They've just had a big meeting, Corker just came out and said expect a vote around Sat.
All according to Ed Henry on Fox just now.
They've just had a big meeting, Corker just came out and said expect a vote around Sat.
All according to Ed Henry on Fox just now.
Calling it now, Heitkamp got spooked and is flipping
brett will be late stage proved of having child porn
Saturday? why? do this shit tomorrow or Thursday at the latest
Press R to Rake the Flake
This, enough Lucying the football.
I feel like I'd personally spit on his grave.
Moar mitch
>Saturday? why? do this shit tomorrow or Thursday at the latest
They have to wait for the report (prob tomorrow) and then there has to be a final floor debate or something. Procedure type shit.
Correct, there has to be a vote to proceed before the vote to confirm, which honestly should just be renamed "the actual fucking final vote for real"
Fukkin saved
Not yet, fren
Let's wait till after the vote so he doesn't pussy out
That face when he overturns all federal and state AWBs and mag restrictions.
Citizens of Commiefornia and NY will finally be able to own unmolested rifles.
I will NUT
Isn't it out already but confidential?
Nipples protruding
If you really wanna nut, just wait until we can get a guinea pig to take Trump's soon to be bumpstock ban to the courts.
If the SC rules in our favor, it will unequivocally open up loopholes in the NFA like "shoestrings being classified as MGs".
>The virgin leaf
>The chad cedar
>Isn't it out already
that's maybe why they had the meeting idk
My money is on 53-47, 54-46,55-45
55 is least likely.
Yeah. I really don't like that ban shit. We will see, so far it looks bad.
Thy would be retarded to wait until Saturday to vote. Do it as soon as the report drops and move to the next news cycle.
53-47. Bet.
Why do people need bumpstocks? Allowing loopholes in the laws is why we have communists running the country and Dems selling out the government to the Chinese.
Bet 53-47
3 Democrats in all red states, 1 already announced he will be voting 2, the other 2 are silent.
It's a step in the write direction towards overturning the hughe's amendment.
It's not a matter of need, it's a constitutional right.
I had a CA AR-15, built it myself. Being forced to bullet button that shit, it's indelible in the hippocampus
>yes I escaped cuckifornia
You are confusing constitutional rights with a loophole to get around Federal automatic weapons laws.
The ATF decides what constitutes a "machine gun", you can always take them to court arguing that their interpretation is an infringement on the 2A. Which would bring up the constitutionality of the hughe's amendment, since it's never been challenged at the SC.
Machine guns are not illegal, the hughe's amendment only closed the registry for new ones. One clear and precise ruling from the SC will open it right up.
Which is a good reason for us to cram as many right wing bros on the court as we can
Why stop there? Overturn the NFA of 1934. The only reasonable weapon bans are on chemical, nuclear, and biological weapons.
53 ~ 47
It's already been ruled constitutional.
We can weep and moan all we want, but we need to pick our fights wisely and snowball it from there.
I bet all of these with 53 being the biggest one. And what's funny it was like 3 days ago so the chances were near zero.
No matter what now, I'm going to make some cash on stupid lefties that believed that he is not going to be confirmed.
Menendez is a yes, so is Munchkin from West Virginia.
You are assuming that Flake is a no?
I know he said as much but it's Flake, you can never trust this shitface. I assume he will vote no as well, but just in case have 54 lol
hey lads what sites do you guys use to bet?
Flake was bitching about his "temperament"
Looks like the democrats are blackmailing him with something or have promised him some money or a position since he's not seeking re-election.
>already ruled constitutional
>Plessy vs Ferguson
I will bet on a position. Money can be iffy if traced. He will get some cushion job in MSM or as a lobbyist or whatever.
He is not running for reelection so this kind of perks are more important to him now.
>Flake says he'll vote yes and flips on the floor
>other 2 bitches will never vote yes ever
This is how I see it, my blackpilled ass
Don't forget about the Democrats that will vote yes.
And there are 3 of them. So worst case scenario is 50-50, in which case Pence rules in Kav's favor.
someone post the interview link!!
>Democrats voting yes
Lies and slander, I refuse to believe it. They are only saying that so they can vote no on the floor and make Mitch look like a fucking idiot.
Who are they and why should I trust them?
so he never said they have the votes but that he thinks Kavanaugh will be confirmed and he "feels the momentum". still promising but nobody said they have the votes. i'll stay pessimistic and hope to be pleasantly surprised
The most entertaining outcome would be flake cucking then red state democrats getting the vote over the line, the tears trump election level
What Democrats?
besides manchin, who are the other 2 dems?
