THIS is what happens when you have an evil criminal thug in the White House that kicks out all the brave trans men and...

THIS is what happens when you have an evil criminal thug in the White House that kicks out all the brave trans men and women, marginalizes gays, bans immigrants, and let’s rapists go unpunished.

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You wanna hotdog?

Peace time standing army is illegal under the constitution

>that kicks out all the brave trans men and women
Good man.
Next step:
Prohibit them working jobs with or in the proximity of children.

Maybe its time to make women register for the draft.

Wow lets fight for a nation that fucks men over left and right, escheats property to the state, and takes no less than a third of your paycheck to pay for women and minorities YAY!

Could it be that people are finally getting red pilled and realize the US military is only to defend Sholom in Tel Aviv's best interests?

What the fuck has the government done for me?

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>join the army and be a slave to uncle sam while your people are replaced

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Or it's because mutts don't want to die for Israel?

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>bad goys aren’t signing up to die for Yidsreal

It's eating leftists alive that Trump is achieving the levels of prosperity that he is. They'd rather their children starve to be able to say that Trump failed. What a sad bunch.

>Americans are too fat and unhealthy
>even our high schoolers

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But not the strong economy which the article mentions?



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Transforming men in to faggots and drags, demonizing competition, winning and sports.

Fuck the military. I went into a recruitment center with a great ASVAB score. They would not even speak with me. Didn't look at the score. Didn't look at my work history, or my level of education. I was in good shape, and not too old. I think I was... around 26. Got ran out of their office by some stupid nigger. Not in the mood to sign up for years of shit, and risking my life to some shit that thinks they don't need any new recruits. Fuck em.

No. A draft is what happens.

I had an ASVAB score that basically translates to "pick your job, faggot" and they didnt take me because I was already 24. Not surprised. But I also have a degree so they wouldve had to make me an NCO or a 2lt pretty fast.

They ruined their reputation by focusing on diversity, lowering standards, and catering to women.

But they will never, ever blame the failure on that.

The biggest threat to the founding values and principles of this nation are not some random goat fuckers blowing each other up in a desert across the world that 90% of Americans probably couldn't locate on a map.

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(((They))) want nigger cattle, not someone who can think for themselves

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a.) straight white hetero male that has avg or better IQ has ZERO incentive to join the Army.
b.) obesity (as noted)
c.) political culling of officer and NCO corp means second and third gen sons won't go
d.) trannies and chicks in combat is a big no-go.

I really think this guy is out of touch. My friend was short and tubby as fuck, got accepted into the marines (he did boyscouts so that's all I could think of). Now he is built and tall and is doing well.

I mean and that's the marines. The us army is literally front line infantry fodder. They will take anyone they can get, and the unhealthy ones do the drone shooting and paperwork.

People aren't joining because getting 25k to put your life in danger and get yelled at and ordered at for your entire life. How does that sound like a good deal?

Or maybe it's because the armed forces have been super fagged up and its not worth joining anymore?

"Die for Israel goyim" must not be a good selling point.

literally this. we have upwards of 20 million invaders living in our country right now and the govt hasn't done shit other than to tacitly encourage it. I can't wait for the day when whites stop paying taxes and refuse to serve full stop.

We are at war with commie traitors. You have my permission Army.

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>Strong economy
Lots of places are hiring and paying above what the army will.
>Demand for military
Based on the premise that other nations are supposed to up their military spending, the hope is that there should be less global need for the US military, reducing the need for soldiers.
>Righteous cause
With no real purpose to fight for, there's no illusion of patriotism inciting people to sign up. Hard to sign up for something when you're liable to go off and try and protect some sandniggers from other sandniggers. Fuck warfaring in the ME wasteland to protect those underhanded rats in Israel

>Peace time
Heheh, don't you know we can never have peace as long as Iran exists? Now bump up those recruitment numbers, we're gonna need some more warm bodies over here!

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Paid food,clothes,housing and medical....Not all specialties involve high risk like infantry/armor.

>economy is so good no one is desperate enough to sign up to die for Israel
Oy vey

lmao at this guy insisting that it's because people are playing too many videogames, certainly has nothing to do with the younger generation waking up to the bullshit after Iraq and Afghanistan. Even that monkey Joe brought up that point.

Probably more likely to die in a non-combat role these days. If only because you'll be around more niggers.

get back to work nigger

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oh no now it will be more difficult to fight wars for israel!

I would've joined the Marines desu if Obama hadn't started letting roasties serve combat roles.

If there's not even any honor in it there's no reason for good men to do it.

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