What are you reading, pol? I got ahead of myself on Amazon and bought a big stack of books for winter. I've been taking advantage of the nice weather to go outside and catch up. So, post your stacks, rate, and recommend

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Other urls found in this thread:

>buying books from amazon
good goy

>too poor to afford books
boo hoo get a job

this is what i'm working through rn
subtle art of not giving a fuck was an alright read

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>Ayn Rand


What is the contradiction between the two?


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>don't read the evil books. stay far away from the bad books

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I've read Rand; her stories are alright tho she is horrible at writing men.
I would've been interested in a Milo book like 5 years ago but now meh.

Almost done with my first read of The Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Ethics
Planning on pic related afterwards. God tier author

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Hop on Pop has really opened up my eyes. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a fresh perspective on Trotsky's role in the Bolshevik revolution

I'm reading How to Read a Book

>savitri devi

is she sane? i heard she was a wacko

Are these mostly from Frogtwitter? Got the one where his gf is in the background?

Patrician af

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In The Buddha's Words: An Anthology of Discourses from the Pali Canon.

not sane at all, but i love it. she makes similar critiques of modernity to what you'd expect from an evola or guenon but is also very sentimental and literally thought hitler was the kalki avatar.
>tfw no hindu nazi vegan gf

Not bad, although surely you can find something more worthwhile to read than Milo.

Damn, that's an impressive collection.

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These are the most recent books I've read

1. Lost Horizon by James Hilton
2. Death of the Wehrmacht by Robert M. Citino
3. The Second World War by Anthony Beevor
4. Cosmos by Carl Sagan
5. The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins
6. War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

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The Turner Diaries

those are some pretty gay-sounding books you got there

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intro to existentialism

nasuea by jean paul sarte

dialectal analysis


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>Harvard Classics-Elizabethan Drama
>My Struggle Volume 3 (Karl Ove Knausgaard)
>Man and His Symbols (Jung)


Any good? Does it help?

alt right out of 10. My books? The creature from Jeykyll island g edward griffin, the hidden hand ralph epperson. Controlling the human mind, technologies for political control or peak performance, nick begich. Change your Brain, Joe Dispenza. Natural cures they dont want you to know about, Kevin trudeau #freetrudeau.

Anyone here read anything from a point of view that they oppose and seen benefit in it? All I've read on politics is stuff like Roger Scruton, Russel Kirk, Richard Weaver, Carl Schmitt etc.

Also, does anyone have any recommendations of libertarian political theory?

>that mid 20s doomer who’s into perennial philosophy

Oh god it's the retard that buys books from Jews again.


You could use more Russian lit (and to reach age 20)

Just had Stan Gordon's Silent Invasion arrive today. I'd ordered it from a goodwill store and opened it up to find that it's a signed copy. The autograph is signed to some random person's initials, but it's still neat to end up with the author's sig.

Still working my way through JFK and the Reagan Revolution: A Secret History of American Prosperity, about economic policy and shit. Really only worth it for interesting JFK anecdotes.

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What a strange book!

Don't go with the obvious Rand. Try out The Moon is a Harsh Mistress if you like sci-fi, presents it as much more likeable.

Generally can't go wrong with Dostoevsky he never strawmans his villains

The first 50 pages of that are a game changer. You will never see the world the same way again. It's obvious, it retrospect. Easily the biggest of all red pills. Why the JQ matters, why it doesn't, and just what TFK have done to our people.

Can you at least use a new picture?

recent purchase for $5.50

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No, but Evola was nuts too. They still have pearls of wisdom that are in the sea of madness.

is there a pdf floating around?

I haven't read a physical book since photoshop 101 10 years ago, and I just bought Dune. Will I have a hard time understanding it?

Just buy the book. E. Michael Jones is based as fuck and /ourguy/. He deserves the money.

Bronze Age Mindset was pretty good


Occultists aren't nuts. They are right. You're just blind to the metaphysical.

