WHy and how did the US become so controlled by Jews? How is there so many here?

WHy and how did the US become so controlled by Jews? How is there so many here?

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1 Jew outsmarts -
12 Irish
10 Italians
3 Brits
2 Germans

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uncontrolled immigration and the hijacking of the monetary system via the federal reserve and deference to the IMF and world bank.

the current economy functions off of currency that never existed because banks wrote loans for money that was either owned by others or that never existed.

The typical Jewish joke has a Jew who is outsmarted by a smarter Jew. The typical Irish joke has an Irishman who is outsmarted by a dumber Irishman.

>261,000 is Chicago
Sweet, I'm going to look for Khazar Milkers.

>You mean string bean ugly fucking chicks with weird krinkle doll hair who at 25 have so sad sag tits?
Enjoy living in rodgers park in your shitty old house you pretend is a manse.

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if the money never existed shouldn't the debt not exist either?

>implying I'm not just trying to fuck them so that they're roasties to their future Jewish husband

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The Samson Option

Serious answer:

America is the most enlightened and tolerant nation in the history of the world. We treat all people, regardless of social, economic, or religious value as possessing various intrinsic rights.

Sadly, the Jew uses that very same tolerance to infiltrate and destroy us from within. It’s difficult for us to simultaneously acknowledge the dignity of all humanity and also the eternal evil of the Jew.

We want to treat all people equally, even the niggers and the spics. It’s the white man’s burden for us to elevate these lesser races. We want you to join us up high, not join you down low. Unfortunately the Jew wants to destroy everyone but his own kind.

TL:DR The Jew uses our own goodness against us.

Wow that’s a big claim. And pretty racist, too. I’m not even going to consider your opinions or ‘facts’ now. You’re just an angry, pathetic loser.

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This is not the quality of banter I expect from Australians.

>There are more jewish people in states with more people

Wow i am completely shocked

Kikes upset so he posts degeneracy.

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Nepotism is an extremely powerful force over time. What it means is that jews will discriminate against non jews all the time while they very rarely suffer any discrimination. This effect would allow any such group to accumulate resources over time. Just take education as an example, when the position at ivy league colleges who hires other staff gets filled by a jew, he will start specifically hiring other jews (his in-group), from that point onwards it doesn't take very long for the tribe to control that college. This is how they came to control more than 50% of the staff at ivy league colleges. Any group acting in that way could do it, doesn't even require higher than average IQ. And then of course they start favoring jewish students, which gives the group a huge advantage claiming other good jobs. Jews are like 25% of students at ivy leagues. Filthy rats.

>smells something burning.

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Obviously you’ve only met bigots and angry losers then.

You see? Do you see? This is part of the problem. Aussies can tell the difference between banter and straight to the jaw truth, and Yanks - can't. Get off Jow Forums mate, and live a life, not this crap about "da jooos!". Really.

Thank god someone understands. All this racism and bigotry needs to stop. Trump and all his followers are just disgusting.

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Now you’re making fun of brain cancer patients. Real classy :/

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Hillary was robbed.

found the kike

>How is there so many here?
Mass exodus of millions of jews to the US during and between the world wars

Weird, huh?


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>mass increase in media and literature of the use of the term "holocaust" LEADING UP to WW2, well before Hitler took power
Weird, huh?

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>tfw NH boy
I live in the "ghetto" of manchester, and i still feel safe leaving my car unlocked.

And here's a sampling of the numerous times jews invoked the "holocaust" and "6 million", their magic Talmud number, leading up to WW2... pic related.

Also, here's a video of a guy simply reading old newspaper articles about the 6 million... PRE-WW2... that's all he's doing... it's been restricted in the US... it's probably completely unavailable if you live in Europe... what an odd thing to censor, a guy literally just reading old newspaper articles. Curious.


if blocked


If any videos are blocked in your country try one of the many youtube bypass or download sites.

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Welp, I guess we know where to deliver the nukes

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America, 1900:
>Well, I guess we can tolerate some Jews. I mean, our ancestors warned us that they're demons in human skin, but that was probably an exaggeration
America, 1945
>Wow those Germans sure went over the top. Seems kinda mean. We'll make up for it by being extra-nice to our Jews!
America, 1990
America, 2018
>Holy fucking shit those fucking Jews hypnotized us! And they've been robbing us blind and trying to exterminate us ever since they came here! Our ancestors were right, these fucking Jews are demons in human skin!

