Is there really such a thing as the Climate Crisis ?

Is it true Jow Forums ? Are we reaching a breaking point regarding ecology ?

I'm hearing everywhere that electric cars aren't that good regarding ecology, that polar ice caps keep melting and we have fewer and fewer polar bears, that the Paris accords really didn't matter that much, that "green washing" is a thing that serves the capitalist system by making companies go green so they can sell you more shit and make you feel guilty about your way of life, when they're the ones that should be held responsible.

Are we headed for something big, Jow Forums ?

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Nope. Hey kids listen I'm 51 years old and I've got to tell you to use your own eyes. They've been preaching global warming since 1971 just that I remember. And guess what? Nothing has changed. The climate has not changed even 1% that I can notice since 1971.

Help me with reasoning.
The climate change / warming is to find correlation between CO2 growth and increase of the average temperature?
There isn’t just one environmental crisis, there are several

Oh god.

>Climate Change
Probably real.
>Climate Crisis
Crisis implies a short timeframe requiring a massive response.Any time someone calls something a crisis, they're trying to convince you to accept huge changes in your life that you wouldn't make otherwise.

>Is there really such a thing as the Climate Crisis ?
It's manufactured

It's real, we've fucked it up.

Worst case it's that not we, but our ancestors.

Not really.
The planet naturally cycles and we've survived multiple climate shifts and continent-size destructions.

The focus needs to be on us adapting to changes, not our environment adapting to us. That's not how our habitat has ever worked. Planning on how to relocate some coastal cities, new clothing to protect us from any extremes and adapting agricultural tech to any changes.

Correlation =/= causation

OP is a kike/shill

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it's real, but it's direct reality for you is overstated
it's going to be used as the excuse for already unsustainable tropical countries to have mass exoduses and for government to continually increase in power over what you can and cant consume

This. Humans can survive. The ones that die only make their species stronger.

We’ve already proven causation you retard
Pick up a textbook from the late 1980’s

Who is we? I doubt you've published shit.

So you’re going to grow gills then?

Moving a few miles inland is a bit easier.

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“We” refers to the human race

This. Anyone denying the rampant ecological degeneracy promoted by (((billionaires and their corporations))) is a dumb cunt, cuckservative or absolute ass licking shill. EcoFascism now!

Do you really think that will fit? Especially considering desertification?

You’re an idiot. These changes are unprecedented. Massive droughts, flooding of low lying areas, mass extinction and the absolute state of the ocean—all of it happening at heretofore unknown rates of escalation; if we survive the living will envy the dead.

Not my problem if faggot basedboys who can't take care of themselves die. The great culling of humanity is overdue. If I die in the process so be it.

They calculated that the current plan which involves 100s of bln's of dollars will in the best case reduce warming by around 0.0007C in 2100. They want to reduce it by 2C, so do the math, an endless stream of cash going into the deep pockets of governments/bankers etc etc.

I'm all for clean air and clean streets but this hocus pocus that is climate religion is just bs.

Be careful you don’t cut yourself on that edge dude

>Planning on how to relocate some coastal cities.
Hopefully you don't plan on relocating any coastal cities in the US. And hopefully, if something happens, you don't plan on letting these said coastal cities in the US know.

This map isnt accurate. Not even close

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That’s the problem; the only solution is massive reducing of production e.g. shrinking economies—what the environment needs is counter to what the globalists want, so they are proposing non solutions and making back up plans for the future; and yet people still kiss their ass like good goys

If you think it's such a big problem do something about it instead of crying like a faggot.

Me and mine will be just fine. Keep on crying that the sky is falling, chicken little.

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Who is “they”?

Check out
Skeptical climate change blog.

Yeah they want to tackle the problem by making more debts, which in turn requires more people to solve the future debt. More booming to solve the aging population which is caused by booming, booming to solve the climate problem that was caused by booming.


The jackasses behind the "Paris Agreement". Try reading once in a while.

All the scientists agree, so yeah. Don't be like the sjws who put muh feels over facts. Sustainable energy is a good thing regardless of your agenda.

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>me and mine will be fine
You are imagining a scenario where you aren’t inundated with millions of climate refugee and wrecked by illnesses caused by consuming toxins just by breathing and eating. Good luck when your beloved kikes cash out and you’re unable to get clean water for your cuck bunker or whatever
>do something about it
71% of all carbon emissions are produced by something like 100 major companies; hell a great deal of it is produced by just a few “super freight” ships that do nothing but ship cheap shit from america to China. There is Little an individual can do on their own at this point.

