Michael Moore: guillotine the 1%

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>guillotine the 1%

Start with him.

but not the ones who champion lgbt rights obv


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So stale. Everybody knows it's the conservative 50% of the population we hate now not the 1% who are actually very progressive.

Oy vey

If one-percent is killed Michael "Jabbah The Hutt" Moore will be one of them.

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I have bore witness to a fat man performing self-fellatio. I want to die.

>bye bye one percent
>millionaire director kills himself

He should start by killing himself.

Well, two out of three anyway.

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Fucking anti-semite.

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Why haven't we jumped on the anti 1% train? It's not like white people are a significant part of that (((1%)))

It can be used to name the rich and highlight their (((privileged upbringings and heritage)))

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>Michael Moore has his head removed.

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It is statistically likely I will be in the 1% for wealth (not income) before age 55, I inherited no wealth, and I'm white. Literally all it takes to become "rich" is to have a 75th percentile income (possible but hard with less), save a good bit of your money, and have a one-week's-research understanding of personal finance. And probably have a high short term risk tolerance. Top 1% for wealth is about $7 million. According to a retirement calculator I just found you can expect to have nearly $5 million by 65 by making just under median household income and saving a quarter with average returns, inflation, wage growth, etc.
>understanding money is for jews
>I'm a superior white man so I don't need to assert control over my life, just complain about others



I'm down

but im protecting my spanish niggas Amancio and Carlos

Jow Forums rarely makes logical decisions or blames the correct group of people for their problems.

Not when he's spending the money on cheeseburgers as fast as he earns it

The upper 1% are Jews and Moore is one of them so i unironically support his idea.

Is he okay?

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imagine being a one percenter and calling for the death of said group. i'd call them democrats

You can’t kill off the one percent at a time when most of the regular people are degenerate leftists. The best we can hope for at this point is for a strong leader to arise that can rein in the oligarchs while cracking down on degeneracy

So is this considered a threat?
Also, no one is seeing his movie.

Nobody saw the fatty's movie because Trump is exalted by his base. GWB had nowhere near the support or enthusiasm. Plus fake news is like a 24/7 version of his movie. Why pay extra to see what is broadcast on TV constantly?

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This is true. I know a couple different old guys getting near retirement age that were janitors and other low skill workers their whole life and they are millionaires because they handled their money the right way.

>Michael Moore: guillotine the 1%
That's very anti-Semitic.

That doesn't make his statement any less true.

Take care of your daddy issues outside the public sphere, autist.

Guillotine all Jews?
wtf I love Michael Moore now!

iow, luck.

does this fatfuck not realize he is the 1%?

Flint still has lead in their water
>let's make a movie instead of paying their water bill

wtf i love michael moore now

Him first, then create him up and send him to Africa to feed the starving. win/win

My dad had a friend who essentially locked himself in his office building (it was connected to building with stores and food) till he was like 32 and just worked non-stop, rarely left. Made enough money to retire by 35 iirc. Not for me, but it proves that it really is up to how important it is to you
you're dumb or ignorant. I think ignorant, so I'd recommend you read up a bit on investing, compound interest, money management. If you like I can point you somewhere more specific


Ahhh... Marguerite

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>Everybody knows it's the conservative 50% of the population we hate now not the 1% who are actually very progressive.

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Sure kid. The point is that it's a dice game, that someone has to lose in order for your janitor buddies to win. If it is not 100% reproducible, then it is not scientifically sound.
>inb4 but they just weren't godly enough to get gibs from god
You're selling religion, kid. Well and truly debunked religion, at that.

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Well this fat faggot is one of the one percent, so at least start (and end) with him.

If Michael Moore actually guillotines himself I would pay to watch but it's probably just more of his typical BS.

The 1% is overwhelmingly Jewish.

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I think that stat is trying to claim that 43% of the 1% is Jewish, but instead it states that 43% of the Jewish community is in the 1%.
I may be interpreting that wrong, but if someone wants to double check the facts cited in the links they should let us know so we can fix that picture - or else we should stop using it.

