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My sides

Let's see your physiognomy, Pablo...

based and redpilled

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Let's see your hook nose, kike.

One of the best to ever live.

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He was fucking badass, imagine having the balls to kill all 6 of your children and then yourself. we need that kind of ruthlessness in our ranks.

Actually I have a wh*te nose.

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Wow you can hide a lot of gold in that space chaim.

Qits clearly curved mr Goldberg

Goebbels nose has more curvature than mine. Look at that Semitic contour

Actions speak louder than noses

Goebbels: Murderer of Aryan children, Machievellian power grapper, professional liar to German people.

>implying the jews were any better

>I buy into the kosher version of history peddled by kikes
Sorry to hear about your retardation, OP.

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High Aryan standards: "w-well it's not like Jews are any better..."

I'd take Nazis over globohomo kikemasons any day.

It's like duck duck goose, but Jew Jew Aryan.

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You're obviously not australian why do you desecrate their flag?

Let's see your flag.

oh look the shill is trying to use the fact that Hitler was not against the Jews to get us to drop support for him and the idea of a nationalist government.
We will never support globalism
the holocaust was a lie

Only one way to find out.


Now we just wait and see if it worked.

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you misspelled faggot

Hitler wouldn't want lukewarm bourgeois moralists like you in his movement. You'd get Long Knived.

if anything the extremists got the knife, you historical illiterate retard.

>oh look the shill is trying to use the fact that Hitler was not against the Jews
>the holocaust was a lie

are you retarded or something? if he was against jews he would do the holocaust.
but in reality he only murdered european christian elites and bunch of polonized jewish peasants. now we have jewish elites and goyim slave mass. nice fucking going.

hey guys let me tell you who's white

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Conservatives and moderates got purged too.

Notice the size of his cranium. Its larger than normal peoples. I believe a larger brain is a sign of higher intelligence. Although his head is a little awkward large like an alien

Yes, he was. One of the greatest National Socialists too. Loyal until the end.

Honestly, I always thought Eichmann looked like a Jew.

Not a Jew, only a rumor that was proven false. Anyone that wants to know the story of this truly amazing man needs to read "Hitler's Hangman"

Himmler was a massive faggot (not literally). Should have never been placed as head of the SS. "Himmler has a brain, and it's name is Heydrich"

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He literally had a bone development disorder that afflicted him his entire life. It's so sick how liberals claim to support the handicapped, when at the same time men that actually fucking suffered and overcame their problems are lambasted for proposing the real solution of eugenics.

Don't get all moralfaggy when hundreds were euthanised. I might be wrong but I don't think medical eugenics played all that prominent a role in Goebbel's worldview. Most impressive was that he overcame the contempt of prole Nazi bugmen for weedy intellectuals.

I'm half-meming about Heydrich. He did have very serious anxiety that he was Jewish though.

It was more anxiety about the rumor, and considering his position I can understand why.

If I'm not mistaken, even more evidence came out after the war that further disproved the rumors, but it's been so long since i read the book that I can't remember.

Story time: Heydrich was shot down behind enemy lines over the Soviet Union in 1941. He made his way back to German lines, and when the Army commander (I think a company commander; Hauptmann) sent his message back to HQ is said something along the lines of "We have recovered a shot down pilot but we believe he has brain damage because he keeps repeating that he is head of the Reich Security Service"

His Iron Cross 2nd and 1st Classes were awarded to him for his exploits as a pilot.

After this incident, Himmler (and I'm sure the Fuehrer) forbade him from flying anymore missions.

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he cute

Also he was awarded the Luftwaffe Front Flying Day Fighter Clasp (seen in pic related above the ribbon bar), awarded after flying 100 missions.

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Do you think he'd have made a better Reich Minister of Aviation than Göring?

I don't even care, but he and this guy
clearly are jewish

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Honestly, no idea. Luftwaffe is not my area of amateur expertise.

I think Hitler only kept him around because he was an Alte Kampfer, strong willed, and brave, qualities the Fuehrer sought in people.

Anyone have thoughts on who should have been head of the LW? Galland? Rudel? Kesselring?
>inb4 Udet

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My grandpa got the golden one for more than +1000 missions.

That's the most ugly human being I ever saw a photo of. Thanks OP for ruining my apetite

Not politics

Ashkenazi jews have so much European DNA so it's not strange they look intermixed. Only the very inbred types fit the stereotype hook-nosed manlet.

Tfw only 1/4 German but look more German than these weird looking Mongoloid fucks

Galland has my vote. He actually had sense to use the Me 262 as a bomber-destroyer/fighter instead of a fucking jet bomber like Hitler insisted.

This was despite the fact that the Arado 234 already existed and was much better suited for bombing and reconnaissance anyways,

Galland was a smart man and saw where the future of aerial combat was going. He definitely would have done a better job than Goering; the lardass who insisted that the fighters fly at the same low altitude as the bombers during the Battle of Britain.

I could rant more, but Galland is very well fit for the position.

Sounds like he was a brave man! Do you know what aircraft he flew? Any photos?

Sad they didn't listen to more experts with actual experience in the field.

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I am just preparing for the inevitable cyberpunk future.

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Best version

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t. Kemal Osmani

Pff you wish

Oh ok

t. Stanoje Vuković

you can leave now OP, you faggot

No idea what that's supposed to mean
