Based USA

Based USA

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Can't wait for Drumpf to fuck off

What did they mean by this?

Our news say she already said 'I-I didn't mean it like that'

I think US won't do shit since this particular treaty US broke first and they know it. Starting a WW3 over it won't look good in history textbooks

>Our news say

Ah yes, the respected Russian "news" outlets.

Oh its on now, NATOnik comrades.

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>banned warheads
How does one ban a warhead in the first place? What, are only certain countries allowed to be tyrannical monsters with the lingering threat of killing millions with the press of a button?

People are cancer.

No need to be uncivil
Do your news not contain new statements from her?

What would they even do?

would she send her son\grandson to fight in Russia I wonder

Russia has played the bad guy role over a year. When is China's turn? North Korea is on vacation.

sorry your country isn't relevant

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Is China a bad guy? How many wars did they started in the last 30 years?

plenty, wars on disobeying agreements, crooks, nautical borders, environmental hazards.

I doubt they've outnumbered west in that shit.

>Is China a bad guy?
Yes, burger said so.

>russians being retarded
>respond by being retarded
i want both retards out of the office desu

more people lives in Asia than the other non-asiatic countries, hence more people are affected by these ch*nks. So they're literally outnumbered the west, just within a short span of time.

Sec. of Interior already threatened a naval blockade of Russia if they start chimping out.

And UK said they'd retalliate if Russia used chem. weapons, though didn't specify how. But it seemed to be implied that they meant military.

It seems like NATO has some evidence that Russia is planning something, and with the unrest in Ukraine escalating I almost wonder if it's gonna be there and not Syria.
The cease-fire in Idlib lasts until December, as well.

There's also the chance, and I assume, that it's going to be a western escalation where they blame Russia.
I guess that's what Russian media is going to try to paint this as.

as if russia would ever use chemical weapons. the XXX has used chemical weapons meme needs to die nobody but sheep believe it.

Based if they actually do it.

Pursuing your own interests before american interests is being the enemy.

Oh I see

who bitch dis is?

Is this about the S-300s coming to Syria?

Why is this woman speaking about war

>land of BBC, Guardian, Sun, etc.


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