Emma...just stop...please.
Emma Watson - White People Have Oppressed Blacks For Far too Long
That fake smile on Emma.
Reminder that Emma Watson let a fat old Jew fuck her in the ass multiple times for shekels.
She seemed awfully happy to talk to Emma about race, why would I read a book that lies before I even opened the cover?
for playing the intelligent wizard in a movie she really has no skills whatsoever in her acquirement of real life sense/wisdom(real world magic)
She looks like she's atleast in her mid thirties and is starting to resemble a saggy potato. Bong genes are strong in this one.
Niggerlover going get blacked against her motherfucking niggerloving will.
I used to have so many photos of her, but I deleted most of them for space
Fucking based. This is your problem Jow Forums. You refuse to engage with people with different political opinions in person. You just shill halfassed memes on the internet all day
>interviewing with someone about something that the title of her book states she will never do