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Fuck off moron

>hitler supposedly kills literally half of all jews on the planet and takes their wealth
>more jews than ever post-WW2
>jew power is greater than ever before post-WW2
really makes me think

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>4 million+ jews arrive in the US leading up to and during WW2
>millions of jews arrive in newly formed israel immediately after WW2
really makes me think

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Fbp. But American whites MUST change if we are to be free and/or retain the North American land mass as "our nation" and one which we control.

Damn. Fucking niggers. Not only are students over-represented at the institutions which "certify" individuals for use in the world's power structures..

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Big implications for this

>crypto-Bolsheviks bring 1965 immigration act

US had no Jews up until 1900, when 3 million peasant shtetl dwellers swarmed our pristine Christian Anglo nation.
They concentrated all in NYC and quickly formed a revolutionary command center that directed Bolshevik take over in Russia and Europe.
In a span of a few years after arriving in NYC, these communists succeeded in taking control of Russia, China, Weimar Germany.

These NYC pogrom-fleeing Jews created USSR, China, and communist revolutions throughout the planet.

NYC Jews coordinated with USSR and China and pushed anti-White policies to expel Whites from Rhodesia, Africa, India, Americas, and Asia. Jews directed the purge of Whites with schemes such as "de-colonization" and "anti-apartheid" scams

jews started anti-white campaigns in the 1920s, it was officially part global communist revolution, which removed goyim in Russia, Germany, India, Africa, asia...

After they (Jews, Soviets, Chinks) removed the Whites in Africa, India, Vietnam, Asia, they then focused on anti-White policies in Europe, Canada, Australia, America, by flooding our lands with shitskins utilizing fulll-spectrum anti-White demographic replacement

We are now witnessing the stealth Bolshevik revolutions in our formerly White nations.
the reason we have beaners is because the yids/chinks have been pushing an invasion to create a 5th column against Whites. It's a continuation of 100 year global communist efforts to eradicate Europeans, which succeeded in India, Rhodesia, Africa, Asia, and is now being implemented in Europe, US, Canada, Australia...

Eisenhower was the last president to enforce White rule in US and deport all shitskins/wetbacks, the yids/commies completely control the nation ever since

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>1965 immigration act

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>Holy fucking shit those fucking Jews hypnotized us! And they've been robbing us blind and trying to exterminate us ever since they came here!


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Anyone can search these people and ctrl+F "jew" and verify. It's an open secret, the jews are partying it up with whites left to pick up the tab. If only 95% of people weren't NPCs overdosed on fluoride.

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Hench Tom Hanks.

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naivete and greed

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wtf is this bullshit?

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had no idea philly was that kiked

They tend to go where the money is, if you haven't noticed.

it all started with the English loving tea. they fucked over the chinese, made the US farm it, really fucked up the whole world. then the fags in boston spilled the tea, pissed off the british, who then tried to take our guns (paul reveres story), to which we responded by asking the french to defend us. the USA became a country, jews thought it was cool, brought over slaves for easy shekels. got rich. wars happened, slaves went away but jews already had their financial seed money. a US bank was established and jews started their jewery, even tried to sue the US government for the right to tax the feds at one point. in the 1860s they started claiming 6 million jews died here or there, while gradually getting rid of the corporate charter system so corps could last forever and have any legal purpose. lobbying was the tool, which allowed them to buy out non-jew law makers. it was planned out about the time of lincoln, and from there its all been according to the globalist script. the goal is a world govt and world currency so they can recreate the tower of babel and make god come back. i know that sounds far fetched, but what does the Jow Forums prophecy say?.. "they are trying to force gods hand"- its true, and thats the tower of babel is a sure fire way, but the people need to be united for it to work.

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Holy hell. Normalfags get innoculated against the red pill by Vice.



The type of red pill they strawman is not even the type most people think of as a red pill, which is everything CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo lie about.

>Jew outsmarts
Jews are the ultimate example of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Constantly running scams on, backstabbing and selling out people that trust you, is not outsmarting them, it's being a scumbag. They also never have an end game. They just pile up wealth while everything around their enterprises falls to ruins.They are why some areas have extensive ghettos. They are why some places have one bed, one bath homes that were built in the 40s, going for $2.5M. They think this is sustainable and that they can rule a global slum from some ivory tower. They are mistaken.

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