Why is Los Angeles the best city in America?

Why is Los Angeles the best city in America?

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Nobody thinks that.


Because you can see Gary Busey at McDonalds

Yes they do. It's got the film industry, warm weather all year round, beautiful diving in the coral reefs and no public transport to get in the way of your car.

And the housing is great in the Hills, with a beautiful view of the city skyline.

What's not to love?

WOW! They actually build the city from Grand Theft Auto in real life?! That's crazy!!!11

>What's not to love?
Everything else

If you answer your own question, then why the fuck did you ask?

Yes very beautiful compared to your shithole country.

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Stop being so mad about living in a flyover state. Why don't you move to L.A.?

And your opinion on everything has been instantly and permanently discarded.

La jolla beats it by a million points

HAHAHA dumb blue collar wagie detected

because of the high latino population

Los Angeles isn't even the best city in California.

it's actually Miami

LA is cancer and it should be nuked


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It's beautiful, but full of leftists, university chinks and mexicans, spooks, and constant flyovers from miramar.

Why has planned parenthood gotten away with 1.5 BILLION babies killed since 1980......
>muh dead niggers
They are sacrificing babies to MOLECH, an ancient cananite and bablyonian deity of DEATH,
>the jews, Hollywood and politicians world wide worship molech
And in turn are using these babies to become immortal, and demon filled, but they are PUTTING THE BYPRODUCTS, dead used up fetuses , into YOUR food, soda, Pepsi products, Starbucks, Nestle, and so much more..
>dead babies in your vaccines
Good goy take your baby death shot and become GUILTY too!!!

Stop these jews now!! This video has been shadowbanned, instantly demonitized and is pissing off the demon worshiping kikes..



>stem cells COULD be evil also
Not saying they are but I have to look into what this video says
>dan bilzarian gets 200million$ shots of pure dead baby juice ..
NOT UMBILICAL cords like mel said

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LA is a fucking hazardous waste dump with a few nice areas sprinkled around it that pretty much are large gated communities.

>It's got the film industry

Best NPC post I’ve seen all day. What does the film industry do for the average person living in LA? If it’s that great, why aren’t you living there?

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Why is Miami better than L.A.?

I guess access to the tropics is lovely to have. Does it get more rain?

Hard to say, could it be the smog, or the gangs, or the thots, or the Jews, or the high prices, or the illegals?

san diegan here: only trust fund kids, plastic surgeons, chinks, joos, and pajeets live there. it's the Beverly hills of san diego. nice beaches/coves/sunsets, but fuck interacting with the people there, tourists included.

It's essentially Disneyland transplanted into the middle of a favela, with Peking's air. One of the few places worse than London or New York.

I will be living there. Just look at that gorgeous, modern skyline. I'm quite ready for the traffic etc- I have an intuitive understanding of the city layout from Grand Theft Auto V.

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I lived in San Diego for seven years. I would always run into people there from LA.

>what brought you down to San Diego?
>>Had to get out of LA for the weekend, it’s just a fucking nightmare there.

To be fair, San Diego is a nightmare too, but it’s super comfy up in the mountains.

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This is the most accurate description of LA i've read. Good job, bong. My family moved both north and south of LA. U can pick any random spot in CA blindfolded and do better. Well except maybe for the Central Valley, and Fresno....... yeah that would be a lateral move.

The worst Australian city is better than Los Angeles simply because we don't have a nigger infestation.

Just one more question till I move to the city of dreams- how does health insurance work in America? If you get diagnosed with an expensive disease do you really just have to go home and die on your couch?

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I've experienced the same; San Diego honestly feels 50% transplant at this rate. It's definitely losing its distinct character. What mountains do you speak of? St. Jacinto, Alpine/Julian, Cuyamaca?

So we agree that the film industry does nothing for the average LA resident since you have nothing to say about that right?

Traffic will be the least of your concern. But maybe you’ll get used to being tax cattle for illegal aliens that’ll hate you, paying for high housing prices in the ghetto, the amount of homelessness, trash, poor air quality, MWD. Cute that you’re in love with a city you’ve never been to. By that logic, Mogadishu is a world class city in my opinion. I know my way around by watching Black Hawk Down and seeing documentaries of neighborhoods reduced to rubble.

I have a house up in Mt. Laguna, a little close to Julian. Super comfy up there.

No city will never beat my backyard, prove me wrong

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Alright you're clearly a very upset english teacher, let me lay it down for you.

I will be working in ACCOUNTING in downtown, and will transit in my SUV to the hills. I won't be passing any poor neighborhoods.

Nothing will ever prepare you for LA traffic. Being stuck on the 405 for like 3 hours on your commute home because some tards got in a fender bender or clipped a motorcyclist and now EMS/CHP is blocking the flow of traffic etc. Better get the comfiest car you can afford, some anti-hemorrhoid pillow for your ass, and plenty of podcasts. Enjoy LA. You can keep it.

>Mt. Laguna
Nice. I've never been there, actually. I heard that Julian though is like a small town from the Northeast or Midwest. Must be comfy indeed.

What about cars with auto driving in lane? Just put on my Bose, pop down the windows for that warm Mediterranean air, lean back the chair all the way and snooze/watch a movie/do any extra work.

