Happening: New York Times has Proof that Trump commits tax fraud

Since the 1990’s trump has received over 500 million dollars from his fathers business by avoiding federal taxes. Is it over?

He'll just make taxes illegal

>muh taxes again
What's next again? After the tax thing? Compromising tape or recording, yeah?

I don't care if he murdered a toddler. Until the left starts getting prosecuted for everything they've done, I literally don't care what crimes Trump has committed.

Oh look, it's another
>a unnamed source close to thinking of a person that thinks he's close to the thinking of a person working for Nintendo

He cheated The Jew out of money they didn't earn?! BASED.

I don't see this having any effect on the election.

Taxes are fraudulent to begin with.
This nullifies them.

>Until the left starts getting prosecuted for everything they've done, I literally don't care what crimes Trump has committed.
I don't care what "crimes" he committed period. I will follow him into war with absolute loyalty so long as he remains loyal to the people. (I know he isn't 100% loyal (Jews) but gotta start somewhere)

This x1000
Get fucked