We need more of these types of letters sent out, better quality and more ominous. If you support the Beto fag, you better get the fuck out!!
We need more of these types of letters sent out, better quality and more ominous. If you support the Beto fag, you better get the fuck out!!
Other urls found in this thread:
You can't win if you don't cheat.
Whatever it takes to win. Fuck the Democrats. They are absolute vermin. A disaster for this nation.
Defeating a superior ideology is impossible so you choose to be a big, aggressive bully. Don't you see how big and aggressive the real bullies are yet? Defeating a bully is easy, just be a bigger bully. Why not just have better ideas? It's not hard, they're democrats. Surely you can win on the merits. Can't you? If not, why not? Is it because your leaders don't care about you a fraction of how much you want them to win?
Can we get one that hasn't been photocopied with the lid half down 30 times?
This is.
>superior ideology
that's the most retarded thing you can honestly say.
>better ideas
Republicans come up with the best ideas. Democrats are simply interested in helping out the kikes like Soros and destroying this great nation.
>bullying is bad
It's not when you're dealing with vermin like the Democratic party.
Okay fine faggot, let's rumble.
democrats dont operate on merit, only feeling
Can you read that? I want your eyes. GIVE ME YOUR SPECIAL EYES.
>Can you read that?
I can. It just says OP is a faggot over and over.
You need to be bourdained.
So why do Republicans have to cheat to win? It's piss easy to just have better ideas and present them to the voters. If you can't do that, then cheating is the only way you can win. In the end, you end up electing people who couldn't win any other way. It's like your doctor having a fake degree. Then you get cheated by the cheaters you elected. Why do you do this?
Ted Cruz is Canadian
Like I said, faggot. Get in the street. You have a gun, don't you? Let's go, let's rumble. I'm ready. Pussy.
>Ted Cruz is Canadian
He renounced his canadian citizenship because he was a fake canadian. Lets see Betoff renounce his fake hispanic card.
>Whatever it takes to win. Fuck the Democrats. They are absolute vermin. A disaster for this nation.
agreed but I want to see lyin Ted go down with his share of the Trump curse
Have you ever talked to a democrat?
Not exactly the more honest people, the biparty system is corrupt as fuck.
People like you think America is way more honest than it is. You give us way too much credit. Our politics aren't even close to based on merit.
So why cheat to win?
>actually believes both sides are not controlled by the same people
Jesus fucking christ what the fuck is wrong with you, how long have you been on this board? I doubt it's longer than an hour.
Why? Ted Cruz is one of the few republicans who got over the election and has been defending trump ever since. Plus Beto wants to take away constitutional rights.
Then they're based on marketing. And openly mocking rape victims is... What marketing strategy is that? Do you think Donald Trump is marketing well? Of course not, that's why they cheat.
His name is Rafael.
Because that's the system we have, you can't win if you don't cheat because the other side isn't going to be honorable just because you choose to be. American politics are a mess, you're too much of an idealist to see it.
Trump isn't a normal republican you dumb faggot kike
>hurr trump is a bad guy because he's a republican, see look at this other republican who hates trump but is basically a democrat
My god you're so fucking stupid
What rape victims?
>His name is Rafael.
Sorry, I gave the dumbest response ever, and I deleted it. Was embarrassing for me and everyone here.
What strong Mexican name lmao
>threatening people on the internet
>threatening people on Jow Forums
Wew lad
Cause the Democrats lie, cheat and commit election fraud in every single election. If they didn't they wouldn't exist as a party.
>What strong Mexican name lmao
Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke
100% potatonigger.
>American meritocracy
Nigga pls, no such thing exists anymore
The best is he's challenging people to meet him in the streets of a nation he isn't even in lol
Share Blue Faggot. Why would a Czech care about the Texas election?
Even after trump completely endorsed him such a fag
im gonna miss Cruz goys
It’s the only thing they can do no political person will ever be honest take everything they say with a grain of salt it’s sad but true
>threatening people with fake fines on letters designed to look official
kys faggot
It's called Czechas you dumb spic
Bourdain yourself faggit
It's called a VPN, Cleetus.
I don't know what the fuck this is but it's barely legible
>Triggered out over witnessing an amazing winning
>Gets ass handed to him
>Responds with literal niggerdry
>how can I learn to read
You can't.
You're too retarded.
Bourdain yourself.
I've seen literally nothing here that explains why it's okay to cheat. I haven't responded because all you're doing is saying, "well that's how it is." It's this way because you choose it to be this way, user.
Ever heard of "might is right" faggot?
>It's called a VPN, Cleetus.
It's not my thread, faggot.
Like I said, let's rumble. Where are you at?
>Beta O'Rouke
Wasn't the psycho governor in Sin City also named O'Rouke?
It's not a threat, if you think might makes right then let's go. Let's get in the street. You people are pussy faggots.
P.S. You'll have to do better than a Dodge Charger.