Why are low quality men drawn towards white nationalism?
Why are low quality men drawn towards white nationalism?
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It's empowering.Society punishesh white men for being men.And Western Society today cannot function if white men were men.So white nationalism is the rejection of the current norms.
On the other hand low quality men are drawn as a defense mechanism because most minorities are men who fuck up the sex ratio and produce ugly women as offspring.
Also let's not forget that Western governments and media promote race mixing between Spooks and white women.
>why are low IQ leftists drawn to obvious leftist propaganda?
We may never know
>low quality men.
Kill yourself roastie, but just for a laugh, let's see your certifications, gender studies degree maybe?
>A recent scientific study at Columbia University found that 59% of self-described alt-right males are pee pee poo poo heads
>we polled 20 autistic faggots
>here's what that says about society at large
“Low quality men” now refers to white males with principle and honor. High quality males in 2018 mean a guy who listens to nigger music, sleeps around with thots, and lives a tradition less, hedonistic lifestyle perusing only self-pleasure
Fake pic. No sauce
>not having sex too early as something bad
are liberals that retarded?
Why do you keep posting thi?
Its not real. Article doesnt exist
>people with socially unaccepted ideology don't get fucked by fickle teens and usually have to wait for someone who is mature enough to not see them as muh evil nazis
Also traditionalists in general are more discerning when it comes to partners, particularly the religious. Presumably waiting until after marriage or find the one factors into this, not just turbo spergs.
is the average age 9? because I lost my virginity at 16.
i think we all know that waiting for marriage is not the issue here lmao
>implying losing your virginity outside of marriage is a bad thing
wew lad
I was 17. what's even the idea of this propaganda? "oh shit these guys are virgins? well I already lost my virginity but I don't want to associate with virgins"
these people are fucking retarded
>(((Anonymous polling)))
>People say things that make their group look bad
Maybe not, but is it even an issue at all?
The article is fake.
I forgot how much I love this webm, no homo.
Left-wing males are 78 times more likely to be sodomized by age 7 than the national average.
>(((1 post by this ID)))
>No sauce, more than likely a fake
Slide thread
kek, really puts things into perspective
OP 10 times more likely than the average gay man to suck cocks
>sleeps around with thots, and lives a tradition less, hedonistic lifestyle perusing only self-pleasure
Bahahahaha, sour grapes much?
What a fucking laugh! You are completely transparent, dumbass. "I could sleep with lots of beautiful girls, but I don't because I live a traditional lifestyle". Yaa, right.
Because that’s where all the high quality men are
I wasn't polled for this.
Projecting hard i see. I have a friend who got his first girlfriend at 22. But shes the real deal. All of Jow Forums would be jealous
Why does OP post fake articles?
Coz she has a dick?
Fuck off fake toothpaste
based and redpilled
I never had a girlfriend and I'm 33
false flag bullshit
most in the alt right are conservative
Kek, I lost mine at 23 and thought that was late, feel sorry for you 28+ virgs out there. Don't listen to those people that say "sex isn't that good anyway" by the way, you are totally missing out on a developmentally important biological need.
Really. I'm just a hideous unfun unsociable guy. Girls just don't like me.. I drive up the average stat.
So high quality=Robert Mueller
Low quality= Donald Trump
>Sleeps with thots
>Hedonistic lifestyle
>Doubt he listens to nigger music, but he sure as fuck eats nigger tier food
>A recent study finds that anyone and everyone who opposes the Communist takeover of America is a virgin and a meanie meanie doodoo head who hates women Reeeee
Horse shit, this is clearly b8 nobody here talks like that. Lurk around more before you make false flag shit. I gotta ask though, who do you work for? Vice, CNN, JIDF?
You can easily have principles and still get laid you fucking sperg.
How is losing virginity later in life a bad thing? It's literally the best thing a child can do. Fucking around before you can even have coherent thought is absolutely life destroying.
>1 post by this idea
Some people still value marriage.
>We will just manipulate data, even lie, to make our opponents look bad in whatever way we possibly can.
>low quality men
apparently vice believes that white american lefty women are some how high quality?
Because the group tells them "You aren't low quality losers, you're the master race!"
So they feel superior
Thats it really
Most worthless segment of women on the entire planet. Somehow also The Gatekeepers for all Western values and ideologies.
High status people are attracted to globalism because they can replace their expensive employees with cheap asians overseas and cheap mexicans at home. More vulnerable people need their tribe to stand up and protect them, rather than selling them to jews for a pile of cheap chinese junk.
It's mostly because they can't get women, because of being fat, ugly or socially retarded. They blame niggers and kikes for stealing them.
Yeah, as long as one of your principles isn't a monogamous relationship, or you lucked out and found the magical unicorn girl in highschool and stuck with her and got married at 18-20.
You should be a virgin until you are married
>Fornication Preached By Pastor Steven L. Anderson
>why are men robbed of their place in society pissed about it
I donno man. It's a mystery.
How is not being a slut a bad thing?
Why are Jews such low quality shrimp dicks
Because leftist, or faggots, are degenerates and lose their virginity at 12 when they are molested by their faggot parents
>most leftists are victims of child abuse
>and that's a good thing
Oh, look...it's this low tier bait again.sage this shit.
Fake article, it never existed.