What is the most blue-pilled thing you have ever done? I can’t say mine or I’ll be killed

What is the most blue-pilled thing you have ever done? I can’t say mine or I’ll be killed

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OP is a fucking faggot.

I was a wigger when I was a kid

Don't blueball us, at least give a hint or 2.
Did you attack a stranger because some cheap whore lied to you about being raped by him?
Did you join and later run some kind of milquetoast Against racism club, jerking off on the pile of good boy points you got from that?

Ok fine.
>dating Irish girl 7th grade
>Talking to her on the phone about ideal partner
>wait for her to describe me
>literally in love with idea of fucking hood nigs
>start telling her an erotic story of her fucking blacks instead of me
I’m never going to live this shit down. I would have killed me back then.

i was a communist and an atheist in my teens.

Used to jerk it to cuckold porn.

No fucking way kek

looked both ways before crossing the street


Sounds innocent and autistic at the same time.
Best not to tell anyone, EVER.

I thought races were equal but now I don’t.

I voted for obongo during the 2008 election

If an aryan thinks I’m alright, I’ll take it

Got a job that involves commuting.

They're all slave rape babies now.

I once wanted a "Save the Whales" bumper sticker to impress a girl.
>did not get sticker
>did not get girl
>was not correlated

Did you learn your lesson?

drank alcohol
took catholicism seriously
think about race

that's like being gay for yourself nigger

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I used to think there was nothing wrong with illegal immigration
Then I started working with illegal immigrants

>people will believe this cuck fanfiction
I hope you guys dont do this

I used to use Windows, but now I only use free software.


Co taught a student led "class" in college teaching students to recognize racism and oppression and work against it...

I was not redpilled until after college

Whew fucking lad

Married an ethnic jew

I reply "JIDF post" on posts anons put a lot of effort into. Won't necessarily say it's bluepilled, just a little devilish ;^)

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Lol, why? Where you high in shrooms?

Most redpilled thing? I groped chicks at parties.

It'd be just as shameful to have voted for McCain, though.

Voted for Greens party in the last election

Bought a copy of The God Delusion a few years ago and held it up while reading it at school, hoping others would see

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I used to watch anime.

>Bought a copy of The God Delusion a few years ago and held it up while reading it at school, hoping others would see


Oh ffs

I was a pimply autist too

You were right OP, this is fucking terrible

have you ever groped your mom? i heard thats very redpilled

I wish I was baiting

nutted to porn with a nigress.
i'll probably do it again though.
oh and was a commie when young like 10 to 12

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Please don’t use the racial slur: Nigger. It’s highly offensive, you fucking Nazi.

you're right. being racist is bluepilled

Use to want to be black. Lived in nigger loving city with my nigger loving friends in Salem, Oregon. Matt, my friend still is so racist now he won’t say hi to niggers.


when i was fifteen i went into the woods with a girl, jerked off in front of her, and stuck it in just to cum. i'm not sure it was necessarily bluepilled, but it might have been the stupidest thing ive ever done.

>jerked off in front of her, and stuck it in just to cum

nigga what

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Did she get pregnant?

i wish i was making it up.

after we broke up she told me she got pregnant but it died because she was too sad to eat, and my dumbass believed her. came to find out years later she just made that up to mess with me

I wrote a paper on Josef Mengele(The angel of death)

I wrote there was no medical benefits as a result of his experiments.

Much later on I wrote anouther paper revealing why america became a superpower. Spoiler its directly related to nazi medical experiments and nazi engineering.

See operation paperclip
I used to think we were the good guys but I now know we are simply the victors. History is not written by the losers

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that's pretty psychopathic

both of you sound retarded, good thing nothing came of it lol

Slept with a black dude in the military
He was clean, attractive for a nigger, and had a gigantic muscular ass and body
Fucked him and came in his ass bare
Ended up getting herpes

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i wholeheartedly agree

I once wrote an essay saying that Hitler was worse than Stalin

my cuck teacher loved it though, got highest mark in the class for being a good goy

>another wojak

I used to argue with my dad that global warming was real and everyone needed to change to save the planet.
I literally only did this because it was taught to us in school.

I was a cheerleader in HS and after a game on Friday on homecoming my friends had a party and I got really drunk and let 2 black guys and 2 white guys run a train on me and I got pregnant and didn't know whose baby it was and told my bf it was his to get him to help me with and pay for the abortion

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M or F?

