Post how Jow Forums fucked with you mentally or subconsciously

I'll start:

I looked through my recommended videos on youtube today and there was a video with Jorden Peterson in the title. I subconsciously read Juden Peterstein. I hope I never slip up like that in RL

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Other urls found in this thread:

>my aunt wanted to go to Ben and Jerry's ice cream and I said "more like Benstein and Jerrowitz"
>called my mom a nigger
>called my dad a LARPing faggot
>said "inb4" in real life

I made a terrible mistake coming here.

anyone else notice being way better at arguments now? years of being called a stupid faggot by autists posting Bog memes will sharpen your debate skills

Well I can comment on this, since this happened to me, but for other reasons. I had positions that I understood now and chose myself, unlike when I was a teen and followed what everyone else was saying. I even never understood the controversy around antifa, since they were rightfully bashing antifa skulls in. I unironically went from far left, to center, to far( kinda center) right- Went from Kyle, to TYT, to Alex Jones, to Lauren Southern, PJW, Sargon of Akkad, Peterson to Jow Forums, to black pidgeon speaks, to watching a vid where the word white in newsarticles was replaced with blacks and through that broke my conditioning on accepting anti white posts, without caring about it to caring and wanting to preserve whites

>constantly inject how much I hate jews whenever given the chance when hanging out with friends. Oddly I find that they agree with me
>keep finding myself talking shit about diversity to anyone who will listen
>every time I see a white guy anywhere in public I nod at him like we're bros

I'm soft spoken and articulate and don't come in hot. It's amazing what I get away with saying. It constantly blows my mind.

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My family thinks that I've been radicalized because I think the minimum wage should be gotten rid of and taking a very close look at regulations and licensing that prohibit economic freedom and growth.

I actually have managed to change my families mind about fracking after laying out its benefits and drawbacks and Russias funding of anti-fracking and publication of anti-fracking material.

Check out styxhexenhammer666

He'll grow on you. Probably one of the better political commentators on youtube. BPS is great.

literally dresses up as a tranny

And you gap to traps. quit being a hypocrite

k he a good boi

>Drunkenly "lied" about posting It's okay to be white posters everywhere in my city
>She calls me a fucking brainwashed moron
>Say lol I trolled you it was just an experiment
>Mom cried herself to sleep
Fuck this gay ass website.....

Just so you guys know I'm not memeing. Don't redpill people you care about. I'll never do this again.

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imagine being this autistic

Story time.

I honestly deserve every insult everyone throws at me here. Seriously what the fuck was I thinking?

I drink a fuck ton of rum and I bicycled my stupid ass home because my car blow it's transmission and I tried to tell my mom "IZ OK 2 B WITE XDDDDDD" and I ended up disapointing her. She's even pro white herself and she called me a fucking retard.

>two weeks ago getting shithoused, watching the negoes play football on tv
>good friend i lost touch with years ago calls to me out of the blue
>drunkenly rant about the jews, race, etc.
>just a full unshielded blast of my power level.
>he sounds uncomfortable after about 10 mins and says he's got to go
He didn't answer my call the next day.

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I called a law that I didn’t agree with “fuddlore” and sperged the fuck out

Your mom sounds wise. I like her.

Fuck, user. Please do something nice for her.

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maybe dont be a worthless degenerate drunk. you make everything look bad. don't blame it on the redpills faggot.

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Your mommy is just fucking with you.

I'm glad to hear that honestly. She seriously is an amazing human being. I fucked up big time, she had a point. What was the fucking point doing all that shit? Why sperg the fuck out and Jow Forums IRL? She's entirely right.

>It's almost like that alcohol allowed you to make a complete fool of yourself with absolutely no benefit to you

when I was describing to my friends the body of the last girl i had a one night stand with described her as "pure breeding material"

I still stand by that description though

She calls you brainwashed.
You call her brainwashed.

>"It was hard to know who was more crazy, me, or everybody else."

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I've lost a lot of friends. Most of them play magic: the gathering, watch little girl anime, and spend at least one day a week playing dungeons and dragons. I've grown up, i'm getting Jow Forums, i read daily and travel the world now.

