CNN said that Russians are muh dangerous criminals

Let's put Russian mafia in our new video game to piss off our multi-million Russian Witcher fan community. What could go wrong?

My money are unironically going to Activision this year. Sorry poles, but you have only yourselves to blame.

Attached: 1.jpg (750x375, 91K)

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Well it exists in real life. Maybe you should be more worried about that than a video game

What the fuck are you even talking about?

>Well it exists in real life. Maybe you should be more worried about that than a video game

Russian mafia is a boogeyman. Even if there is some organized group operating in the US, it's Jewish. Ask the Kenyan user, he posted links today.

>What the fuck are you even talking about?

The first villian the protagonist of the new CDPR game - Cyberpank2077 - have to confront is Russian mob.

Muh based CD Project Red.

And that triggers you? I bet you are proxy fagging. No real Russian would be triggered by that.

>And that triggers you? I bet you are proxy fagging. No real Russian would be triggered by that.

I'm sicked and tired of every other faggot putting Russian villian in their games.

И я нe иcпoльзyю пpoкcи, я дeйcтвитeльнo pyccкий.

it's a video game, grow up retard

>it's a video game, grow up retard

It's jewish propaganda, as far as I'm concerned.

Everybody thought that CDPR was "based", but they turned out to be just another SJW videogame studio for faggots.