What the fuck are you talking about? Look at average market returns over any 10 year period. If you invest broadly across all sectors and cap sizes it would be unprecedented for you to lose money. The caveat is you may hit a rough spot and need to cash out, which is doubly awful if the economy sucks in general and all your investments hit a low point. It's practically impossible to lose money if you invest with the intent of playing the long game. Seriously, I recommend you read about this
>sure kid
I'm not the one being childish and sticking my head in the sand

Easy to grasp example of how much wealth can be grown in a relatively short period without active management
Summary of tax-advantaged accounts you'd presumably use with long term investing in mind
Pretty comprehensive list and descriptions of different investment products, both high growth/risk and stable ones
Summary of different mutual fund categories (would not recommend picking your own stocks unless you know what you're doing)

This is all just a primer, you'll want to do more reading to fully understand the terms and how under what circumstances you'd do something like use a HSA or 529

Money management is much harder, there's a lot of snake oil salesman or memers online so you'll have to sift through a lot of garbage for good advice. It's mostly common sense though, the main key is keeping debt under control and having a really broad base of financial knowledge so you can use things like mortgages in an intelligent way.

can this fat faggot have a heart attack and die already?

Wow that sure looks like a call to violence, would be a shame if he gets a visit from secret service and has his twitter shut down

Sure, probably 90% kikes

You are missing the forest for the trees.
Why am I being forced to gamble and participate in usury in order to have a decent retirement? Why shouldn't you be killed for supporting this state of affairs?

Oy vey! That's very antisemitic!

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I wholeheartedly agree

>lib doesn't like the elites
>wtf I love zog now
nupol is just horrible

The irony of him saying this. Most people don't realize that Moore made huge money because he distributed his films outside the Holywood Jew channels.

It's easy to be cynical, but people are total fucking idiots with their money. For instance, they will just hand control of their money over to a random finance professional - this happens most of the time.

I have seen how easy it is to totally fuck up financially and how to win in my own family. You must have financial sense. The government is not going to invest sanely on your behalf (look at the national / state / local debts). Unless you have > $1 million in investments you cannot afford anyone good to manage your money for you. YOU must learn how to manage money if you want to not work until you die.

fpbp it's anoda shoah!

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Disgusting movie from a disgusting man

>assets appreciating is usury
are you actually retarded? It seemed I was being generous when I assumed you were ignorant. Stocks produce money either through dividends (this is essentially being given a share of the company's profits) or by the value appreciating (to put it simply, the stock is in higher demand). Bonds are the only common asset that counts as usury and bonds are shit for increasing wealth, that's just where people that want to tie up a lot of money is something stable dump it, or as a way of balancing your portfolio (like with my example of an economic slump. Bonds rarely have dramatic swings in value). I used the term interest but that was misleading. It's just an exponential function. Learn what these terms are. And guess what? The best way to do so is to read THE FUCKING LINKS I JUST POSTED

The reason da joos are on top is partially nepotism, and partly knowing how to play the game. And to be clear, the game, while rigged to benefit the powerful the most, absolutely in no way excludes the average person. I agree with criticisms of our financial system, but not with the sentiment it needs tearing down. My guess is you're bitter and resentful towards anyone significantly more successful than yourself and have convinced yourself they're just lucky because you don't like feeling shitty or having cognitive dissonance

I shouldn't have to hold your hand through all of this. I know I'm picking on you despite a lot of people feeling the same in this thread, but you're the one responding to me so whatever.

>Why am I being forced to gamble and participate in usury in order to have a decent retirement?

Buying stocks is not usury. You are taking a risk to buy a productive asset that you expect to be worth more in the future, and may pay dividends to hold. There is nothing wrong with buying an asset. Gambling in the markets is stupid.

>guillotine the 1%
>republicans think this means democrats
>when in reality it's their overlords

I just can't wait to see republicans dying in the street desu.

Don't get me started on financial professionals. They are under no obligation to look after your own best interests unless they're an actual fiduciary, and all the data shows active management is inferior to something like an index fund. And on top of literally performing worse than the average despite it being their job, they charge you fees that cut your growth substantially. Never put your money in an actively managed fund. Advice is one thing, having a broker so you have access to a wider range is one thing, but actually having them manage your money is dumb

Most leftist soibois can’t even change a tire. How would they construct a functioning guilltoine?

If he meant ((1%)) then I’ll support is diabetes self.

This. I had no idea Moore was antisemitic.


>Advice is one thing, having a broker so you have access to a wider range is one thing, but actually having them manage your money is dumb

It is interesting you write this. I had a broker for a while, but did not give him control of my $. He was expensive iirc, but listening to what he said did somewhat train my bs detector, and he occasionally said things that I agreed with (a situation I sometimes found disturbing). Anyway, you are the first person I've ever heard mention using a broker in this way - almost the way I used the guy.

>Yes, be like occupy Wallstreet, anonymous. Expecto patronum.

Brokers can give you access to investment products you don't normally. It's like a stand-in for having connections or being a living financial institution. For instance my parents got into something that was like a REIT that is getting them 12% returns that you can't just interface with directly. I don't know the details of course but the point is brokers live in that world and can DO more than you even if they might for all practical purposes not know more.

