When a woman claims she was raped, does anybody else not believe them anymore?
every fucking day some woman with rainbow hair says something like "i was sexually assaulted so my opinion is more important!" and i just ignore it now, becasue when she says sexually assaulted does she mean held down and raped by some nigger or that a man bumped into her at a bus stop?
>becasue when she says sexually assaulted does she mean held down and raped by some nigger or that a man bumped into her at a bus stop? Are you retarded? You could tell between those two scenarios by listening to her, but since you don't listen to her you can't tell and therefore complain??
Jace White
Being sexually assaulted is like being queer. It's trendy and a way to endear people to you, and attract sympathy. So of course people cop to it, even if it's not factual.
Oliver Garcia
>listening to a woman
Jacob Diaz
>REEEEE WOMEN ALWAYS LIE >What are they saying? >Lol iono who listens to women u fagit Perfect.
Angel Russell
not to mention she made $700k out of it
Adrian Parker
Yeah I've stopped caring. They've cried wolf too many times and now I just don't give a fuck.
Ethan Smith
Thanks to Democrats, nobody will believe any rape accusers anymore
nobody actually believes them since the whole metoo shit, unless it is for a political gain.
this is supposedly who started metoo (not photoshopped). even before i wouldn't believe anyone would rape this, except another gorilla-like non-human, but we shouldn't care about rape among animals
I hate to say it honestly but yes I am starting to believe them less and less...
Tyler Diaz
Some people rape, but not all people rape. Crucially, not all men rape. But everybody lies sometimes. Women are mostly the better liars regardless of who lies more.
Where there isnt compelling evidence this is what you should go by.
>Study: False Rape Allegations, by Eugene Kanin, Archives of Sexual Behavior (Feb 1994) >Major study of a mid-size Midwestern US city over the course of 9 years, found that 41% of all rape claims were false. Kanin also studied the police records of two unnamed large state universities, and found that in three years, 50% of the 64 rape reports to campus police were determined to be false.
>Study: False Allegations. Forensic Science Digest, US Air Force Office of Special Investigations, by Charles P. McDowell (Dec 1985) >556 rape allegations in the Air Force were studied. It found that 27% of the accusers recanted, and an independent evalution revealed a false accusation rate of 60%
>Study: The Politics of Sexuality, by Barry M. Dank, Editor in Chief >The FBI has compiled statistics to show that women lie far more often about rape than any other crime
Why don't people ever cite studies about false allegations to the lunatics who wants to "believe survivors", when numerous studies finds that nearly half of all accusations turns out to be false.
Numerous studies throughout the years have found that nearly half of all reported rapes turned out to be false.
If there's one crime I would never pre-judge someone accused of for, it'd be rape.
One just has to look at the lack of empathy being displayed by the modern female to Kavanaugh's plight. We're living in a society where half of the population are openly dis-loyal and would throw you under the bus because a 'sister' accuses you of touching her ass, right wing authoritarian counter-revolution when??
Josiah Sullivan
When she says "I was sexually assaulted" it's just her way of saying "I'm desirable too!"
Alexander Richardson
But... who would rape that, drunk or not? Imagine how nasty she'd look in the swinsuit she was apparently wearing. Some disgusting migrant, maybe. But a white dude in power who can get a super high-class escort if he wants?
Tyler Smith
holy hell. i didn't know how bad it would be from the thumb
Dominic Rodriguez
If their character is outrageous like they slept with dozens men before it happened its hard to feel bad, especially after waiting decades to say something. There are countless orbiters and whiteknights waiting to lynch a man for looking at women the wrong way, why wait so long?
Xavier Gray
If I didn't see it, it didn't happen.
Kayden Walker
Go onto gofundme must be the biggest one at.
Jeremiah Davis
The last time our society unconditionally believed women about sexual assault claims, black men were swinging from trees...because this was the justification that was used to lynch them. I’m going to have to take a hard pass on going back down that path. Regardless of how I may personally feel about anyone, blacks included, I took an oath and pledged my life to the defense of the Constitution, and I actually meant it. Though I am old, and have metiphorically put down my shield and my sword, that oath has no expiration date.
Furthermore, as an actual scientist, not some pseudoscientist in the social “sciences”, such as Dr Ford, I recognize that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. She provided none.
Josiah Hernandez
no, no you can't, someone having a cock rubbed up against them by chance on public trans qualifies as grave sexual assault. these are liars, women should be pissed that they have been undermined and no one will believe women about sexual assault for about another 50 years, good job. hysterical cunts.
Benjamin Campbell
Believing in rape is as silly as believing in religion.
There is no proof of it. You literally just have to take it 100% on faith.
Wyatt King
I'm skeptical until claims are substantiated as I have always been. I have never subscribed to the idea that women don't lie for profit and general self-interest. Psychological warfare is the tool of the woman and they are extremely adept at using it hence a situation where a completely unsubstantiated claim of high school groping in 1982 is enough to warrant a fucking FBI investigation into a man who has lived his life in the public eye for 24 years.
I don't believe women I believe evidence.
Ian Myers
they're self destructing. hardcore feminists are shamelessly saying "guilty until proven innocent" like they don't understand the repercussions
Carter Garcia
(you) are sexually assaulting all women by thinking this - writing it down confirms it.
>I recognize that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
Most rapes, just by their nature, will never have any proof one way or the other. Absent really blatant cases like some nigger being caught on security cam hitting a woman over the head with a brick and dragging her into an alley......most rape is 100% he said she said.
It is a faith based belief system like choosing to believe the bible or the koran.
Brandon Scott
Everybody lies. If you think otherways it's because you are an idiot or underage. So get the fuck out. And there are some reasons to lie. The most common is for egotistical reasons.
Almost every girl I’ve ever messed with has a “rape” or “sexual assault” story.
Aiden Wilson
It's been my default position for years to disbelieve every woman when they claim they were sexually assaulted/raped. All women are habitual liars who routinely rationalize their lying. You'd have to be a fool to take their word on serious matters.
Dominic Ward
>I was raped 36 years ago by that man >not entirely sure when >not entirely sure it was him desu >not sure if anyone can corroborate my story Believe the victim sure, but the entire legal system is based on the presumption of innonce. You never go to court to agree what happened, you go to court to agree what can be proved happened. It’s entirely possible kav did it, but if it can’t be proved then he’s not guilty (which is different from innocent you smoothbrains)
Landon Walker
I have a hard time taking rape accusations seriously since my time in the military.
>be in coed unit >drunk NCO tries to break into female soldier's room to rape her >me and another guy stop NCO >female soldier decides to charge him with attempted rape >investigation set to begin >a few days go by >sent in to meet with officers and senior NCO by myself >they ask if I want to pursue the accusation towards the NCO >"Yeah what he did was wrong" >find out she's recanted her story while receiving a promotion and a cushy reassignment >me and the other guy are punished for "lying" >NCO later promoted
lying bitch
Isaac Campbell
This is why we don't believe women. Half of all reported rapes are made up.
Elijah Garcia
>When a woman claims she was raped, does anybody else not believe them anymore?
Nobody believes women anymore aside from femishits