>Jow Forums claims diversity is bad >Jow Forums itself is a place where different races and nationalities talk and banter with each other >it's precisely Jow Forums's diversity which makes the board enjoyable and interesting
I don't have to breathe the same air as you disgusting mutts, so its the good kind of diversity.
Connor Murphy
>queens ny is all of Jow Forums retard be thy name.
Carter Sanders
just because we congregate on a forum to express opinions doesnt mean we're in bed with each other. well for the most part anyway
Benjamin James
Because Jow Forums doesnt fucking care what race you are. Everyone is an equal amount of faggot here, thats the difference between Jow Forums and everywhere else.
Angel Reed
>posting on an anonymous message board = living with them
Jow Forums claims FORCED diversity is bad. I don't mind if other races exist, I just don't want them making decisions for my people, nor do I want to be forced to live/work/coexist with them if not my personal decision. Jow Forums is definitely a place where diverse peoples share bantz and get along BECAUSE we're not being forced to do so. And, there are no shortage who will tell you you're a worthless shitskin just because...well...that's what you may be. But we can still appreciate the fact that we're all here by choice and we don't have to fucking look at each other or be in the same room physically, which makes integration that much more tolerable. Jow Forums's diversity does make it enjoyable and interesting because it's pure fucking chaos, and that's what suits me and many of us.
There you go.
Brandon Perez
now imagine living under a government whose rules were determined by Jow Forums trial by fire is great for ideas in a bubble, but the thing leftists forget about society is that it's not just your experimental playground where you can make endless mistakes fine tuning your theory, the rest of us have to pay the cost - the human cost.
It's actually worth noting, by the way, that racial-outgroup hospitality is an ethno-homogeneous privilege. People are the kindest and most welcoming when they know they're safe and have the backing of their in-group.
Jow Forums is comfy because Jow Forums is safe, and you'd get a warmer welcome at literally the most destitute mudhut village in Africa than you would knocking on doors in Chicago for the same reason.
Noah Gray
>all from our own individual countries >the one thing we near universally seem to agree on if that we DON'T WANT to all live together