You did get the big snip, right Jow Forums?

you did get the big snip, right Jow Forums?

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I lost my testicles in a car accident :(

If you've had a vasectomy, you might as well just get castrated. Literally a fucking cunt worshipper.

Don't know of a single guy that did this.
Maybe some did and are too ashamed to talk about it, for good reason.

why would you want to spend your hard earned bills on little money vampires when you could spend it on yourself?

I loled
Also, I've thought about getting it.

do you ever wake up and one of your balls is missing this happened to me the other day but it came back

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I got snipped when my son turned 12

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it just went back up in the hole dont worry

You're basically turning into a female with a oversized clit.

Looks like there's such a thing as common ground after all

you thought about getting into a car accident?

I have testicle cancer and I now have no respect for any boy who gets his nuts clipped. Fuck these pieces of shit maybe they shouldnt be breading anyway

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actually i just got mine removed, my boyfriends wife let me play skyrim on her exhusband's son's switch
so glad i wont be having any kids of my own

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When that happens stand up and jump. The force should knock your balls back in place

why did you lol I wasnt joking

Dude, if you ever feel like you've been kicked in the balls and it doesn't go away, GO TO THE HOSPITAL IMMEDIATELY! And don't eat anything!
Testicular torsion is dangerous as fuck, also, if you ate anything, they'll have to cut open your ballsack open while you're awake with local anesthesia and staple your balls to the walls of your ballsack.

I did. I've already got a great son (my son, you fuck nuggets) and I didn't plan on having more. Also this way I can fuck sluts on the side and not worry about knocking one up.

That's like being a snake with no venom. Fuck off, OP. We must secure a future for the white race.

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Checked that one sir

>Common ground
Youre both socialist commies get fucked nazi nigger you subversive memeflagged kike.

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i did, but then my +10 engineering sperm pulled an Army Corps of Engineers and reinforced everything.
I can now spear things with my +15 dick of terror which shoots loads of LCACs.
you should have seen the look on my wife's face when the convoy came out and planted a flag on her belly button.

So pic related is where pee is stored.

These should be mandatory for whites.

looks too primitive, add a nut switch and we are making a deal

you understand that you still shoot cum, correct? its the sperms that dont make it out.


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I believe that’s a medical condition
Also it means you have a much higher chance of testicular cancer so check if they ever double in size
t. One ball cancer survivor

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Why are there only two?

>men doing this current year

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Part of my orgasm occurs right where you are trying to cut.

>That's like being a snake with no venom.

Quite the metaphor PRbro

>Yes, goyim, please neuter yourselves.

Nope, have 3 kids.

did you not read what i said?
i got snipped.
they fucken un-snipped it and conquered my wifes pussy like the god damned Tripoli.
as a bonus, i got a terminator dick of +15 stabbing.

holy shit that sucks user

Yes I have 2 racecars I finance myself. No cash for maggots

Got snipped after my kids. Got divorced at 48 and can bang freely with no baby worries

I have my 2 white children , then got snipped.
Its NOT CASTRATION you idiots. They snip and glue shut the vas duct the allows live sperm into the ejaculate. A miniscule amount of fluid.
ALTHOUGH it fucking hurt really bad.
The novocaine gets injected directly into each one of your testicle with a fucking harpoon. Seriously. Imagine how that feels. TWICE..

I know that feel lad

nice kek

I had a friend who did this and his wife was cheating on him for 8 years with multiple men anyway lmao

A roadside gypsy stole my vas deferens.

35 year old boomer here. Got snipped in 2014. No kids. Ask me stuff

>inb4 tricked by jews
No I just hate kids, and know I would be a shit dad. Plus I'm stupid and degenerate, so I'm practicing eugenics on a personal level. You're welcome

And no, it didn't hurt. The first 2 days after suck, but they give you pills so it's more uncomfortable but not painful. So long as you have 3 or 4 days to loaf you'll be fine. Got a desk job? Take Friday off and get it Thursday or Friday morning and you'll be fine for work on Monday

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The government pays for it here. I got clipped back in June. The only difference in operation being that he leaves the testicular side of the cut open. That allows the boys to at least go for a swim in your nutsack before being reabsorbed.

The best part is jerking off in a jar and handing it to an uncomfortable looking immigrant woman.

3 children and wife almost died on the last one.

I got gutted.

They opened my sack, took my balls out, shoved my dick inside out and gave me a set of roasties.

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Fuck no I still have to impregnate half of Africa.

