White Americans were really awesome all the way through the early 2000s, they were quirky, but still they did amazing things and were generally witty and intelligent as a whole but now every white person I meet younger than 30 is absolutely retarded and does not have a clue about most things, I know some of you have noticed this, I mean let's be honest it is white people promoting the majority of the things this board hates. And if you ask young whites anything they are absolutely apathetic or entirely misinformed generally. Just face it, this generation of whites is worthless and the nation is only being propped up by older generations of whites.
White Americans were really awesome all the way through the early 2000s, they were quirky...
>it is white people promoting the majority of the things this board hates
>Just face it, this generation of whites is worthless and the nation is only being propped up by older generations of whites.
i can't explain this phenomenon. mass media? flouride? vaccines? we do seem to lack something as a generation but i don't know if it's just my imagination or not.
we're demoralized and ill-prepared to compete under globalism, that's for certain. i guess we have boomers and jews to thank for that.
No THIS is why you are failures, you're fucking pussies who dont man the fuck up and change shit that you can change. Yes you little bitch the world is hostile to you, yes little bitch you have enemies, stop being a fucking BITCH and do what your ancestors did and fight! Imagine this shit instead of saying "carthago delenda est!" Cato said "Well Carthage is fucking with us that's why we cant beat them" thats yout pushy ass logic.
There's a lot of "I have Internet so I don't have to know things" attitude. They are also actively punished for relying on their own common sense.
It's the inability to just be a damn man, it's the continuation of childishness into adulthood that is caused by having reached the absolute pinnacle of societal decadence. If the WWII white male was as sharp as a sword in wit and physicality the modern white is a fucking fidget spinner fucking simplistic and worthless.
trying to get a handle on exactly what it is i should be fighting. that's why i'm here. a quest for knowledge. why are there so many NPCs? this is something i've been thinking about for years. you can't reasonably ask me to do more than i'm already doing.
don't lump me in with the rest of my peers=
Do you have an actual worthwhile job or do you have a meme job? Are you educated to a high degree or do you do this spark notes level shit tier knowledge all modern whites do where they read a synopsis on Plato's philosophy and think they are Plato himself because of it? Or think they are educated because they know the rudiments of a subject? Do you have actual hobbies or do you sit on this board when you have nothing else to do?
You can't improve the basic races, so instead you lower the common denominator
if i had quit browsing Jow Forums in 2017 or 2016 or even earlier this year i wouldn't have nearly the same level of awareness i currently possess. i was not content with a superficial understanding of politics. likewise i was not content with a superficial understanding of computer science. i'm not content with mediocre skills.
But I will because every one of you I meet in person cannot maintain eye contact, looks down like a pussy, for all intents and purposes acts like a black man by listening to their music and liking their hobbies, has no redeeming personality traits, thinks they are a fucking philosopher because they know basic shit from freshman year philosophy, does not have an attractive woman, does not have children, has a shitty job, has no masculinity and is the exact same in every way. I have yet to meet a white kid under 30 I respect. It is insane, like what the fuck happened to make you all so worthless?
Didnt answer any of my questions.
what is a "meme" job? yes, i'm educated. yes, i have actual hobbies.
Are you salaried or do you wagecuck for less than 25/hr?
unless you're a real bigshot i don't think you can talk down to me.
it's not a high-paying job but i'll say no more than that.
Lol what a millineal thing to say. "D..dddd... dont be mean to me, unless of course you meet an arbitrary standard I've set in my mind, then I guess you can patronize me for being a contributor to the degradation of our nation"
Then what the fuck are you doing on Jow Forums? Why are you not deep in a book pertinent to a respectable field? You know what's on Jow Forums? Three kinds of people, teens, oldfags who came here in the early days who come here by habit still, and losers you wont find some wonderful insight here. You'll find people pointing out things that any thinking person can see for themselves in 5 seconds of observation
First generation to get the full brunt of demoralization through education. Teachers mostly women teaching to the girls, kids couldn't play outside without parent supervision, participation generation, etc. Full Marxist education from birth, and the first generation in the USA to get it. The men being docile, slovenly, and lacking all ambition is by design. Look how they clamor for authority to sort out their problems. They were taught since childhood that you shouldn't stand up for yourself, and that you should instead apologize. And we wonder why they're so pathetic.
i don't care what you think. you're user. maybe if you're so well-versed in philosophy and science you can head on over to /sci/ and make interesting threads for a change.
i've gone to great lengths to gain perspective and acquire my current understanding of the world. what have you done?
And for all that you're admittedly in a shitty underpaying job. Bravo
what can i say? nobody's going to pay me for picking apart propaganda on Jow Forums. anyway, i don't really care about your half-baked critique about millennials. i've learned not to care so much about things like that. manipulation that relies on guilt or blame will no longer work on me.
you started off with a somewhat interesting OP, but now you're flinging shit.
>Why are you not deep in a book pertinent to a respectable field?
because it's 1 AM and my brain is tired
Boomer genocide fucking when?
That meme right there is part of the problem, your hatred for boomers is a display of your weakness. Did the WWII generation just sit around and bitch because they'd had to deal with the great depression in their youth? No they built the most powerful nation ever after slaughtering their enemies and they had a lot more to bitch about than "wah I made the choice to put myself in debt despite knowing the ramifications of my decision to go into debt"
For all the boomer talk of responsibility, I've never seen a single boomer take responsibility of their shit parenting philosophies that made the pathetic millennials.
There is definitely a point to be had there, but it still doesnt eliminate personal accountability. People overcome shitty parenting, they do not overcome self loathing and lack of initiative.
As a millennial who has dealt with all three to whatever extent, I agree. And your browbeating towards the other guy really is the best way to deal with those types. But men are made, not simply born, and when you get a whole generation of incompetent narcissistic nihilists, they were clearly made to be that way, by virtue of sheer numbers and percentage of their generation. We reap what we sew, and millenials were by and large raised by demoralized people in a demoralized culture.
yeah this is hard to overcome. its a very womanly way of looking at things in my opinion.
theres a reason women used to be referred to as 'creatures of pleasure', and its not because thats all they were good for.
Social media. It fucked everyone up. It’s the perfect drug.
Get a grip you faggots, oh no user doesn't liek me ;(
Its true, most of us are just incredibly lazy. But there's more to it, its a kind of laziness that manifests as a result of complete demoralisation. For me it happened when I had been looking for a job for months on end to simply support my studies, I made it to the final interview but didn't get the gig. Weeks later Mum said she noticed some new faces at the place I had applied, they were all women.
So now I'm looking at outdoor roles and possibly a trade, but right now pol is an outlet to express my disillusionment.
Questionable and not even falsifiable claims