This man just roundhouse-kicked a peaceful protestor in public

This man just roundhouse-kicked a peaceful protestor in public.

Attached: attacker.jpg (810x500, 55K)

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I know where that is and pass by often, wonder if I could get them to throw a kick at me, i'm itching for a fight

If she had been in the kitchen where she belongs, this would not have happened

If we allow abortion only for women who get raped, women who want an abortion will make false accusations.

fucking BASED

no archive. stage

Fucking liberals. With the media on their backs they can do whatever the fuck they want apparently.

I feel sorry for you Americans. Even when just peacefully using your free speech you get attacked. Antifa, commies, sjws and all of those people are big babies who can't handle a different opinion than their Marxist indoctrination.

RIP America.

He's screwed now that it's on Jow Forums. They got his face clearly too, no super autism even needed like with Clanton


that fag is shitting bricks, i love it

SJW triggered by based user cyber security engineer lol

These people always have extremely punchable faces.

how about not using google

We used to put people like this in institution, give them massive dose of medication and put em in padded rooms. Now we teach our children that this kind of bahavior is normal.

A satanic unstable faggot, attacking a woman.

2nd chimp out your welcome

>literally talks and acts like a 10 year old boy
>out of the blue he just kicks a woman
I want to snap this faggots twiggy little arms

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>I meant to kick your phone
So he just wanted to destroy her property, not assault her. So much better.

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the fuck is this normie faggotry? In Russia, she would've got knocked the fuck out

that pansy ass nervous "I meant to kick your phone!" as if that negates the fact that she got physically assaulted.

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I like how the numale thinks kicking a phone is still somehow legal and OK

simple battery, call the cops, get him arrested.


Holy shit I live around here, beside that October (convenience store) there's a game store I used to go to pretty frequently. I\ll do some digging and see if I can see who this is. This is near high park / keele station in Toronto for any anons wondering.

Nice pentagram necklace the kick guy has. Made me think.

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It's okay, she'll have the last laugh when he inevitably dies of AIDS.

What's wrong with his mouth?

If she wants to be an American citizen I’ll take her in

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>this man
>roundhouse kick

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you guys should fuck

tell me Jow Forums, why does he wear the star

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sounds like an assault charge to me. the tolerant left, everyone.

>"I meant to kick your phone"
Faggots like that are the worst.

>obviously do something
>I-I didn't mean to!

Disgusting betamale defending women who would never touch him so they can murder their children after they've fucked Chad

someone reupload this so we can make fun comments on youtube

Wearing Satanic medallion.. These people are Satanists and are also extremely booty blasted because they've probably been responsible for an abortion and people say that it's wrong or what have you hurts their fee fee's.

Trying to use rape victims as a shield against their own crimes. These people are monsters.

I think his body is so filled with poz that he needs to vent some by hanging his tongue out, like a dog when overheating.

Damn, didn't even notice that post. Let's get this guy fellow leaf

meant for as well

oooOOOOooo... Jow Forums has a mission.

Find this prick.

Fucking upload it on kike tube and have comments niglord

>That collective gasp and cry of every woman in the area
Imagine actively going out to a protest like this, with all your strength and virtue only to become the exact thing you hate the most. This is wonderful.

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Ugh the Police around here are such lazy fucks, they literally give zero fucks and let deranged antifa roam free and assault people.
Please someone execute these faggots.

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It's either laziness or that those police support Antifa so they will turn a blind eye but will confront anyone who retaliates against Antifa

god what a whiny ass bitch
he a good boy npc, he din do nuffin

post more clips, i want to get into this shit. seen a couple /tv/ threads

A lot of police have their toes in Mason Lodges.

checked. This is the correct answer.

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>police support Antifa

I doubt it, I'm pretty sure 99% of police men are right wing, they have to be from dealing with the fringes of society every single day.

140. Performance of abortions in a hospital or lying-in home, except in circumstances, when continuation of the pregnancy represents a threat to the life or threatens serious damage to the health of the pregnant woman, or likewise in the presence of hereditary transmission of serious illnesses from the parents, --

incurs for the doctor performing the abortion imprisonment for a term of one to two years.

Performance of abortions outside hospitals or lying-in homes shall, in all cases, incur for the doctor performing the abortion the same punishment.

