Gook Moot, his love for money ruined you
Jow Forums, a honeypot
Thr right, a policy of murder
Gook Moot, his love for money ruined you
Jow Forums, a honeypot
Thr right, a policy of murder
Other urls found in this thread:
My posts are contradict each other in every thread I post in.
I’m a heat of the moment larper.
Plus everyone knows this site is satire ;)
you dug your own grave
never trust snitchcord
>Cullen said investigators spent months reviewing digital evidence in the case, including social media posts, photos and videos.
VPN, tor, encryption etc are what you need if you're involved in this type of thing.
It would be trivial to deanonymize anyone on Jow Forums, Twitter, Discord etc unless they take those precautions.
Or you could just not murder
Article says the Charger was silver. Ummm....
Literally ditto.
Why has planned parenthood gotten away with 1.5 BILLION babies killed since 1980......
>muh dead niggers
They are sacrificing babies to MOLECH, an ancient cananite and bablyonian deity of DEATH,
>the jews, Hollywood and politicians world wide worship molech
And in turn are using these babies to become immortal, and demon filled, but they are PUTTING THE BYPRODUCTS, dead used up fetuses , into YOUR food, soda, Pepsi products, Starbucks, Nestle, and so much more..
>dead babies in your vaccines
Good goy take your baby death shot and become GUILTY too!!!
Stop these jews now!! This video has been shadowbanned, instantly demonitized and is pissing off the demon worshiping kikes..
>stem cells COULD be evil also
Not saying they are but I have to look into what this video says
>dan bilzarian gets 200million$ shots of pure dead baby juice ,,,,
NOT UMBILICAL cords like mel said
Because none of it is real and all the Jews did was absorb the teachings of their rulers like a good slave race
Would you
You brought this on yourself.
And yet the mag llight nigger Deandre Harris who clobbered and old man and whos friend was torching people with a diy flamethrower (on camera) get off free as victims.
Nigs and lefties can do this shit with impunity but when we fight back we are the epitome of evil.
Or perhaps you like playong the victim.
Antifa was in their permit area, altright were not.
Fuck this im going back to ventrillo Im deleteing discord. Place became a shitheap anyway
OP, could you make an archive link. No one here goes to CNN directly. I have it blocked on the router.
Citation needed
Wait a fucking second are you claiming they had a permit to block the street? This is absurd, you are blatantly lying and expecting people to believe you.
>Fuck this im going back to ventrillo Im deleteing discord. Place became a shitheap anyway
jesus christ user read a fucking book
Yes I saw that permit, the relevant part is under Street Closing: will be determined by CPD. In fact, both sides had been ordered to disperse by the time James Fields ran into protestors who were blocking the street.
You claimed they were in their 'allotted area,' I'm asking you to prove their 'allotted area' included the middle of the street police officers were directing cars down, because to my understanding both protests were to take place around the central park area.
This is the legal injunction giving the 'alt-right' lawful reason to be there.
All I see is the altright were correctly denied a permit under imminent intent, and a deepstate judge let it through to frame Trump supporters for being unable to control themselves.
Wow, what kind of psychic powers let you derive that kind of intent from a lawful ruling against a partisan local government? Truly impressive, you should be famous.
I put fake information on there anyway
Simple, it was denied because there was demonstrated intent for harm, and harm was done.
If anything, the judge was guilty of being naive for thinking the Charlottesville government would not attempt to subvert his ruling by whatever methods were available to them. He should have ordered the national guard sent in to protect the rights of the Unite the Right protestors.
Unite the right had plenty of armed felons on site already.
NG was needed for protecting ANTIFA
this. only open discord on TOR, while on your VPN. then CC cleaner your hard drive afterwards, microwave the harddrive, and buy a new one from best buy with your friends credit card
So either way you admit that Charlottesville police failed at their lawful duty to keep the peace and allow the protests to proceed.
Tor is cia
Yep, they wanted to see ANTIFA bleed commie red
proof? and they would need to subpoena the CIA too then. just one more extra layer of protection
Isnt Perkins Coi is behind the Congressman had knowledge of a Doctor jacking off a 23 year old totally ripped collegiate wrestler against his will story?
Stay out of prison for another year or two and it won't matter. The left are ramping up the violence and soon it will be them on the receiving end of bullets and handcuffs. Either that or they win and kill us all.
This is literally a comedy board with dark satirical humor. Why would anyone care what we say here??
Why would CIA protect you?
This is like saying FBI will clean Kavanaugha. Clintons pets will lie so they can magically impeach him in 2021.
I don't use Discord. But really everyone here should use vpn but even vpn has to adhere to lawfull requests.
What you should do is get a wifi grabber and use that free wifi from the coffee shop. THey sell battery powered wifi devices that can bounce a signal. Hide it in a tree. Also, buy a laptop from goodwill -check it for bedbugs though- and only pay cash.
Yeah and theres lots of stuff on not stealing, its why blacks only have a bike to hang clothes
well if you read my post you would also be behind a good VPN that doesnt store logs. so even if thats true, being on TOR only makes it harder to track you, not easier. so im right. unless you think chrome is better than tor for some reason.
Fucking Somalis and their bed bugs.
The real wild card in the deck is how the mestizo population reacts to major white on white violence. C’ville is a progressive hive in a Conservative region of Virginia. What happens if the Republicans score another Justice after Kman? What if they also take more control of the house and senate? Does AntiWhite go for broke in that scenario?
>not contradicting yourself in a single thread
>Obama law firm
>I'm gonna sue teenagers from Leavenworth
I dont think this will get very far