Why did Hitler and Himmler kill themselves like a pair of depressed teenage girls...

Why did Hitler and Himmler kill themselves like a pair of depressed teenage girls? Why would "the wolf" and so many among the Nazi leadership decide to die like cowards? One thing I will never respect is a man who commits suicide

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>implying hitler actually killed himself and didn't flee to South America

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I thought he went to Antarctica.

That was only a way station. Hitler is still alive, and living on the moon. THat is what they found on the apollo missions.

He cryogenicly froze himself and he's waiting until we're worthy of his divine grace to make his second coming

So that the jews couldn’t have the images of their tortured mutilated bodies to use as propaganda against modern day carriers of the fire. Of course expecting somebody that shills on 4 chan to understand this is, well having high expectations. Ask Gadafi how sticking around until the end worked for him. What was it sodomized with bayonets? It’s funny because all you will ever be is a shill on 4 chan, that’s the achievement of your life. Pathetic

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Himmler was captured before he suicided.

You are probably thinking of Goebbles.

The only witnesses to that were USSR forces. And we all know how honest the communists were and are, dont we?

suicide is actually redpilled because it's taking your fate into your own hands, it's the ultimate realization of being-toward-death

>believes the Jewish narrative of history.
Do you believe the Holocaust happened as well?

I think I figured out why the Earth being flat is being covered up so hard. (((They))) don't want you to know that deep within those ice walls there is a Nazi utopia biding its time just waiting for a chance to conquer the world.

>He cryogenicly froze himself and he's waiting until we're worthy of his divine grace to make his second coming
Are you really that retarded?

>suicide is actually redpilled because it's taking your fate into your own hands, it's the ultimate realization of being-toward-death
Why don't you KYS then, you judeo bolshevik?

everyone knows the aqua nazis are living in the ocean

>believes the Jow Forums narrative of history
this is actually more embarrassing

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Shitty pasta posted yet again, Post ' sage ' in the options field

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a huff and a puff and I'll blow your house down

Oh it's real son

Huff and puff and blow my cock you reddit nigger.

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because i have a destiny yet to be fulfilled

>>believes the Jow Forums narrative of history
You mean the truth?

>this is actually more embarrassing
Hey, nothing is more embarrassing that you believing the masturbation machines are real.

>a huff and a puff and I'll blow your house down
Is that because you're a gigantic faggot?

Not really. Atleast he’s questioned it even if he is still wrong he has a retained his identity as free thinking individual. You on the other hand can not fathom critical thinking without emotional and social influence.

>Oh it's real son
Then how come there's literally no evidence for it?

>saging a thread
>replying that you're going to sage the thread
>staying to reply a second time

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>thinks he's redpilled
>believes everything the Jews tell him

>50 infographics from 2010 are sufficient to completely reverse your perspective on history and the world
this only demonstrates how suggestible you are and how little you knew to begin with. maybe 14 year olds shouldn't come to this incel hive to learn about the world

>still saging and repling to keep bump count down and still shitposting
Im an oldfag son, ya done goofed and cosnequences will never be the same.

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Hitler didn't kill himself as far as Himmlers only choice was to suicide as he was captured. He did not give the jews the enjoyment.

>this only demonstrates how suggestible you are and how little you knew to begin with.
So these 40+ books and dozen documentary films don't qualify right?


>maybe 14 year olds shouldn't come to this incel hive to learn about the world
We should watch the History Channel and listen To Professor Goldsteinbergowitz like you did instead, right?

Looks like we have ourselves a newfag.

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I could show you a thousand books from credible academics about the holocaust and you would wave them off with your limp wrist. Of course you're probably monolingual, so you couldn't read the ones in German

>decide to die like cowards
>shooting yourself in the head is cowardly
Inexperienced moron.

yeah goebbels was pretty brave when he ordered his wife to kill his kids for him

To deny their enemies a victory

>I could show you a thousand books from credible academics
You mean people who have jobs because they are politically correct and don't think outside the Jewish box?

Pick one. The whole education system is corrupted with Judaism

>and you would wave them off with your limp wrist.
Because they're bullshit. Anyone that disagrees with the status quo is removed from academia and has their life ruined.

>Of course you're probably monolingual, so you couldn't read the ones in German
Not that there's any documentary evidence that proves the Holocaust happened, in any language mind you.

Christ, it's like you've never watched TGSNT.


>moving the goalposts
Nice IQ, niggerbrain.

>4 years of 1 hour a day lectures that only show a completely biased perspective assuming you even have any ability to properly digest information in a terribly written text book
You have to be baiting

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>yeah goebbels was pretty brave when he ordered his wife to kill his kids for him
So they should've allowed their children to be raped and tortured by the Jewish Communists eh?

There is zero proof of how or when Hitler died. You are fooling yourself if you actually believe that he commited soduku.

based and red pilled

>because i have a destiny yet to be fulfilled
well, dying because you supported judeo Bolshevism could be considered a destiny I guess.

Pick one.

The jews tool doesn’t understand the concept of mercy

>implying they went to the moon

> Gadafi
> sticking around

I see wat you did there

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>The jews tool doesn’t understand the concept of mercy
That's because the Jews and their tools have no soul.

They also think that taking a life in mercy is exactly the same as suicide due to mental illness.

Everyone here should realize that is what the Jews want to do to us all if they have the chance.

Seppuku for Hitler. Victory or death was the NatSoc code and Hitler was a true believer. Himmler was probably murdered to be honest.

hitler escaped to argentina

Gee I wonder

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Himmler was murdered by the British. He did not commit suicide.

lame and blue pilled OP.

Know what the jews did to the west and your people.

FPBP. They tested the bones the russians claimed to be of Hitler. It was a woman. Hitler survived and is buried somewhere in Argentina/Brazil.

right - most people in the thread who believe themselves to support the guy to some extent don't even know what the fuck his mindset entailed.
His ideology (half of you lot's purported one) was that life is a battle to the death between the races and the superior only deserve to (or should for the greater good) persist. If the German people by weak fighting or poor coordination or whatever, lost the war to slavs then the German people were not the superior race after all and did not deserve to continue. Hence scorching the earth. Watch the Bunker with Hopkins for the idea if you can't be bothered to read.


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They downed half a bottle of advil before freaking out and calling poison control to come save them?

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Trips of Truth

Yup, here's quote from Mein Kampf that sums it up.

>Human rights are above the rights of the state. But if a people be defeated in the struggle for its human rights this means its weight has proved too light in the scale of destiny to have the luck of being able to endure in this terrestrial word. The world is not there to be possessed by the faint hearted races.

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Checked. Everyone knows you don’t invest that much in submarine technology and not build a secret underwater city

>Hitler and Himmler kill themselves
Himmler was killed
David Irving - The Life and Death of Heinrich Himmler

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How do you all not know Hitler survived?

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