I want to believe

I want to believe

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What does this actually mean for us?

Lol, it's the cover story smear + 9th page retraction gambit, except instead of some shitrag newspaper it's the entire justice system literally from top to bottom.

It means that some naughty jews are going to be named for treason, and Trump how holds the cards.

LOL just the other day they were bitching about Reps keeping it under wraps.


Feinstein just posted this on Twitter

תכבה את זה

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It means they just spent the law two days making barbecuing nothing burgers at the expense of taxpayers and time.

>Relax. Jesus.
>Um. Yeah, this was really easy. Don’t even know why you’d even want this in the first place though. Some guys on the internet helped, btw.
>Wow. Well, ok then. We’re going to release it since were done and everything.
>Um. You asked us to do this, lady. Like, the other day.
>fucking jews I swear to god
>I told you dude

Make it stop

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Draft of Today's fema message

>Hello America!
>Big Don(g) here just wanted to let you know that we are.........
>Obama will be on trial soon when he regains consciousness
>I just tried out this new taser made just for me in 24k gold plating by the marvelous Smith and Wesson company and I gotta tell you, this thing is great!
>I tazed him for 4 minutes straight until he defecated all over himself, sad!

Didn't one company already make him a golden deagle?

It's been like that from the start, and Trump has been drawing out all of their dirty tricks one at a time and crushing them


They are so fucked

This is an extremely optimistic view of the current situation.

Fuck. It's the Jews.

Jessie James made him a custom .45

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Oh my God, seriously? The Bitch blasted it all over the media and now she wants it private?

This woman truly truly is one of the biggest jokes in all of politics.

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It just means that the investigation exonerated Kavanaugh, but the Dems want to just rehash their talking points from last week as if it never happened. They cant do this without seeming like the shysters they are if the public gets the report

It means they found Ford's shady connections to FBI and perjured herself multiple times.

Ptr made him a custom ptr91. It just had gold engraving though

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You're high, that gun is cool as shit

>we cant have the public knowing how corrupt us dems are. Lets keep it hush hush so they wont all get redpilled

lol, you're confusing the mexican's lust for disgust. Only a mexican would think that gun looks good.

She believes the opposite. She is baiting the GOP into making it public.

Feinstein has been getting updates from an FBI agent working directly on the case, and it's not looking good for Judge Kavanaugh, per my source in her office. She is trying to bait GOP into making it public. Per my source, one of the witnesses in the July 1st party has done a 180 and now says it did happen and was talked about at school the next Monday. This means Kav is guilty of perjury, since he said she wasn't there. We now have at least 2 people on the record saying she was.


If this is true, Brett "Rape'em all" Kavanaugh will get the vote. I think Feinstein is protecting Ford. Since Feinstein likely leaked the letter, she may be fucked.

Just posted what? Her last tweet was hours ago.

If it looked bad on BK that jew would just leak it

>being this desperate to keep Ford and her corruption innocent.
If the GOP didnt want it public he wouldnt have asked for the investigation to begin with.
Jesus liberals really are brain dead

It'll be leaked five minutes after it's delivered.


You would have to be an absolute mong to not be able to see what is happening.

Fuck off with this larping shit. Ford is the only liar faggit.

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FYI - This Hanafin fellow is fishy as all get out. His picture seems to have been hurriedly transplanted from somewhere else and HIS LAST NAME MEANS "STORM" IN IRISH.

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>Per my source, one of the witnesses in the July 1st party has done a 180 and now says it did happen and was talked about at school the next Monday.
Meaning she contradicted her previous sworn statement?

It means it not only clears Kavanuagh, who they need to keep smearing, it probably implicates some Jew Democrats in some naughty business.

Fuck off Laura Larper

Dr. Ford has struggled to identify Judge Kavanaugh as the assailant by name.

• No name was given in her 2012 marriage therapy notes.

• No name was given in her 2013 individual therapy notes.

• Dr. Ford’s husband claims to recall that she identified Judge Kavanaugh by name in 2012. At that point, Judge Kavanaugh’s name was widely reported in the press as a potential Supreme Court nominee if Governor Romney won the presidential election.

• In any event, it took Dr. Ford over thirty years to name her assailant. Delayed disclosure of abuse is common so this is not dispositive.

I hope trump carries it with him and some faggot liberal tries to rush the stage only to be met with the big bore stare

Sauce on this

It looks like a belt buckle

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I'm a dum dum, so can someone tell me how good Kavanaugh is for the SC? Does he make the court more conservative? Will abortion and homo-marriage be made illegal?

A nice gilded pistol, for comparison

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Yes and no. Kennedy was a swing vote that will now be firm red. Scotus can't rule on things not presented to the court.

I see. So, what would have to take place for the court to abolish freedom to abort.

>we have "proof" it happened we can stop the investigation!!!

>.....don't release it.......
Sure thing larper.

It would more likey be case in which a state expanded babbortion restrictions and the scotus issues an opinion upholdig the decision without necessarily overruling previous precedent of babby killer v wade.

>we have actual reason to delay
>allows confirmation to proceed

per my source you are a lying faggot

Look everyone. Its Larry Larpstein.

kavanaugh is for "constitution as written" meaning he will make it a states wrights issue (smaller gov is good) ie blue urban areas will see no change at all since they will opt to keep publicly funding terminations and commie disinfo with their "health" orgs.

it is the dems and their dissemination arms terrifying their religious adherents to incite them to act up and perform free acts of violence.

also their big pharmas may make less easy public money if some states decide no

dam that looks cool

Fuck off back to facebook you faggot boomer. Take your gay story time with you. You cringed me so fucking hard I almost puked. I fucking hate what you stupid faggots have turned Jow Forums into.

