Since the 1990’s trump has received over 500 million dollars from his fathers business by avoiding federal taxes. Is it over?
Happening: New York Times has Proof that Trump commits tax fraud
He'll just make taxes illegal
>muh taxes again
What's next again? After the tax thing? Compromising tape or recording, yeah?
I don't care if he murdered a toddler. Until the left starts getting prosecuted for everything they've done, I literally don't care what crimes Trump has committed.
Oh look, it's another
>a unnamed source close to thinking of a person that thinks he's close to the thinking of a person working for Nintendo
He cheated The Jew out of money they didn't earn?! BASED.
I don't see this having any effect on the election.
Taxes are fraudulent to begin with.
This nullifies them.
>Until the left starts getting prosecuted for everything they've done, I literally don't care what crimes Trump has committed.
I don't care what "crimes" he committed period. I will follow him into war with absolute loyalty so long as he remains loyal to the people. (I know he isn't 100% loyal (Jews) but gotta start somewhere)
This x1000
Get fucked