>atlas shrugged

holy fucking shit what a giant faggot

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It is absolutely essential to read opposition in any topic

He’s right, nigga. Try betterworldbooks. Free worldwide shipping.

nope, I am entirely sure people with opposite views have those views because of wrong premises they believe to be right (like race egalitarianism)

Evola seems nuts unless you've read Ride the Tiger IMO. It unifies the rest of his work into a practical, real-world applicable philosophy. People strawman him as some kind of old-world pagan monarchist larper but RTT shows that he had a pretty good idea that things probably aren't ever going back to the way they were.

Jesus fucking Christ. You're getting Jew cucked reading (((Ayn Rand))) For real, are you some kind of retarded lolbertarian? Or are you just still 14? While you're at it who don't you just go ahead and embrace (((Ben Shapiro))) as your new hero.

(((Ayn Rand))) (((Mises))) (((Milton Friddman))) lolbertarian ideas are just as retarded, desillusional and utopian as (((Karl Marx)))

I hope to God reading Rand doesn't turn you into a Jew cucked lolbertarian running around screaming up about "Muh taxation is theft" "muh non-aggression-principle" while your race is getting replaced by the Cultural Marxists and genocidal Jews

>Also, does anyone have any recommendations of libertarian political theory?

Michael Heumer
Murray Rothbard
David Friedman
Hans Herman Hoppe
Frederic Bastiat

critical theory / frankfurt school has some good bits, especially "culture industry"
postmodern theory is pretty zyklonpilled too imo (foucault,lyotard & derrida at least)
marcuse's "repressive tolerance" idea
lolbert stuff
hayek law,legislation,liberty if you can stand dryness
robert nozick anarchy, state utopia


Currently reading Dean Radin's "The Conscious Universe, The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomenon. Great read.

>ayn rand
>reading jewish subsversion

Ethics of Liberty by (((Murray Rothbard))):

>parents have the right to put a child out for adoption or sell the rights to the child in a voluntary contract in what Rothbard suggests will be a "flourishing free market in children"

Daily reminder that libertarianism is a jewish invention, on par with post-modernism, frankfurt school and neoliberalism.

Buy the book, broke boy.

But he more or less was. Ride the Tiger was him just admitting his spergy desires to go back to a Pre-Vedic Era society was LARPing. It's the best book desu.

Classic science fiction. HG Wells is kinda bad, but War of the World’s is actually a banger. Dune is good, book 2 sucks, book 3 is pretty good.
20k leagues is a banger
Roadside Picnic is great
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress is awesome.
The Ninefox Gambit is just fucking weird and arty for arts sake.
Some of Asimov’s work is really good, but some kinda sucks.
Hyperion 1,2,3 good, 4 sucks.

Why do you have to keep posting your gay ass stack on here and /lit/?



$280 on Amazon. Fuck that. Sounds interesting though.

To get recommendations for my next amazon haul. Shut up and fuck off, loser brainlet boy

>too stupid to make deals
good goy. money is a burden, not a tool.

Why would you read that poplit garbage?

Read this, faggot.

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I have that in leather hardcover buy I recall my mom reading it a while ago so I figured it was shit

I illegally download 5 books on library genesis for every 1 that I buy in physical format. For more highbrow and challenging material, I prefer hard copies. Fite me

Oh yeah, I read Neuromancer by William Gibson the other week. Great stuff, but also terrifying where we've some so close to such madness being real. I also read his novel, Spook Country, a few months back, but it is nowhere near as interesting either in terms of ideas presented or in the prose and composition itself. Highly recommend Neuromancer, not so much for Spook Country.

Shit formatting ( copy). It's long as fuck (600 pages), wish the book was cheaper.

Everyone here should read The Moral Animal

>i heard she was a wacko
Wow I wonder why?
>that Ted Kaczynski he was just such a wacko guy don't listen to anything he has to say
>hey goys Evola was nuts too, but he had SOME nuggets, fractions of truth but he's a wacko so don't take it seriously
>don't even think about reading Siege it's CIA psyops

It's good. One of my favourite books. This exact quote from it has stuck with me my entire life.