Maybe, but what's really important is that it's a good investment option, so doing the potentially right thing is profitable regardless.

Thierry, Im pretty sure he has his sources in order.

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Producing 18% more electricity than you consume, growing and hunting your own food, having a rainwater collection system, land in the middle of nowhere and being armed to the fucking teeth feelsgoodman.

I never said otherwise. Quality of life is likely to take a few steps back.

It's as if you think people should I said?

Oh I agree the climate accord doesn’t go nesrly far enough

Sink the ships if you think they're killing the planet. All you need is some scuba gear and basic knowledge of explosives. Rapefugees die like any other animal when they get hit with a .308.

of course it's fucking real. please do some actual studying yourself and read about it instead of coming to fucking Jow Forums of all places. people here are often just are retarded as the extreme leftists they shit on. BUY A GODDAMN TEXTBOOK AND EDUCATE YOURSELF. FUCK.

Wow your mockery means so much to me. You're worried about the system collapsing because you're a soft little cityboy who would die without it. Humanity is better off without you.

None of the doomsday predictions came true, you fucking shill!

This is the kind of crap they want you to think..comfort yourself with “plans” while just 16 cargo ships produce more pollution than all the cars in the world. You won’t be able to go innawoods when there is no water or even woods innawoods. You will be poisoned, competing for bare resources and constantly living in civil war conditions. Look at Africa for the future. Cape Town ran out of water completely last year. MSM does not cover these stories much.


Where did I mock you?

>sink the ships
These ships are fucking huge you know nothing about underwater demolition or how a ship is sunk.

lmao just use more nitrate-sugar shaped charges, faggot

What are you a 15 year old who just read the anarchist cookbook? You should read about some sea battles and realize what it takes to absolutely sink a humongous fucking ship. Besides they will just build another one.

Blowing the up is a lot cheaper than building them

>planning is just for comfort and doesn't help people be at least partially prepared
So you're retarded, thanks for clarifying.

Agreement isn't how science works you retard

all the science points towards a higher average global temperature equilibrium caused by massive co2 release from modern industry

the more co2 the more secondary feedback warming occurs and the higher the final temperature

we're already at a point where the projected temperature increase will cause the near complete melting of the greenland icecap and the recession of most glaciers outside of antarctica

antarctica is a longer term problem because weather patterns currently prevent massive warming unlike in the north

the changes will happen slowly over decades; floods will become more frequent, even short rain storms will cause flooding to already low lying areas and these will eventually become untenable to live in

unfortunately a huge amount of people live in these areas and will suffer the consequences

humanity will go on however despite all the doomsaying

Hoarding resources is at best a very limited prolonging of the inevitable. You are likely already consuming micro plastics if you ever eat sea food. Try going to your nearest stream and drinking.

Coastal cities are the modern Sodoms and Gommorahs. They deserve everything coming to them. Pretty excited to sit outside the nearest city limits with my AR-10 making sure the thick rimmed glasses basedboys stay in the shitholes they worked so hard to create.

Electric cars hurt the oil business so they are 'bad'. It is the same shit they pushed with coolant gases (CFC) for refrigerators. The polar ice caps have been having record length for the last ten years. The polar bears have record populations now and are actually becoming a problem because there are too many of them.

The Paris Accord really didn't matter, this is true, but this is also by design. If they pushed their whole agenda at once, there would be a push back, so they do it gradually.

I don’t think you realize how much “money” these people have. China doesn’t even return with the shipping containers it is cheaper to just leave them here and produce more vs. the fuel cost of shipping them back. This is the kind of absolute absurdity the globalist economy is causing and it means the crippling of the human race. Ultimately those in power do not care, they have the same plan as you (to hoard and create safe spaces) but they are better at it than you and will eventually tell you exactly what you will and won’t do. Climate destruction and scarcity are great tools for totally subjugating a people.

Climate change is real but it's not that big of a deal.
Pollution and overpopulation on the other hand is a very big deal, and we're headed for major trouble if don't do something about it. There are simply too many people for the planet to support sustainably.