They unironically post "trump is a nazi" shit daily and the ones who have girlfriends are somehow even more cucked. (Their girlfriends all pole-dance together and refuse to be called sexy because of it kek). One of them made a false rape accusation and i publicly said they're a filthy liar even though they weren't accusing me. Ever since then they disowned me because i thought "going to the club and going home with some guys" when you're engaged was the dumb bitch asking for it.

I accidentally tell my dog he is a "good goy" pretty regularly. Even in front of other people.

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Nice concern trolling faggot. Your mom isnt "pro white" and neither are you if you shill this bullshit

Haha ive done this before, feels kinda good. Lol

Charlie is pretty cute user

Im not sure what shape the earth is anymore

idk man. Here's a list of my moms confessed redpills
>Pedophilia = life long term in prison
>People convicted for murder should themselves be killed
>Prisoners should be put to manual labor
>Convicted violent criminals permanently lose all voting rights
>3rd world immigration is bad in virtually every way
>Want to make more money? Work better jobs
>Homeless people are homeless by choice
>Anti drug including anti weed
In some ways, she's more red than me.

Nope, and this is the last (you) I'll give you.

Black pigeon speaks and Sargon are paid to not talk about Jews. Styx is good like that user pointed out. The best thing you can do is watch the greatest story never told if it’s not blocked in your country. Celebrities are bullshit though, regardless of their political identity or if they redpill normies. I’m literally more woke than all of them, listening to them speak gives me a migraine. Unless they are just dumbing it down for their audience

based AND redpilled

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Oh good I'm not the only one

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Are you me what the fuck

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I spend all day on this fucking website and get nothing done. I hate all of you

>admitting you fucked up
>letting a woman have that kind of power over you

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Made me
>stop being a faggot
>lose 60lbs
>eat right
>gym daily
>Read Rockwell, pierce and Adolf
>have perfect jewdar
>start to learn German and Japanese
>start to learn programming
>despise the modern world
>accept christ
>move to Eastern Europe to find wife

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Dont get me wrong, great material, but with proper editing it would have been like 40m long. Its like 6hrs of WWII stock footage set to meh orchestral music.

Idk, it feels like I have a mental illness now. It feels like I'm seeing a version of reality that literally nobody else is outside of this little hurtbox, and I've become increasingly less social and happy because of it. I'm so constantly stressed about the future and social ostracization that my armpits have an unusually strong stink now. Plus, I'm a 6'1" Chad looking mf, but I'm antisocial and dejected so people are spooked by me. At least I know about the Jews though

can't watch any media with a black male/white female couple
use the phrase "commie bullshit" in casual conversation
close my eyes and dream of rope

I can now spot a jew at 300 yards; think to myself "fucking nigger" every time I see a nigger; regularly fantasize about purging all non-desirables from society; regularly intensely visualize what I will do to Jews once we get this movement off the ground.
As for negatives, the entirety of entertainment is lost to me, as there is such an incredible degree of kike propaganda being channeled through it all these days; I cannot smile any more; all my original friends have been lost; my family respects what I know but sometimes tell me to not talk about it so that they can remain blissfully unaware.
The price of truth was steep but I'm glad I paid it and mostly I just really want kike blood to spill.

>armpits have an unusually strong stink now
Buy drysol
Can't fix all your other problems but that one I know how to address

>Alright, fuck.
Sending an email today, zombied out because up browsing Jow Forums all last night. Coworker's name starts with an "r", so obviously while trying to type her name I type "Republican" instead. Five minutes later, I'm typing my coworkers name that starts with "c" and so obviously I type "Christianity" instead. Not even kidding. OP, I also unironically think of JP exclusively as "Juden Peterson". That's his fucking name now.

Meme magic is real, bros.

>Chad looking mf, but I'm antisocial and dejected so people are spooked by m
Also yeah I relate to this. I wish I was just a normal socially anxious weabo so people could just write me off as being shy or weird or whatever. I'm attractive and emotive, so people want me to like them, but I can't even smile so people constantly look down or away when I look at them. It's the weirdest thing. I have no problem with eye-contact myself, but seriously nobody can look me in the eye and it affects every part of my life.

i realized the full extent of the evil that dwells in this world, and i now seek to cleanse this world in holy light and fire, so that the sinful may burn and the pure will be cleansed of impurity

I notice all the Jewery in all media now. Its literally everywhere

she cried because you lied. you need to actually do it then tell her you did it you sick fuck.