>He spoke sincerely. Every day he worked hard in the court trying to decide which of two untrue accounts was the less untrue, trying to dispense justice fearlessly, to protect the weak against the less weak, the incoherent against the plausible, surrounded by lies and flattery. That morning he had convicted a railway clerk of overcharging pilgrims for their tickets, and a Pathan of attempted rape. He expected no gratitude, no recognition for this, and both clerk and Pathan might appeal, bribe their witnesses more effectually in the interval, and get their sentences reversed. It was his duty. But he did expect sympathy from his own people, and except from newcomers he obtained it. He did think he ought not to be worried about "Bridge Parties" when the day's work was over and he wanted to play tennis with his equals or rest his legs upon a long chair.

>He spoke sincerely, but she could have wished with less gusto. How Ronny revelled in the drawbacks of his situation! How he did rub it in that he was not in India to behave pleasantly, and derived positive satisfaction therefrom! He reminded her of his public-schooldays. The traces of young-man humanitarianism had sloughed off, and he talked like an intelligent and embittered boy. His words without his voice might have impressed her, but when she heard the self-satisfied lilt of them, when she saw the mouth moving so complacently and competently beneath the little red nose, she felt, quite illogically, that this was not the last word on India. One touch of regret— not the canny substitute but the true regret from the heart— would have made him a different man, and the British Empire a different institution.


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What's wrong with penguin?

I never said don't read it, faggot. I just said they were nuts. If you want to roll back society to 20,000 years ago around the time of the Upanishads then Evola and Devi are your kind of writers.

>buying books from the joker press

Lol wtf do you want a vegan for?

>Try betterworldbooks. Free worldwide shipping.

Didn't know that site. At first sight I thought "Fucking great".
Then I started looking for books on my "to buy" list.
Searched four or five titles and not a single one of them was cheaper there than on bookdepository. Shit like 5€ more on a 15€ book.
This of course speaking about new books, on used books I might find something worthwhile.

Thus Spake Zarathustra is my absolute favorite book.

>I illegally download 5 books on library genesis for every 1 that I buy in physical format.
My personal ratio is at around 500 downloaded to 1 bought.
I just hoard books and never read them, would be a waste of money.

very good shit leaf, take his example kids

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shows high capacity for compassion, so vegan gf could easily become loving vegan mom
male vegans get the rope

Nothing he says is nuts you fucking idiot. You wanna read nuts go through James Holmes' notebook.
I'm going to quote directly from Technological Slavery. The quote is in reference to Kaczynski but it applies in this context to Evola.
deliberate act of mindlessness was typically "justified" in three ways — none
of which are rational. These tactics need to be firmly buried, so that a real
inquiry can proceed.


The third common tactic was to raise a series of red herrings — to
discuss everything about the man except his "crazy" ideas. His arguments
no doubt pose a threat to the system, and thus many people, especially
those in positions of power, are very anxious to repudiate Kaczynski and his
ideas — preferably, in such a way as to avoid actually addressing them. The
arguments are not easily defeated, especially by simple-minded politicians,
jealous or jaded intellectuals, or apologists for big business, so they tend to
mount superficial or trivial attacks. They will talk about his mental state, his
upbringing, the legal circus — anything to distract the public f rom substantive
inquiry. In this way, Kaczynski's dangerous ideas are safely hidden out of
sight. Virtually every mass media discussion of either Kaczynski or IS AIF

oh I get it


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>Tolkien Beowulf


Tolkien was literally a linguist and professor of Old English. He translated Beowulf.

Tolkien dedicated his entire life to the study of the English language.

i wasn't even trying to make a pun its just that some people buy only penguin volumes which are terrible quality and often have weird choice of translation for classics

was ok. don't know why Jow Forums recommends it so much

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OK, then how the hell are you going to create the ultra traditionalist society that Evola advocated when we literally can't even rollback shit like fag marriage? I agree with Evola but the whole point of Ride the Tiger was him admitting it was futile to try at this point.

why that quote? just the moral ambiquity of the court or the smugness of the man?

This is pretty good.

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>Understanding a previous state of affairs was better than the current state of affairs is W A C K O don't pay attention goy
Your argument boiled down.

Does anyone have advice for reading more? For some reason I've always been really bad at sitting still and just reading. I think it's because I was raised on the electric jew.

Nice stack. I really like Easwaran's copy of the gita. I have three guesses for the unidentifiable green book: Gadaffi's book, the Emerald Tablet, or Doctrines of Fascism.

Try this one. It's a serious eye-opener on the chinks.

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