Yeah can’t wait for the whole world to be an absolute shit hole like your disgrace of a country

>talk about preemptive tech development to survive harsher conditions
>some idiot takes that to mean hoarding food

>yes goy it’s too many people and not a very small part of humanity burning resources with no regard for the well-being of mankind

Overpopulation is a non-issue though. If you follow by Japan's example and pack everyone in like Sardines the Earth could easily sustain a population of 10-12 Billion people. You should be more worried about over consumption of resources.

you can come down here and stand outside for a few hours if you think CFCs didnt deplete the fuck out of the ozone layer lad

Maybe we should stop shipping millions of tons of grain to Africa and bloating their population while simultaneously destroying their agricultural production.

There are a lot more people like me than globohomo faggots. Also their paid bodyguards will eat them as soon as things start getting ugly. It's gonna be beautiful.

I wish you would actually watch or read something about the futility of proposed technical solutions to the problems. I forget the channel on yt but engineers go over all these plans that have come out and show that they are ineffective or make the problem worse or would essentially require a one world government to be enacted

The best coarse would probably be to try and get populations back to pre-booming lvls, if we in NL in 2100 would have around 7mln people self sustainable, instead of 35 mln with tons of debts while owning nothing, always having to look for the government for solutions. I think we would get closer to 0 emission than this whole costly plan which relies on mass immigration and ever rising number of people on earth to pay for all these grandiose plans.

That's what I meant. It's not a matter of housing space, it's a matter of resources.
Our food production is already at unsustainable levels, the aquifers are fucked if the current rates of pumping continue. Nevermind all the other unsustainable and polluting practices we use to support first world and now even developing world standards of living.

The globohomo faggots have a lot more power than you, they are working on unmanned weapons system and If the masses got really out of hand they could release a weaponized virus to wipe out huge chunks of people.

If only blue pilled morons would be equaly diligent about memes such as " the 99% consensus" and ask who are they.

Provide links for us if you actually feel this way.

Most of the funded major experiments I've seen so far have failed because they tried to:
a. Maintain a similar population post-changes
b. Maintain the same quality of life as current standards
c. Do both

Our governments just need to stop bending over for oil companies and mining companies. Make fun of me all you want for wanting government funding of green energy and resources but I think it's a way better idea than fucking giving billions in subsidies oil barrons and Gina Reinhart.

That's nice. Good thing I live in a rural area instead of a disease pen that normies call "cities"

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The only reason every roof in the western world isn't covered in solar panels is to preserve the power of the (((petrodollar)))

Here is another shill conflating CO2 and toxins.
Or are you just a bpue pilled moron?

Another shill.
Did a single one of the predictions in those textbooks ever come true? Answer this, shill!
Or are you just another blue pilled moron?

I’m pretty sure he’s referring to particulate matter

Yes and no, the environment is in decline. We can overcome it, but not at the current rate of fuck wittery.

I already did answer you but you ignored me

CO2 is what vegetation thrives on, there will be plenty of woods.

Just look up the Wikipedia page for geoengineering. Most of the solutions are stunted by a lack of consistent policy making, lack of funding or outright opposition. And many have unintended consequences (afforestation can actually cause to earth to absorb more heat and light for instance)

This is pure shilling, your predictions never come true.
New York was supposed to be underwater by 2017 according to " climate science". Now you have switched to chang
es coming slowly over decades

That’s not how that works at all
First of all, the primary nutrions for plants are phosphourous, nitrate and potassium
Second of all, when there is an overabundance of food for plants, you don’t get woods, you get grassland with little biodiversity.

The climate is and has always been in flux as it is subject to the same physics as any other planet, and on any other planet what changes the atmosphere is primarily outside forces, the primary of which is of course our own Sol. Humanity is mainly along for the ride.

Unironically this. The older you get the more fake news crises you live through. I'm 41 and I've lived through the garbage crisis, the ozone crisis, the over population crisis, peak oil, the under population crisis, global warming.

University researchers need to justify their funding so they invent crisis. The NSA needs to justify it's existence so they play along with the crisis. Marxists hop on the train because they can't win as long as the common man is free and prosperous so they support anything that worsens the conditions of the ordinary man.

Sea levels rose 10 inches in the last 100 years and nobody gave a shit or even noticed. The Earth is still coming out of the last ice age. We can't stop it. 100 years from now they will have much better technology. Our job is to just keep developing better technology, and they can solve their own problems with the legacy we leave them.

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The more things change (weather)
The more they stay the same (climate)
Put on some clean underwear OP