What ideals will best counteract the constant brainwashing of the mass media?
What are the Higher Ideals every man should aspire to?
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RWDS of course
Phyiscal Fitness
Physical fitness
Self reliance
Everything else is subjective
Care for fellow human beings
>Care for fellow White human beings
Superficial discrimination won't advance the human race and society as a whole. Being an extraordinarily shitty person can transcend race. Anyone that willingly and knowingly does harm to other human beings impede overall advancement of humans as a society and a species, and should be resolved, first with reformation, then antagonism when reformation fails.
How about discrimination based on statistical evidence and and scientific analysis?
go back to your T_D generals, faggot
>What are the Higher Ideals every man should aspire to
curly hair is for queers Ann
Do you know what board this is?
I'm talking discrimination against the statistics, in that, the people causing and creating the statistics. Which Include and aren't limited to, white people.
that's a cool picture
do you know you’re mentally a child?
Hate to tell you cucks but we are being brainwashed by mass media RIGHT NOW
>inb4 I fill out yet another captcha
You really are an idiot. Statics are gathered from police reports and convictions that have all the backing of the judicial system and eye witness testimonies. A vast majority of these are provided by Black people since they are the primary victim of black crime and live in high crime neighborhoods. By denying the reality of statistics you're denying the lived experience of Minority victims of crime
No one is mentioning, so here it goes.
Practice w i l l p o w e r.
Intellect and wisdom is genetics. Strength too. Willpower is however open for all and through it, you can achieve your best in others.
Greatest example of monumental willpower in modern history was Hitler.
I feel I am being misinterpreted here. I'm talking about discriminating against people that commit crimes which harm other human beings in some shape or form. They could be black, white or whatever race. If you knowingly hurt someone else, reform. But to sift between lesser heinous acts (oh, he called me a nigger and hurt my feelings) from more serious acts (broke my house's windows and wrote nigger on the side of my house in shit), we teach and encourage self-confidence and bolster self-esteem, so that people can defend themselves and work to improve themselves when they find themselves lacking. Those that attempt to bring others down instead of building yourself up, are incapable of contributing to society. We must compete, and help each other grow.
You can argue that mental fortitude can be considered health. Same principle. Having and maintaining the drive to challenge and overcome adversaries to reach your goal.
T. Known Boss
Nice one
Irrelevant kiddo
stealing is wrong
Your whole country is stolen leaf
You're a pretty cool guy.
Fight entropy until your dying breath. Bring order to chaos.
Did you actually buy in to that word salad? It's nonsense
Justice by your own hands
Have fun fighting the entirety of the second law of thermodynamics lmao
I thought I made myself clear: kill the niggers, spics, chinks and white trash that knowing terrorize and harm people, if they're unwilling to reform. If there's anything wrong with what I said, let me know.
Well at least we can agree on something
unfortunately we live in a society where the average lemming has no desire to aspire to anything other than mere survival and basic debauchery. anyone to lead a society based on higher ideals would only result in a glorified LARP of individuals who "believe" in these things to get the food and shelter and would trade it up immediately for the next ideology which promises them better food and shelter. sort of a sad realization to come to.
not sure what the solution is honestly other than to start with good genetic stock and refine it from there going forward. Japanese and Germans were probably the best possible baseline for this but even then they are far from perfect.
No porn
shun thots
Natty lifting
Harsh natural living
>npc does not compute
Skepticism obviously
...that is to say - it's possible but it's not going to happen overnight or even the span of one single century
I must've been using too many words. I suppose that's what I get for attempting eloquence on someone that invalidates arguments and opinions because of "a fucking leaf". But hey, I might get better at it. Would you agree to killing white people if the people you're killing sexually, physically and emotionally abused their children? Which in effect, will play a major role in the children growing up to believe their life is nothing but misery and so they'll spread their misery to other people?
Actually redpilled, It's not about race and statistics. It's about anyone contributing towards said statistics. Good people should look out for each other regardless of origin.
You are cringepilled. Just because most in a group fall under a statistic does not mean outliers don't exist. Good people and bad people can be found under any nationality or race. Nobody is saying that certain groups don't commit more crime as a whole. Faggot.
But niggers are devolving humanity with their degeneracy and they’ll set us back 100 years so wouldn’t getting rid of (stopping their rise to power) help us advance more than trying to work with them like what we’ve been doing for years now?
I think you're right the sad truth is NPC revel in their destruction. They have no desire to better themselves or contribute to the betterment of the humanity.
The best you can do is create laws which follow a high moral code in order to better society.
Actually trying to instill moral beliefs in a populace by force is near impossible, as such morals are only truly 'believed' when an individual finds them to be true. At most you can get others simply following the social norm, which could be positive, but the beliefs won't really be true to many individuals. Though perhaps over time, a social norm could potentially develop into genuine beliefs in people, though worldly temptations make this unlikely.
When attempting to remedy critical global issues you can't base your solution on the exceptions to the rule. You're pathetically naive.
Here's huge shocker: People suck at helping others when they only want to look after their own needs. In their case, people use helping others as a means to an end, or "I kinda have to help/be nice to you or life's gonna get REALLY hard". If we can understand their problems, the help and support we can give would be more effective. The problem with the black community, sadly, is something only they can solve (if they want to keep their dignity).