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I expect Kav to not be confirmed. But only because the jew is calling in favors and promising big rewards. They weren't fucking around this time and they're in too deep to let all this effort go to naught.

They will pay off senators and we'll only discover how it was done years later. It'll be too late and the revolving door will have done its job

She lied about the rape escape door too

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Apparently, it name the jews

They've turned flake already. One of the other red women will flip and there won't be a tie.

>leaks private information to the public
>umm, keep my stuff private, goylem!!

It's like your fine china. You keep it on display but you never actually use it because it's too fancy and you don't want to risk damaging it.

Trump needs to open carry that weapon everywhere he goes. Can you imagine the fucking salt!!

they already said they will have the report in a scif

Fbi investigation waa an excuse to do a background check on ford.

Interesting analogy.

It's because she doesn't want it publicized that the FBI proved her office leaked the letter.

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It means anyone that thought there was a scintilla of legitimacy to this story has no brain whatsoever

I hope he does all that, greentexts and then
>pic related
>fetal positioned and shit stained pic of Obama.

The only reason she wouldn't want it released is because it would help Kavanaugh. This is great news.

Do I criticise the trigger disciple here? I wanna fit in.

rape-escape door. hahah holy shit.
Imagine this becoming an option for new houses for liberals.

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no, fuck off.

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There is always desire to be something more within human. Usually it manifest itself through materialistic ways, sexual ways, through drugs or parenthood example. It is endless chasing, rat-race that leads nowhere but keeps you busy through own creation that people calls as life.

We can't remember our time as toddlers because we didn't exist in that time. We had no identity. Only when years has gone while we gathered data from our environment we created identity. When we have our identity, we decide what matters to us. Then we experience impulsive feelings when things didn't go as we wanted.

We are piece of life that creates own image and plays it (Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image). We get so tangled to our own creation that it can kill us and bring us into hell. We think that something or someone causes our misery even when we alone create everything within.

We have all this mysterious desire to do something, be something more. It usually manifest itself through sexual ways, materialistic ways, through parenthood, dating, drugs, games, food, alcohol.. you name it. Through that it leads nowhere, it keeps us happy for a moment and then we need more. So where we are now? We are piece of life that want to experience bigger part of it. Through physical ways it finds not that part and when that need to expand finds no expression we create this pain within. So what to do? This is what meditation is all about. We wan't to think nothing, be nothing because that is just the data we gathered from the physical and created self from it. When we learn to be still, just be as piece of life, something start to happen that seems to expand you into everywhere. It seems to that consciousness, awareness is the basic that exist and everything else is manifest of it.

What (((they))) wan't is to bind us more and more into physical, sins, into that rat-race i wrote about above, so that we wouldn't learn or even think about this.

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Yes it’s almost lique he has someqne helpinq him

My source is better than your source

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Just like Ford's statement was not supposed to be made public?

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You could, but it doesnt really matter since it's SA and the hammer's down. Plus it's just sandniggers, you cant really hold them to our standards.

...i can fly

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>Hello America
>Daily reminder Jeb is a mess

It's simple. She thinks it won't go her way. now that every witness looks incredible or is cribbing notes from Frod, no one's going to believe the interviews coming out of the FBI. Things like this are """closely held""" only so long as it doesn't forward the Jewish narrative.

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Not sure who big dong is but I read this in the voice of 3 dog from fallout and it was very satisfying.

That word is spelled correctly wtf


I believe Hillary has set precedent in this situation.

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Wait... big don, Donald. Got cha. But it is America and they do have some strange morning news shows.

It means nothing for Slovakia. Be concerned with your own shithole country, us 1st worlders are doing big boy things.


Foxnews, megan kelly on msnbc and many more.

They should hang Feinstein.

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I mean Kavanana is guilty and will not be on the SC, Trump is finished the Muller investigation is ending with him being thrown in jail, Hillary will be placed in office as the true leader and we will finally a successful country.

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can we just get some good news for once ffs

Exactly. Liberals and niggers will keep getting abortions, while conservative places, mostly white wont (white numbers go up). Thats why (((they're))) trying so hard to kill Kavanaughs nomination right now.

Jesse James must have mexican or flip blood in him.

They sure as fuck wouldn't want to hold it to themselves if it laid blame on Kavanaugh

This. They want to walk out. Say the investigation was not exhaustive enough. Then say that there are still questions about kavanaugh and should be voted down becaus an ajosc should be above allegations. I swear i hope trump releases it and tells dianne to fuck off.


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Exactly. If it made Kavanaugh look guilty in any way the dems and their propaganda arm the (((media))) would be crying for it to be released. It exonerates Kavanaugh.. "We need to keep this secret". Jewena Kikestein

I want this more than anything now. First use of presidential emergency test is a shitpost.

Fuck dianne. She leaked fords name, they brought up and tried to question mark judge. They have already tried to question normal citizens in public setting they shouldnt get to take their ball and go home.

Jewish tricks stop working if you just dont opt into them
>Hey goy let me te-
>Nah man bye

If you couldn’t tell this lady was acting in her testimony you are an absolutely miserable judge of character.