Bam, traffic solved. I mean yeah if you're driving some shitty old chrysler you're not gonna enjoy traffic very much.

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Why do you feel the need to make shit up and capitalize “ACCOUNTING”?

You won’t be in LA and that’s a good thing, whether you like it or not. Fantasies want make it happen. The Niggerlands is a much better place for you.

>auto driving in lane

Are you referring to semiautonomous vehicles? Like Tesla?

You're the one making shit up with your house in the mountains. How about you actually make yourself useful instead of hurling insults at me?

How does health insurance work? Do I have to go home and die on the couch if I have an expensive disease?

Yes! Should be fine for bumper to bumper traffic. Mr. Reddit spacing

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He's just trolling, stop taking the bait.

LA. as well as the rest of Cali. is a shithole filled with niggers, spics, and vapid retards who don't even know what our nation's capital is

What US state do you live in? I bet it's a flyover state. People with no coastlines have small minds. The ocean INSPIRES peoples to greatness, like the film industry in L.A. and Microsoft and Apple in Seattle. Your ancestors stopped on a field with trees and no beautiful water in sight.

Yeah it’s a small town, with lots of charm. Probably best this time of year, colors are starting to turn, apples are ripe for the picking. Even my neighbors are offering their harvest for free. That’s the type of things you get in an all white community. Some still exist in CA.

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California, I live in LA you dumb nigger lol. No (you) for you.

You probably can't see the sea because you don't live in the hills, hence a driveover neighborhood where you wine about homeless even though you're borderline one of them on the rent food chain.

See? No sea, small mind.

Californians are two-faced and soul crushing. The worst Americans out of them all. Even worse than Southerners.

>Overflowing with niggers and spics
>Littered with short ugly buildings and drug-dealing hoods
>Surgified beauty and megahive of Jewishry
What's not to love?

>Yes! Should be fine for bumper to bumper traffic. Mr. Reddit spacing

So you’ll have a Tesla model X with advanced auto pilot? That’s an easy $130k and you’re concerned about health insurance? Larp confirmed. Enjoy staying home, Europoor nigger lover.

because of the high latino population

Does it have wine?

>t. Japenese IP VPN and fake san diegan
Yeah go accuse me of being positive about a city, whoaaah.

Filtered and saged

>Salem is best city in America

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Lumayo triggered

>people with no coastlines have small minds
>tfw Californians don't even know what the D.C in Washington, D.C is or when the us was founded
>calling people dumb
>doesn't even know how to reply to other posters
California is cancer
it deserves to be glassed
every single state in the union hates cuckifornia besides Oregon

literally anywhere is better than california


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>beautiful diving
Yeah at an average speed of 5mph

I thought you were trolling. Maybe you're not. Self driving cars are still not a thing... What do you mean by auto driving?

>How does health insurance work? Do I have to go home and die on the couch if I have an expensive disease?

Your question is really dependent on the insurance plan you will get. Everyone has a different plan, like how people have different cell phone plans. So that's why it's hard to answer you.

If your employer has more than 50 employees than they have to give you health insurance by law. If they don't, but still do, then good for you. They will usually choose one or two plans and give you the final choice. Maybe they will offer you a basic PPO like "Blue Shield" where you can go to virtually anywhere that takes private insurance. Or, they might offer you what is called HMO (in California it's usually "Kaiser Permanente), and this one has pros and cons.

With HMO, it's like being a member of a gym/club. You get a membership card and can only go to that chain of hospitals and affiliated clinics/pharmacies. It will be cheaper, easier/faster to make appointments, and they will have all your medical information. But the quality of service is very mediocre to average. Usually poor people are the ones on HMO in America as the "co-pays" are lower too.

I spent too much on that when you might not even get it. Going back to PPO. PPO is like a private insurance plan, and you just ask whatever clinics/hospitals you like, if they accept it (almost of them will), and then you ask fees before service (if you're smart). You will need to understand the term "co-pay" or your share of the bill after insurance pays it. Learn what your deductible is. It's the same concept as in car insurance. If your deductible is high, (usually young healthy people get high deductibles because they don't expect to get sick), then the insurance will expect for you to cover a large burden before they kick in.

Will continue in another post.

He said diving, as in going in our MRSA infected ocean water lol.

I live in Los Feliz, I can see the ocean just fine.

I saw a clip of Joe Rogan and Joey Diaz talking about leaving L.A at some point.

(health insurance cont.)

So deductible works like this. You go to the ER for a car accident. Your deductible is 1000. Your bill is 20 thousand. You need to pay 1000 before the insurance pays the other 1900. It's simple. If you have car insurance, then you should already know how it works.

>How now to get fucked

Don't be unlucky. That's really it. Here is how you get fucked by American health care. You get in a car accident. No one is going to check what your insurance is (of course, why should they?) they will simply drive you to the nearest hospital, unless you're conscious to tell them where to go (like a taxi).

Well. What happens if they take you to an "out of network" hospital? Your insurance doesn't pay shit. You remember the 20k bill earlier? They will send you that bill, and your insurance will be like "nope. won't cover. good luck, lol". And then you will cry and make a reddit post about bad American health care.

