This twitter handle has been dropping truth MOABs for about a year.

It was regularly retweeted by top conservative accounts.

Twitter banned it with no reasoning.

If Jow Forums ever needed a kick in the nuts to start caring about twitter accounts getting banned, trust me, this is the one.

Attached: wiresources.jpg (623x587, 68K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's because 2 days ago they recorded and posted the original video of Sen Elizabeth Warren admitted the FBI investigation is and always has been about blocking Kavanaugh's confirmation



the closed captions are heavily censored by google



Is Yossi on our side now? Isn't this the guy behind the Reagan Battalion?

We need open source, uncensorable, peer-to-peer communication or we will never truly be free.
A twitter where we seed each other's messages when we open them to read



Attached: mentlegen-is-love%uFF0E-pepe-is-with-us%uFF0E- (500x566, 106K)

I was gonna argue with you, but god damn.
>those numbers are too deep

@WiredSources was RT'd by trump jr often

Attached: hmmmmmmm.jpg (733x321, 71K)

Was going to upload the webm until
>audio stream webms are banned
Yeah, mods don't want you sharing this video of Senator Elizabeth Warren admitting, confessing that the FBI and the democrats were blocking Kavanaugh from being confirmed.

Attached: wiredsources1.png (711x337, 62K)

post audio ones on /wsg/ or /gif/ then link the post here. there's threads for other board material

the dems fear the deaf 4channers

Attached: wiredsources2.png (760x140, 27K)

crosspost it

>Avi Follman

Attached: A6CF869D-E11E-40ED-9288-8ACE3C648C26.png (800x764, 225K)

fucking twitter

Attached: 1537995347698.jpg (318x313, 11K)

link fgt

while I believe that is the DNC's motives, this clip doesn't mention that at all.

Hence why only retard fags think Wired Sources is a legit source.

No they shouldn't be banned, but god damn, use your rational brain, this isn't truth bombs they post, they post garbage half-asses poorly researched trash.

Hey Rabbi, wtacha doin?

If you can't figure out that's exactly why they wanted an FBI investigation, Idk what to tell you. This video adds nothing, but it confirms what everyone already knew.

I send stuff like this to drudge tips.


And yet my massively anti gay, jew, and muslim account is still roaming free wtf hahaha

>mods don't want you sharing this video of Senator Elizabeth Warren admitting

Audio webms has been prohibited since Jow Forumss creation to save bandwidth, you schizo cunt. Just upload it to /wsg/ and crosspost.

These are redditors that need to be brought to heel.


Learn how to crosspost, newfag

It wasn't about bandwidth

Moot said he didn't want screamers on all the boards

that was sole retarded as fuck justification for it

that fucking account is the most zionist shit ever. i have no doubt it will be back up before you can spit. just like any time any other jew publication hits rough waters. the gentile conservatives are getting the boot now but notice the jewish accounts always land on their feet. by 2020 there will not be a gentile voice left in mainstream rightwing commentary.

Attached: IMG_20180923_012246.jpg (500x387, 31K)

it does though

she literally says flake speaking up might prevent Chad from getting on the SCOTUS, literally admitting it's not about anything else but preventing him from getting on there

what do you not understand



Jews getting kiked

>If Jow Forums ever needed a kick in the nuts to start caring about twitter accounts
kick me in the nuts if I start

The zionists are complaining that their shills are being silenced, seeing how they have conquered nations using the exact same tactics for generations I'm finding it hard to give a flying fuck nowadays.