Can you please confirm that you’re of the fairer sex?

loooooooooool, even pre redpilled kid me was not that stupid. Come to think of it i hardly cared about school or politics and spent all the time reading fantasy books instead of paying attention in class while still being top of my class looooooooooooool

Why the flag?

Quadroon Mutt
Had a big nigger phase because of not letting go of my father issues, Dad is the half nig who bailed when i was 13, He characteristically did not know his own father

was 2 years ago, 24 next month and i am nearing lean physique and lost my depression after being blackpilled and then whitepilled, Everything will sort itself out, I am happy that now we are finally more rallies and outspoken voices in my country and europe in general but unironic, Unironic because why the FUCK did it take so long? The muslims think their ancestors BUILD Europe from the ground up after the war again! Lmfao dude your grandfather worked at a factory just like ours did.

dont we all do that? isnt that the point? wait, what?

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go back to africa nigger

The literal state of atheists

Your flag is literally blue cuckold christian.

You literally are worshipping the devil instead of christ, I hope you can tell by your muslim neighbours who just like myself, Should not exist on your continent at all.

The most bluepilled you have done is not immidiately revolting when Brexit happens.

Holly kek
I thought you were gonna say something gommunist related

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lmao, compared to the Netherlands Norway is an Aryan paradise

the kike jesus and the kamelfucker mohammed dont belong in Norway, spit


Don't try to censor speech nigger it's offensive

Nigger go home

Told a girl I loved her. Should of just whipped my dick out. That usually works now.

t. Snownigger Larper

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had 1 black friend

maybe it is larping in the usa where all your roots have been cut, but here in the north we still have a connection to our past.

let my black friend fuck my mother as she and I both felt guilty for slavery

So, how long have you two been married?

>you crazy kids

If you are a true pagan larper, wheres the human sacrifices to Odin? After all it was an important part of Germanic paganism, friend.

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Well that was very unexpected

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Yeah, it's called lutheran protestantism.
You seem to forget that we went crusadin n' shiet.

Ok anons, story time
>Be me, 16 yo living in Madrid
>Normie friends convince me to go to gay pride
>Ok i guess
>Carriages full of degenerates start rolling over
>See the horrors of the abyss
>Eventually i spot pic related
>Didnt even bat an eye
>Friends decide to go to a gay bar
>We dont seem to be welcome inside
>I guess they need their space, i thought
>Get drunk
>Start playing rope with some strangers at 3AM
Honestly i wish i could go back in time and suicide best in the spot

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I used to be known as the feminist of my class in high school.
I did a speech in front of hundreds of classmates about how the dresscode was sexist

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all porn is cuckold porn, user

Fuck sake Pierre

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JIDF post

dated a nigger

But i guess i get a pass because i'm a mutt :D

You will always be a nigger.

I dunno.
I owned 5 fedoras.
I was an atheist after reading the bible once. Then christian after reading it again.
Voted liberal.
Had a facebook.
Used to be an immense furfaggot. Emphasis on faggot and emphasis on "used to".
Fell for the "equality" meme.
Smoked weed.
Took anti depressants and anti anxiety meds.
Saw a psychologist.
Now I'm unironically 1488 and improving myself piecemeal. I'm going to be Prime Minister and I'm going set this fucking nation right again.

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I was born here.

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yeah you should have just kept this to yourself

I was an antifa member in like 8th grade, 15 years ago. You're all pronouncing it wrong these days btw.

I have discovered though that the hip kids follow trends that I was into about 10-15 years ago. They're into the antifa angst phase right now. Before that I was a bit of a hipster, vegan and all that gay stuff (which is what they were before), and after that I was a hardcore Nazi (where you guys are at minus the cuckservative trumptards) before I fizzled out into a Bronze Age mindset. The world has literally just following trends that I set years and years ago, everything from the fitness craze to clothing trends, even "prepping" ffs (it was called survivalism). I recently discovered it's because you're all living in a simulation that's run by myself and a loose group of others who operate at higher consciousness levels. Lo and behold a year after that realization and all of you are spouting some meme about NPCs. I will say though, this group is far ahead of the rest. You operate at high consciousness levels and can actually manipulate the simulation. Gods forbid you ever become aware of this power... Woops.

i believe in you

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Be a trump supporter back in 2015

I am most of these things, specifically
>used to be an atheist after reading the Bible
>read the Bible again, turned Christian
>used to be a faggot
>fell for the equality meme
>smoked weed
>took anti depressants
>saw a psychologist
still haven't really gotten onto improving myself, but there's time. I'm 21
