actual israelites are whites and the legend of fair skinned white people comming along and spreading knowledge are all around the world. do not mistake the israelites of the bible with those that claim to be jews today. they are phoenecians which themselves i believe are just descendents of canaanits (niggers) that mixed with enough to get white skin and and above 100 iq to do the sheming behind closed doors instead of like niggers in the open. canaanites are also part of what made up the amalek, the biggest enemies of the israelites which the kikes then likely are. the amalek are claiming to be israelite and claim the israelites are the amalek (the nazis for example are deemed by some kikes to be amalek)

yeah they worship the sun

the capstone works by the power of the sun. thats right. this is also why egyptians had different sun gods:

Amon = sun at dawn

RA = sun at noon

Set = literally setting sun

thats also where the word sunset comes from.

sun is life tho

ya...that never happened.
Archaeological digs show clearly that the people building the pyramids were buried with great respect. Analysis of their bones showed they were well nourished...they even ate beef...a meal usually reserved for the very wealthy.

so the old testicle is a story for is the new testicle.

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>Archaeological digs show clearly that the people building the pyramids were buried with great respect.
how can you say that. im pretty sure they didnt find any bodies in any of the pyramids. at least in the egyptian ones

sun is evil

Correct, it was a sect of monotheists that got kicked out in a coup.

that's what you're talking about OP. there's
a reason why this is in movies.

>: o

>the giver of life is evil

I thought about the whole concept of the Demiurge... The sun powers our planet and flesh... If our bodies are actually bad then it would make sense... BUT humans are neutral and programmable just like a computer. The reason why the kikes do what they do with Religion, Media, and Schools... is to program us into not aligning our perception with reality

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no but like the concept of life is the feeling you get from the sun

knowledge = data, raw information
understanding = defining that data
wisdom = applying that knowledge to action

alchemy is not the mixing of earthly stones and minerals but the transmutation of the inner body through sexual practices like retaining semen . this is why jews push porn on the goyim for free. to crave into sexual urges is to succumb to lower animal instincts

we will soon live under the tyranny of an oppressive jew order. Israel will be destroyed and america will become Babylon, the last refuge of the Jews.

There the goyim will be rounded up and put into FEMA camps and eventually slaughtered by the military, whom is mostly made up of nonwhites. those who resist will fight and die in the ensuing civil war but the Jews will remain safe, those at the top at least. they are not all Jewish but a mix of races and bloodlines now.

i can see it clearly. the nukes will fly and the world will burn but america will survive WW3, only to be slaughtered from the inside.

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the great happening is nearly upon us. when someone like kissinger says this he means it and knows it, because this is all going according to plan

too late to stop it

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and without the sun the truckdriver wouldnt even be there to make that pic

that was in 2012. so sometime before 2022 WW3 will happen.

you are alive because of the black sun not the white sun. you came from beneath. the garden of eden beneath the mount meru. where death and diseases dont exist. aurora borealis. the black sun emits green light.

I read somewhere that Freemasons believed the arc of the covenant was kept behind the keystone. Unless I imagined it

This. J*daism is all stolen history.

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