Is there a single argument against homosexual incest?

Is there a single argument against homosexual incest?

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Rationally? No.

Does that make it OK? Of course not.
The vast majority of humanity will say it's bad. Thus it is bad. End of story.

I know, it's exciting to be in college and take Logic 101.

Type "sage" into Options field

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>Literally no arguments
Nice try though.

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Rationally speaking, there are a lot of arguments against it. It's not at all rational to expect a relationship between two brothers or sisters to end well.
Of course there's no objective proof, but rationality and objectivity aren't mutually inclusive.


Think I’m gonna puke

>The vast majority of humanity will say it's bad. Thus it is bad.

This literally gave me a headache and I hope you're trolling.

If you don't support transgenders, panssexuals, drag queens, gender fluid, gender 2xQRT, gays, lesbians, trisexuals, afrosexuals and xirl then let history books know you are literally Hitler.

Muhammad doesn’t allow it that should be enough reason for you Ahmed

There it is

Heterosexual incest is the purest form of love. Any variation of homosexuality is sodomy.

Homosexuality is a grievous sin.

>b-b-b-but muh birth defects
Contraceptives have vastly improved and are easily available in this day and age.

Once you break every taboo, why should we continue to follow any cultural codes?
Why should we follow any legal codes?
These codes bound us together as a group.
Dispense of these codes and weaken the group.

Thank you lord for these blessed quads.

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This. Also most importantly pre natal testing and abortion.

Jesus will spare no unrepentant fags


1. I'm not the one participating in it.

That's about it...

Yeah, it's fucking gay. Heterosexual incest on the other hand, well, you got me there.

Daily reminder step-porn is GOAT.

Fuck off, you retarded cunt.

>there are a lot of arguments against it
Yet can’t list a single one
>muh rational

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nope, fuck your sister all you want, just post a vid

god bless

Get out of here with that fake shit.

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A rational person would never have an intimate relationship with a sibling because it's repulsive. A bind with a sibling and a bond with a lover are very different from each other in all circumstances, since people grow up with and live with their siblings for the entirety of their childhoods, which leaves very different impressions than falling in love within their adult lives.
Something is very wrong when you're legitimately considering an incestial relationship with a close family member.

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>It's repulsive because.... I think it's repulsive
Yeah that's not how it works you virgin.

That isn't what I said, Achmed.

It pretty much is what you said though and the logic of your argument is from the standpoint of an adult that’s never been in love (sexually) with a family member
Two siblings growing up are not going to know a difference between sibling bonding and sexual attraction or I should say know the distinction between the two regarding them
They’ll start with physical exploration than then becomes experimenting. They’ll only stop when they begin to figure out society shuns such activities

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Would you care to prove any of what you just said

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It's gay

>why ban homosexual incest?
It's fucking double gay, why else?

>Is there a single argument against homosexual incest?
No. Jow Forums is a board of sexual freedom.

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do you have a single argument for it? if you say "because it feels good" i know youre a troll lol.

t.incel who has never felt anything but loneliness and despair

>The vast majority of humanity will say it's bad. Thus it is bad.
NPC detected.

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People grow up around childhood friends who they go on to date, marry and fuck as well. Is that wrong too?

But user, that's, like, double the taboo!

There's no reason to believe any relationship between any two humans will end well.