Work at a carry out restaurant and I'm fucking sweating now because I'm very social and the crux of the friend group there so I poisoned the water at the source. We have an open kitchen and I swear to God these faggots don't fully grasp what they're saying sometimes. Note: none of them know what Jow Forums even is, this is just what they pick up from me. These guys were completely normal and milquetoaste on politics a year ago.

>Call each other "goys"
>Do the Jew voice when somebody is stingy
>They say Hail Victory while dabbing
>Laugh at orders that are $14.88
>90% voted Trump and shout down those who didn't
>Asked if I went to Charlottesville (I didn't)
>"I think I want a fashy haircut"
>"Jesus Christ, that rush had more niggers than I wanted" -said after first black customer of the day
>When somebody bitches about something: "Oy vey! It's annuddah shoah"

You're fucking retarded and should've known better.
If your mother is that much of a psycho liberal you should've at peast got a fucking job and your own place before red pilling her , so bloody stupid.

this as well, what sort of pussy faggot would take the " oh i was just joking " route , fuck that , never cuck and especially never cuck to your parents, that's something a liberal would do.

Are you me what the fuck

I used to make fun of the Jews even in middle school and it’s not til now that I actually know why. Apparently it’s because I’m a raging anti Semite

I got drunk at the bar and force fed an entire bar a whole bottle of redpills while ranting about kike propaganda in media. I called my friends date a faggoty little low T soiboi and made fun of him wearing a starwars shirt and told him that shit is for children. Then told some lesbian bitches they were Haram and should be treated accordingly.
Heard about it the next day. Guess I went jew naming in the streets and called every woman a thot.

I see degeneracy in everyone I meet.

disgusting faggot!

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Every time I see Star Wars written as SW my brain reads SJW Wars.

Somalis in Minnesota are so fucking stupid.

Walking down the hallway, 6'5 and 280 pounds with backpack, completely against the wall, I still come across an entire rifle formation of the fuckers dead center in the hall, leaving me nowhere to steer off. I don't slow down.
I hear 'what the fuck?!' from one 'girl' I just slammed, turned and spat 'Doofaarka' at her, kept moving.
She avoids eye contact with me next time I saw her.


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Styx is an ultracrepidarian

It fucked with you?
Damn, I really am crazy.

Good thing Jesus loves me.
Explains why no one else does!

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I've realized the futility of my life and trying to fix what the jews have created.

The bible is semi based and red pilled, however it has accurate predictions. The new testament is the shit though and everyone who calls themselves christian should read it.

I think the reason is more or less how they behave, you know filthy rat like behaviour. However like always, people should be judged by the content of their charackter. I know a jew who gave a homeless men a hundred dollars and his nikey socks, and told him that once the homeless black man is better off, he shold do the same to others. That man is now the chief of multiple security units and regularly holds events where multiple thousand people attend

I’ve red-pulled by parents so effectively they lament only having three white children when they were obligated to have more.

My eldest brother married a Sri Lankan woman....My dad called her a silverback on their first meeting. We don’t socialise with them now.

Your dad fucked up, Sri Lankan woman are the creme de la creme ikn terms of lookas

Based parents

Culture Of Critique covered this well. Non architect jews are forced to follow in their footsteps or be slaughtered by angry goys. French Jews that have 'gone native' and might hate their own kind are still forced to leave, knowing there's no future for them.
There is only way to end this evil once and for all, 100+ deportations weren't enough.

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I started checking doubles ( fuck the word filters) if they appeared each time I gazed into my phone for the time.
Now each time I gaze my phone there are double digits.

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You are in the right place, my user

>>called my mom a nigger
>The best thing you can do is watch the greatest story never told if it’s not blocked in your country
it is and the only thing you have to do is switching your country location in the yt settings to unblock it.
>It's amazing what I get away with saying. It constantly blows my mind.
literally talked about the JQ at work. The trick is not to go full sperg mode. I was BTFO when some coworker brought up statistics on the Jews.