That's one of the biggest pitfalls. You need to always remain in-network, provided you're not dying and can make executive decisions. So that's the concept you have to really get in America. You can technically walk into any hospital/clinic. By law, they have to treat you. But the responsibility is on YOU to make sure that they accept your insurance. In a car accident, it's not fair, and right, it's fucked up. So don't be unlucky.

I don't know what else. You really should do hours of research about health care in America. It might save you hundreds, if not thousands.

(third post)

If you will not get a top quality health insurance plan. Then I would suggest you look into what's called a health savings account. It works as the name iimplies. You contribute money to a tax-free savings account related for health expenditures. It's hard to calculate how much you should put into it, since only you know your health situation, and frankly, I haven't done it either. Might be wise to put 2000 (just making up a figure) into your savings account for health care, if you're going to be some fancy accountant. I think you can later withdraw the money if you don't use it, but it will be taxed.

Alright im out.

>People with no coastlines have small minds. The ocean INSPIRES peoples to greatness, like the film industry in L.A.

I live on the coast, seaside towns are all lame as hell. The potential is physically cut in half by the coast, they are all stunted rejects of towns.

Anyone got these pics of Los Angeles before 1965

Well that's somewhat retarded, from an insurance perspective. I would have thought emergency treatment would be treated like the tow truck in a car smash - nobody cares which one you use, just get the wreck off the road ASAP. Long term care being the equivalent of your insurance company requiring you to have repairs made by an approved garage.

Thank you user. Very informative

Jow Forums could u recomend me a good book about the history of hollywood and how kikery came to dominate it

Right. Frankly, I don't understand why they didn't fix emergency services at the same time they fixed the problem with per-existing people being denied coverage when Obamacare was written. I don't have a logical answer for you, probably because there is none. It just is, and probably enough wealthy insurance executives enjoy the status quo. American health care is a business, and businesses are in the business of making money. If you can choose to deny claims then, there you go. It's inherently flawed and unfair. I don't know. Don't be unlucky here. Remember the magic words "in network" and "do you accept my insurance here?"

I assure you that motor insurance is a business too. US healthcare sounds more like a cartel operation to me.

Honestly, it's the food trucks, the Mexican culture, and the diversity that make LA the glorious city that it is today. Also, it's a very sexually tolerant place too. I love LA. Anyone who says that they hate it actually can't afford to live there.

Also, the weather is just the best.

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Google Earth'd L.A

It is. There are only 2-3 major health carriers in most states. Their prices are fixed and non-competitive, and they don't have reciprocity agreements.

I disagree with about 70% of the Democratic agenda, but they were to seriously push for an NHS here, then I'd vote for it in a heartbeat. Most millennial are in favor of it now. It's coming eventually through referendum unless those cartels can corrupt our political system even further.

If* they were

My family has been farming in OR since the 1800's and I take offense to that.
You're talking about Portland and probably Eugene. Many of the shitty people in those cities are from out of state.

The Oregon folk I know fucking hate Portland and Commiefornia.

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I can't see it working for you. Barely works for us as an existing system and our demographics are in much better shape. You could probably implement basic A&E through a national insurance scheme though, if you're well enough to be on a ward you're well enough to be transferred to your private scheme - or deported to fucking Mexico as the case may be.

LA is objectively the worst city in America.

>is nog nooit naar LA geweest
>Gelooft in alle clichés
>weet niet hoeveel vervuilig er is
>weet niet hoeveel drugs er zijn, niet wiet :^)
>weet niet hoeveel daklozen er rond zwerven
>weet niet welke shit regels er in cali zijn
>weet niet de SJW en andere kanker dat er rond loopt
>weet basically niks

krijg kanker

nice bait 7/10

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>What's not to love?
The liberals
The traffic
The illegals
The smog
The culture
The Hollywoodland

>Why is Los Angeles the best city in America?
Are you from 30 years ago?

>Jow Forums could u recomend me a good book about the history of hollywood and how kikery came to dominate it
You don't need a book for that. Hollywoodland benefits those who are good at networking and Jewish people tend to be good at that.

trolling aside what is the best city in america
i own a house in san jose through family inheritance but that city is truly unliveablely aids to the point where id rather live in this literal 3rd world shithole than there

LA is pretty terrible, akshually.

Traffic is insane, the air is literally sticky with filth, and it's filled with hobos and spics.

At best, you should only visit LA -- unless you're wealthy enough to live in the hills.

whats pol opinion on san diego?

LA was a shit even thirty years ago.
The whole place is paved and you couldn't see more than 3-4 blocks because of the smog. All the people were fake as fuck and everything cost a fortune.

Like most big cities, it is the Jew's utopia. No nature, no social connections, and the whole place is designed to separate the goyim from their earnings.

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You've been playing too much GTA 5.

yeah nice try shit hole city

I can highly recommend not even visiting unless it involves a significant amount of cash making its way into your account.

Cuc k

all of the idiots responded to you without any idea that most of the benefits you mentioned aren't even true. top b8.

can't c me

>Mogollon Rim

It isn't.

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