>The novocaine gets injected directly into each one of your testicle with a fucking harpoon. Seriously. Imagine how that feels. TWICE..

Not true - or rather, not what happened to me. I got a needle in the taint that felt like a cat scratch for about 2 seconds. Then I felt nothing down to my knees for 3 hours. I could walk but like and old man. The next day was worse than the procedure for me. You urologist must be a retard

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Could they hook the tube to something else (theoretically)?
Like could they put a little pouch in my nutsack that has an outter funnel I could use to fill with whatever?
Imagine cumming orange Gatorade or something.

Hell no, I am going to keep pumping until my wife pops out one with downs.

Skunk stole my dad’s anus


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Got snipped after 3rd kid. That was about 15 years ago. Best body mod ever. Been riding the old lady bareback ever since.

Sorry, that genuinely sucks

Nope, and I made many white babies from it, offsetting the fact that every liberal family on my block just has a fucking dog and no kids.

Feels good to have brought 6 new lives into this world while the leftists basically let themselves die out.

A guy I knew in college lost one to cancer and had to get hormone treatments to compensate.

Meanwhile, back in high school I had a scare, but it was negative. Had to get surgury on one for some kinda fluid buildup. I did think about transitioning. Not to female, but some kinda gender neutral. I wasn't dating anyone and kinda depressed. This was back in the late 90s. I still think about being gender neutral. Actual surgury is too much money and effort tho.


You fuckers are idiots. Everyone knows if you don’t want a kid you just give her a facial. Don’t snip your nuts you fucking inbreds. Jesus. How stupid are you?

I'm tempted to. They're reversible and if not they can just collect the sperm from my balls.

I know two guys who did it and they said they felt like shit after... like their hormones got fucked up

You talk like a retard. Stop being such a faggot tryhard and you will be better understood.

i exist because my dad reversed his

Cost me 1200 dollars...and my job at the time covered up to 1500 a year free. So it cost me literally nothing. And I never ever have to worry about knocking some bitch up ever again. I'm in my 30s bro, ALL the women in my dating range are either baby-crazy for being in their mid 20s or super baby crazy in their mid 30s desperate for a hail mary pass on life.

I never tell the women I date. My medical history is not their business. I do tell them that I don't want kids. So they can't say I lied. When they try to pull that shit test where she pretends to be late for her period, I can just laugh it off and tell them they are just stressed out. They can't threaten me with a kid. Ever. And if they do I have the documentation to prove IT AINT ME

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>felt like shit after... like their hormones got fucked up
they turned gay and got pozzed?

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this is worse than race mixing, my dad and HS friend did it after kids, so fucking dumb.

The only way I'd get one is after I've had a kid or 2, and even then I wouldn't like the idea.

Quite the d u b s.

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reminder this shit is literally spammed by bitter faggots on every mens forum on the internet.
Dont fall for it.

Had four kids first. Two with blond hair/blue eyes the other two with red hair/green eyes. Stopped before I had too many to financially and emotionally support.

My dad got two. First one failed and that's how I have a sister.

Get a load of this fucking eunuch.


Naw, turns out I masturbated so many times it developed a callous and my doctor said he couldn't cut through it.

Fuck of tranny

yes, after producing a brood of children. I can't afford more childrens so snippity.

nope i'm saving my people its not natural to cut your self up for no good reason. god wouldn't want it.

leaf. probably for the best.

if this isn't pure jewish propaganda, i don't know what is

I had scar tissue from previous injuries to my nuts, when the doc pulled on the vas, it was attached to my abdomen on the inside. It was painful as FUCK and the anesthesia wore off before they were done because it took so long. 1/10 would not do again. Sex without condoms rocks though.

I went the eunich route and tied string around my genitals and slowly tightened them until they fell off.

Yes exactly. It's amazn. Just have your kids first. Seriously, if you're criticizing this guys, how many kids do you have? I have 3, I don't plan on endlessly producing shithead kids, 3 is enough to take over your life completely.

It’s called a hydrocele user. I had one too. Shit was crazy. My nuts were so huge.

>My daughters

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Sorry canbro

I'm holding out for when they can mount one of these in your belly button

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Yes and checked.

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Second I win the lottery, I'm freezing a bunchbif loads and then getting one.



Do it to Israel instead

The vasectomy itself doesn't hurt, but mine got infected which was the most horrible pain ever.

My urologist looked exactly like pic related. Laughed the entire procedure.

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This is what the Jews want.


my condolences

Stop making my nightmares return

After I had 4 kids I got cut.

> Suddenly start to feel weird ghost pains while reading this


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