Bureaucracy is fucking faggotry
Sen. Flake (D) on life support, press S to spit on his political legacy
Not surprising. Her career is over if she loses this year and she's already struggling. If she votes no she may as well just withdraw from the race entirely.
Heitkamp McCaskill, Tester,
Tester and McCaskill are posturing with a no vote and they may as well try it.
My bet is on McCaskill and Heitkamp to vote yes.
There's more than a few running for reelection in states trump won, can't recall off top of my head
My money is on 50 repubs, Heitkamp, Manchin. Flake votes against to spite Trump and get the last bit of attention he will receive in his soon-to-be-dead political career.
Is there atleast 50 solid repubs voting yes?
reminder to show every democrat this clip. They can blame themselves for the whole situation:
Yes. There is no way in hell they are going to jeopardize their elections over this.
And the polling shows them that they fucking will get nuked if they vote no.
And if I'm correct, if its 50/50, Pence gets to throw his hat into the ring for the tiebreaker, right?
Flake and the cucks won't vote until the FBI report is out and they can look it over. Then they have to pass cloture, which will take time itself. And there's something like a 30-hour window after that until they can do the final vote.
If you are correct and no Democrats vote for Kav, then yes, Pence decides.
But I think it will be 50 R's, 2-3 dems, maybe 4
Either way, he is in.
>tfw hard work and autism pays off
Kavanaugh will be the greatest winner and he will achieve vengeance both in this life and the next. Say goodbye to Roe v. Wade and Obergefell!
If they had child pron it'd be out. They're down to him being an ice cube thrower
Look the report is in.
I mean I guess it officially will be there tomorrow, and we may or may not see it, depending on what they decide, but I would think, judging from what Trump said today that they already know what's in it and that they will all get cloture tomorrow/after tomorrow and then 30 h. Vote Froday/Saturday.
Menendez? Wtf? There's no way that Jersey sex tourist votes yes.
Resisters, time to make giganigga bucks by betting on 49 or less votes (no refunds):
No. There's 48 yes votes. The other three R's are totally up in the air.
The boomer memes. it was Cruz all along.
The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.
Menendez was in talks before, I myself was surprised and then I dug up a private poll that shows him losing the elections.
I don't know if I believe that Jersey will go R, because people had been talking about them going red for like a decade now.
I'm not sure of him, but things are not looking as rosy as I thought for him.
Officially he is leading around 9 percent...that's pretty comfy. Apparently official means jack shit.
user that's just a stupid advice.
Kavanaugh is getting confirmed.
Which means that you are going to lose your money. Also it's going down tomorrow at the latest.
So bet the other way.
I'd bet better than 30% Jow Forums polsters are congressional staff.
Buy no for 71c?
Do you math?
Instead buy shares mixed starting with 51.
Make sure you make some money no matter what but 49 or fewer will fall to 15 and then 1c . Your money, so do whatever you want but I like to make it, not lose it.
I know I did. I never bet but this is so clear cut that it's free money. You'd have to be braindead not to.
tfw my ca-legal mini-14 and 10 round mags suddenly lose half of their value. small price to pay for freedom
We really need a ruling that there is no such thing as "Anchor Babies" thus eliminating citizenship for millions of shitskins.
Is this a real photo?
Hooray, Jow Forums is online again!
This means I don't have to share my redpill folder with my family and trusted friends, as I have resolved to do (along with telling them to convert to Talmudic Judaism and get prepped for the post-bluebeam chipping and blackening) in the event Jow Forums is ever taken offline......
Sadly no, it's a shopped Dr Pepper can.
THIS. Machine guns can wait.
Obama couldn't even implement a bumpstock ban
If he could, he would have.
Trump is doing something purposely unconstitutional, but he's waiting until the court is in his favor first.
This. The fact (if true) that he is holding the vote on the weekend shows just how fucking finished he is with the dems.
And that is the real story here. Forget about Kav going 1488, the dems just burned every last hope of bipartisan cooperation, every drop of political capital they had, for the unforseeable future. It's fucking gone, it's dead. If the republicans keep control, the dems will never again achieve anything in the legislative. They are fucking history.
And it's beautiful.
God damn was trolling a libtard yesterday and forgot to kill my flag.
R-R-R-Rake it.