>be natsoc >start studying chemical engineering at uni >a few niggers in my class >assigned to the same lab work group as a few of them >they're at pretty much the same level as anyone else when it comes to chemistry and math
I don't know how to feel about this
>also had to fill out 17 captchas to make a thread, wtf
>He thinks the dindus that gets accepted to university is the average dindu There is a small amount of them that is normal, either adopted by white parents or red pilled black parents.
Did you send me the wrong pic? This doesnt dispute anything I say.
Owen Wilson
Why does it matter? National Socialism is a political philosophy with a specific goal. Its a not a fashion to show your racism against niggers. Suck my dick, normalfag.
Luke Moore
>no Muhammad Artist is a cuck
Here's the thing, shit for brains. Those niggers are in the high percentile for their race and you're in the mean for yours, and the fact that you don't understand this shows that your kids will probably be below the mean.
Justin Martin
The image simply means that I am aware of something called "normal distribution"
Isaac Green
>no Muhammad Hence no one was murdered because of this image that's the point, you fucking retard
Ryan Turner
White people aren't that smart, big guy. Chemical Engineering isn't something a white guy in the mean can do successfully.
Gavin Miller
What is the point of this thread then if you already know all of this?
Eli Hernandez
What's the problem then?
Anthony Garcia
What? Do you honestly think someone with a mean IQ of 100 can't do chemical engineering of all fucking things? Jesus dude it's especially easy with all the grade inflation these days. The biggest obstacle to people not succeeding is effort not intellectual rigor.
Angel Davis
>no Muhammad
The point Your head
Ayden Bailey
I think OP is having trouble coming to grips that not everyone is as retarded as the average, and by subscribing to an ideology that he chose to express his beliefs in racial superiority, he is little shaken up by the fact that some blacks are competent. OP is a bit shortsighted and stupid.
Joshua Baker
t. trade school idiot who thinks he could study chemical engineering if he just tried
Charles Adams
I think so too.
Joshua Kelly
Nah, OP sounds more like a false flagger trying to make a lame gotcha thread without even understanding the ideology he's supposed to strawman.
Luis Campbell
Do you understand the amount of mathematical knowledge you need just to succeed in basic engineering, not to mention CHEMICAL engineering? You are so fucking stupid.
>thinking niggers in science is normally distributed FUCKING KEK, you slimy kikes are more brazen by the day.
Jonathan Lopez
You would be surprised by how many people that called themselves "natsoc" and don't understand anything about it. They just use it to feel more interesting to themselves.
Dominic Morgan
>NatSoc >EU flag No.
Camden Cook
well apparently some goddamn tribe in nigeria has the smartest dindus in the world and they again, apparently, actually do good math and physics etc.
Colton Miller
>believing memeflags start threads in good faith Oh Sven, you're too trusting
Isaac Lee
That is our weakness...
Cameron Mitchell
>No one murdered because we left Mohammed out of this image.
Jaxon Richardson
hahha so grade inflation is just some magic number that makes you a god at reactor design or chemical conversion velocity, ooooo my teacher in highschool gave me an A+ so now I can calculate wear on a curved pipe in turbulent flow
fuck you my social sciences friend
Charles Hall
Spot the mulato sudaca, name of your shitty "uni"?
Brody Campbell
Okay now start an ideological conversation. Being able to achieve a level of basic competency in certain maths and chemistry is not impossible for the upper percentage of negro (usually due to vary amounts of white heritage) but ideologically they are stil usually incompatible.
The only solution is living space. Let them have their wakanda so long as it is not built on top of YOUR home.
Also 60% chance this is a larp.
Henry Carter
You can have a base belief, but you also have to understand there will always be anomalies. Be respectful, too. I hate niggers as much as the next white guy here, but I'm respectful if they are worthy.
Jayden Gray
From this thread I can already tell that it's no surprise that the niggers are at "your level" - ie. you're at nigger level. Use your brain, consider IQ distribution, it's not like there's 0 blacks with an IQ in the range of 115-125, which is where you're at. If you look for any pioneers (IQ>135) you'll be tough out of luck though, friendo.
Leo Allen
>meme flag >meme posting This fucking shithole, i swear.
Jace Hill
Look at these cute anime images. Jow Forums should totally convert to Muslim don't you want a cute girl that has to wear head coverings for you.
This, I've actually met one, but they're a very small minority less than 5%, almost all niggers are dumb
Jace Thompson
You know I have this theory that ugly people are "wild" and beautiful people are "domesticated." The Eloi(Swedes) are inviting Morlocks(shitskins) into Mor(Sweden). Life imitates art.
Asher Gonzalez
i feel so sad for islamic children, getting zogged into atheism the same way european kids did in the 80s and 90s.
No Pedro. Grade inflation in college is allowing them to pass classes. >20 years ago "Hey you failed, so you failed." >today "Because it'll look bad that all of our diversity admissions fail, all 40s will be curved to a C."
>my small experience with a certain race is enough to judge them You’re as bad as people who are full blown nigger haters after one encounter
Gavin Nguyen
>anecdotal evidence one month into the school year Really gets me thinking
Leo Gonzalez
Then you are not in a shitty college run by sjws and it does require you to be exceptional to enter, right?
Dominic Morales
My theory is we have had good for so long, like we have not had a war or conflict for 200 or more years. It has created a paradise society for us, but it made us too naive and to think we could help everyone be like us. But culture is the way it is often becomes of it's peoples genes.
Grayson Thompson
any dindu with a hs diploma can get accepted thanks to diversity quotas the ones that don't drop out immediately are the special cases
You’re too dumb to be a chem eng lol. Let me help you: 100 people vacancy: 10% of whites get in, 2% of blacks. Getting in satisfied the same criterion thus making them your peers in skill. It’s rarer though. Simplest shit ever
Tyler Cooper
Mohamed enjoyed to rape goats, and was also a huge faggot
So then what's your fucking question you fucking retard? If you understand that each race has individuals who buck the averages, then why are you acting like a fucking retard? >implying >durr pol is wrong durr some niggers can math! >also implying >durr pol stoopid cuz I know about "normal distribution" >not stated, but obvious >DURR ME LIEK NIGGER DICK IN MUH ASSHOLE SO ME BIG PROGRESSIVE FAGGOT.
Jaxson Nguyen
I don't think he raped goats but Im sure he had child wives.
Do you get child wives if you convert to Islam? Or just some ugly inbred's cousin?
Daniel Foster
>I hung out with the descendants of the upper echelon of African society who also managed to get into a university course >turns out they're the same level of intelligence as I am Well, yeah.
Ayden Phillips
>Literally painted over western buildings.
Oliver Nelson
Exactly why Islam is the right choice. You get a beautiful wife that will never leave you or they will die by stoning.
Ugly inbred child wives, who are also your cousins, is the correct answer to your question. You make the mistake of assuming they're naturally separate possibilities, but to the mudslime, they're both one in the same.
Juan Edwards
So why are you inviting us to convert in the West then? And why are you here?
So, western Muslims are degenerate, but you think you can make it moral by converting people to Islam? Makes no sense bro. Its not like everyone knows Islamic countries are actually replete with boyfucking and (not so) secret drinking.