And he is exactly fucking right. The rich and corporations are the most vile disgusting things in the entirety of human existence.

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The left is coming and we will take it and spread it greedy man.


whew. the ability to aggregate billions of dollars in capital to make independent investments that don't involve central planning. It's almost like you guys like starving.

Fuck my English is terrible today. I've fucked up on practically every post so far. What I mean is that you normally are fairly limited in how you can invest, while having a financial professional as a contact can open up more obscure investments. Asset allocation that goes beyond stocks or mutual funds can get difficult really quick, so having someone else to worry about that can be nice. My parents also are managing to make money on their mortgage because of a broker's advice. Despite being able to pay it off almost immediately they still have a mortgage out and have the money they would've used to pay it invested with a higher rate of return than the mortgage's interest rate. That's actually a pretty obvious example but things like that might not occur to you but it's the job of professionals to know about all these tricks. Their shortfall is trying to game the system because it simply can't be done without luck, you just have to use the old reliable ways.

Kek whatever dude. Enjoy your fantasies because the current financial order is here to stay, save for minor adjustments like the regulations post subprime mortgage crisis. If that didn't bring it down nothing will. I'm sure that you and your buddy Michael Moore will start a revolution against people that understand fiscal responsibility though, good luck

By literally enslaving people in third world countries for wages birds couldn't live on.

Nope you can fuck off greedy boi. The left of America is here to stay.

That math must be wrong.

I have to agree with you there

I remember a bunch of protests in some southeast asian shithole, likely Vietnam or Indonesia, over the poor working conditions in a textile factory. It worked and was closed, followed by more protests. Interestingly, the protesters after were the very factory workers who were laid off, in contrast to those before who were virtue-signalling leftists in rich countries who found out about the operation.

You can't pay people in third world countries first world wages because they literally aren't worth it. A company I used to work for hired a bunch of Filipino programmers and ended up paying three times more than when it was all American. This wouldn't be viable if they made the same wage. They were literally worth about a third of what an American programmer was worth because their work was second rate and full of bugs. As a matter of fact it may have cost more because of the quality of the work.

Also corporations are fundamentally just a group of people with common interest. It doesn't have to be a specific legal or tax designation. As long as you have people organized in any way you will have corporations, be it a guild, government or the legal entities to which you refer now


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Fuck me, they employed three times more workers, they didn't pay three times more in wages.

When do you take down the banksters?

If you did, you would be guillotining a lot more than 1%.

You mean

Do you ever just look in the mirror and think to yourself, "boy, I am a greedy boi piece of shit."

Given that the unnamed 1% are actually all Jews...
Of course it would be first comment

Are you a melting pot of friendship?

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You are crazy man. The result of globalization has been to raise the 3rd world out of poverty. Don't make me have to google this shit for you, commie. The election of Trump is the rust belt saying, fuck this cheap shit, I want a job.

Let me spell this out for you, what is going to happen now is the 3rd word is going to fall backwards having lost the ability to manufacture and export profitably into our markets.

The best thing that ever happened to the average 3rd world shithole is that walmart figured out how to push its supply chains out that far. The real question is how much they learned and $ they saved. Can they keep growing?

Wtf i love michael moore now.

>making just under median household income and saving a quarter with average returns,

probably true, but less than 1% of those making median wage actually do this, because of living paycheck to paycheck, or divorce or medical expenses or kids and college expenses or getting scammed by amway herbalife etc etc

Sent this to Michael Moore and accuse him of anti-semitism. I would but I don't use twatter.

Not really. I don't intend on retiring early or doing anything extravagant with my money besides spending way too much on firearms. I intend to pass on enough to my kids that they'll be financially secure but not spoiled and find some productive use for the rest of my money. Maybe become an angel investor for startup companies I believe are socially responsible, supporting politicians I believe in, just dumping it into a thoroughly vetted charity, whatever.

Yeah saving a whole quarter is unrealistic, but that's for $5 million. You can easily retire at 65 with dramatically less, so even with the ups and downs of life or less responsible decisions it isn't difficult. Starting to save early is pretty much half the equation.

His new movie sucked so much donkey balls Cant believe he thought it would be a great hit

Have you ever looked out the window and realized that the world is a far better place than it was 100 years ago (in spite of the best efforts of commies to fuck things up). The fact the 3rd world is shitting out more babies than ever should be enough evidence of that.

No he's a angry racist jewish hambone

>Jews make up a good percentage of the 1%
>Michael Moore is literally part of the 1%
Wow, what a suicidal antisemite

Who declared himself the king of 10 year old boy ass.