Performance of abortions in unsanitary conditions, or by persons not having special medical training, --

imprisonment for a term not less than three years. [10 May 1937 (SU No. 6, article 40)]

140-a. Compelling a woman to have an abortion--

imprisonment for a term up to two years. [10 May 1937 (SU No. 6, article 40)]

140-b. Having an abortion, except in circumstances where it is allowed by law, shall incur for the pregnant woman herself on the first occasion --

public censure, and, on a repeated violation, a fine up to three hundred rubles. [10 May 1937 (SU No. 6, article 40)]

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I meant to kick your phone!

>skinny onions boy with a hodgepodge of dumb identifiers and cheap bobbles spews an incredibly redundant argument and THINKS HE JUST HAS THE ABILITY TO ROUNDHOUSE KICK AN OBJECT FROM SOMEONE'S HAND LIKE A FUCKING 80'S MOVIE

kek where the fuck do these retarded leftists come from? They're like children. reminds me of this gem:

bumpin for sauce

>muh pro life
based and redpilled, he did nothing wrong

Ah, Jewish Neuroticism. Nothing else quite like it.

Body is literally made up of 100% pozzed basedmilk

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That this faggot in uggs wasn't immediately beaten to death is a testament to the fact that this country is irredeemably lost

>I meant too...
He needs to learn about violence

>>someone call the cops!!!

Just shows you how hopelessly deluded statist conservative (Normie's) are. you fucking retarded whore thot, the police will come and arrest you for disturbing a precious leftist.

They are still arresting our guys from Charlottesville.

Russia pls nuke this entire continent.

you have 2 hands and a knife (assumably)

It is for him idiot. He is a precious leftist. Do you think it's illegal for a leftist to bash in conservative skulls with a bike lock? Serious question?

Yeah. No one takes matters into their own hands anymore.

It's a Church of Satan pentagram.

Abortion is a right, you can't prove me wrong

>people will respond to this seriously

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Sounds like you are an idiot. Were you one of the retards insisting the bike lock professor was going to do serious time?

Seeing faggots like this makes me want to get Jow Forums so I don't look like them


She couldve taken him

I want to start throwing bricks at scum like that

holy kek, dis niggas going to jail

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>I meant to commit a crime against you when I accidentally committed another crime against you

He looks like one of them non-binaries. Does he identify as a woman?

Hook tube is YouTube. attach. /etcetc at end

What he doesn't get is that kicking her phone out of hand is still assault. It's like he's operating on some 4th grade playground rules.

Wtf is that shit you raging faggot?

Find him
hurt him
t.muay thai bro

>we need to protect womens rights
>*roundhouse kicks a woman*

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How much time in jail do you think sir precious leftist will get for this 'assault' idiot?

looks like this was filmed in canada

Basically this.

Not a glownigger, but just like with Clanton, the (((law))) wont do shit so you’ve gotta take matters into you’re own hands with this type of scum

It is not right, but it can prevent worse evils, but it has a great cost

And he is the feminist, and he is the one the left and the feminists will protect. This happened in Canada before when some leftist man hit a rebel female journalist. (He got off Scott free of course!

Doing gods work

Its assault and destruction of property.
If the phone was damaged he could face another felony charge

insisting, no. hoping, yes. it's not okay to assault people for having different opinions. I hope some day you get to experience the intolerance you defend and you realize you're not a good person at all.


Seeing a woman going against the status quo short-circuited his Jewish wiring from whatever University he attended.

These are the people who will decide the future of our country. Wish there was a right-wing candidate running who would call these zoi fucks out? There is, but the media is colluding with politicians to censor and deplatform her:

Canada is fucked but in a way more subtle way where no one is going to do anything about it but watch it slowly happen.

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fucking idiot boomer a phone is not property

Was at work. From the video it looks like there were no men around so the faggot spent the entire day harassing young women.

I experience intolerance all my life you imbecile. I am a white Christian male, so your wish is true already.

Yeah, that line pushed him from faggot to turbofaggot



Toronto... hm. too bad, I've been wanting to do some detective work.

nailed it. The jewish neurotic tick is almost a universal trait.

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This guy looks like he has the muscle tone of candlewax. Since he's a leftist the police will probably do jack shit to arrest him. I'm surprised he did any dam

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Then give me your phone faggot

>we need to protect womens rights
>*roundhouse kicks a woman*
He unironically brought the respecting wahmen meme to life. Meme magic strikes again.

Attached: respectwahmen.png (500x538, 133K)

Whoa. Thats pretty cool.

probably some edgy retard