Also surprising, every single black people currently in existence aren't actively trying to ruin the human race. They're their own victims, and they don't realize that they're the only people that have to nut up and smack sense back into their degenerate. Or they risk getting fixed by an external force and be eternally cucked for the rest of human history. I suppose all we can do is give them insight. Now that I think about it, it's kinda like psychotherapy lmao
Your outliers have the benefit of being accumulated to a western mode of thought. Take a look at their behavior in their home country and your "outliers" are practically nonexistent.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women
But just because a majority of a group causes trouble, doesn't mean you punish the people that aren't causing problems. Just because outliers are rare, doesn't mean you can't disregard them. You punish the outliers of evil/bad and protect the the outlier to good to select for that behavior.
Also, people are retarded and the state of modern society kinda sucks. Wow. And while we're stating the obvious, night is dark!
as a third party - I read your replies and you're an idiot that needs to go back to reddt
Study the SS....
Do enlighten me with your insurmountable wisdom. What must my feeble mind embrace to get even remotely close to being a someone as great as yourself?
Why should the majority of whites suffer for the minority of Black outliers? Let them go back to their ancestral homeland where they belong.
*immerse* yourself in a purer informational stream...
I listen to herodotus, strabo, tacitus, etc all day... Jesus' words, the bhagavad gita... in short anything produced by healthy indo-european societies of old. anything old.
The effects are incredible.. such a breath of fresh air.
your idea that anything in society must be 100% absolute in order to take decisive action. for example - it doesn't matter that 98% of nigs are shit because the 2% is decent so we can't do anything about the other 98%, that's idiotic. society doesn't revolve around your individualistic cherry picking process.
Just don't be a cunt really.
Exactly this. They fail to understand that in the real world there are no perfect solutions.
Post redpills
Well that's easy, user.
Please respond to this Deus Vault. Seems like you backed your self into a illogical position.
Because it doesn't address the issues at large: the black population is filled with a metric fuckton of lazy and/or malignant shitheads that cause trouble for innocent people. You're ignoring the problem, not solving it.
And speaking of unrealistic cherypicking, 98% is a number that just so happens to work for your argument and is improbable in real life, whodathunkathat? But playing along with the example, 98% of nigs are shit, but 60% get processed and punished. 38% are free, because the system can only do so much, and let's say it accounts for the influx of new shitters. I noted that I believed in reformation, then punishment in the event that reformation fails. In the event that all 60% fail to reform, I say axe them. No, you can't reform 98% of niggers if they're all shit and are unwilling to change their ways. But if you can reform enough that the 2% increases, the next generation will show that 98% falling. Reforming an entire population can't be done in one night. But we can set the foundation for it to fix itself over time.
What's the point in spending so much time and resources looking after niggers like a fucking baby-sitter.
Just kick non-whites out of our communities and use that time and money to focus on reforming the much smaller proportion of social degenerates amongst our own people.
Let black people sort their own shit out, in the US you've been doing it for the past half a century with trillions and trillions given in welfare to nogs and they've only gotten worse LMAO.
Dumb niggerlover
Not reform, relocate.
>WE WUZ.jpg
holy fuck this tho
We WUz meme was ridiculous because it was a complete falsehood by American blacks trying to recapture their history. Mediterranean are actually descendants of Greeks and Romans so i don't see the problem. I'm not Mediterranean so it doesn't matter to me either way, but it seems like a merchant tactic to try to discourage people for celebrating their history.
The guy in the picture is a notorious school shooter.
Just like a leaf to apologies.
Easy answer user. Consider a life where everything is hard and people are desperate. Consider who you are in that life. Realize you dont currently live that life.
Men are never measured in convenient times. Men are measured during times of adversity. Live your life planning for the latter and hope it never comes.
smashing some traps tight bp
the divine aesthetic
Honest work, awareness of history, thirst for knowledge, desire for a wholesome relationship with which to build a family, appreciation and stewardship of nature and the outdoors, a drive to see the best of humanity persist into the future. Overcoming worldly vices and always pushing humanity past all limitations.
They can change their ways. If they choose to, I see no reason to deny them the means to do so. You do raise a point, trying to reform EVERYONE is infeasible, since not everyone would want to change. All we can do is have them realize that changes in the community have to be made.
Also American welfare is a fucking mess. In US, people getting food stamps have three month to get a job or lose food stamps. Based on the kind of jobs available and the skill set of the recipient, people do lose their benefit. In those cases, the odds were stacked against them. How can they get educated to acquire skills to do work? They can barely even pay for their own food, how can they afford an education? Some people want to become contributing members to society but are shafted by the system because it doesn't work to make contributing members of society. Which brings me to my previous point:
>People suck at helping others when they're only want to look after their own needs
America's keeping them afloat, and not actually trying to integrating them into society. Which is why they're disgruntled, act out, fight each other, rob each other, form gangs for protection from each other, sell drugs for easy money, kill innocent people caught in the crossfire, and poison families, which in effect, fuel their own numbers. In the end, it's the only life they ever know because they were never given the chance in the first place. They're wasting money because they don't know how to use the money to help people, or choose not to.
>Larp a hoax alien invasion.
>kill Couple billion people.
>tell the rest to git gud or else humanity ends.
Chad Nationalism
Thinking about girl is low moral only for niggers and kikes
based and gympilled
Find Stoicism.
But nowadays, gang mentality and such developed so much today, that I can't really propose a solution for that, as fixing welfare wouldn't chance much, since at this point, you're trying to topple organizations. But enough about that. If niggers refuse to help themselves, let them rot.
Many women are subverted but the dream is to find one that isn't to be the patriarch of a large successful family one day.
A legacy without heirs leads only to depression. A man's prime fades, someone must be ready to carry the torch and inherit the wisdom once passed to you.
I'll just leave this on your desk OP