*sips tea*

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OP knows a thing or two about breaching walls and destroying civilization

>infinite space
care to prove that space is infinite because you can’t

>we are all meat bags on a dust ball flying through space
Nihilistic people should just kill themselves

Attached: when-im-dead-just-throw-me-in-the-trash-4780021.png (500x354, 73K)

>That's what we get for not going back to being the isolated third world.

Yes. What are you going to do about it?

Gas yourself roach

Sounds like infidels should be let into Mecca during the hajj. Pure shirk OP

they can't stab me if they aren't on my side of the line

stupid thread, OP is stupid

>smokes cigarette.

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You're not very smart. I tell you what, open your home to anyone and everyone. Keep your doors unlocked, your car. Go ahead, do it!

You’re going back. No two ways about it

So go to live somewhere in that infinite space then instead of in my backyard.

>Borders are imaginary but human rights are, like, totally a thing for real I swear my professor said so!

Right, so I can just go into "your" house (if you ever owned one) and just take what I like, since your "land" is just imaginary boundaries on a giant rock floating in infinite space?

look at a map

>takes all your resources
Fuck nationalism right? The earth belongs to anyone.


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OP has crossed the real line that separates men from fags.
>tl;dr: OP is a fag

Well they are welcome to go out into that infinite space then. They don't NEED to come here.

Weird how they all want america but when america “takes” their resources suddenly nationalism is hot shit.

get the fuck off my rock

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Of course the idiot cockroach can't comprehend borders. Go be a genocide denier elsewhere, you faggot insect.

By this logic, I’ll just ignore my neighbors parcel lines and plant trees in his yard. I don’t pick up leaves when they fall by the way, I let them decompose and add nutrients into the soil. If he gets mad I’ll show him this low quality meme and sip tea.

>complain about nationalism
>complain about policing the world
Pick one.

>You're under arrest
>For putting a piece of meat inside another peace of meat
>That belonged to a bigger piece of meat that has existed since the Earth has spun around the sun 9 times

>turks advocating for immigrants
how the mighty have fallen

Attached: kemal.jpg (850x400, 69K)

Guess i'll just step across those imaginary lines that dictate ownership to your house to help myself to that stuff you imagine you have ownership of

Space is a meme you faggot

*loads gun*

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Then let's make it not imaginary


I don't see any human, do you ?
Fuck you, we're all ants

Why are Turks and Arabs all low key gay? Ottomans rape their slaves, same with Arabs. Even in World War One, they rape enemy soldiers.

turks are dumb


Why is a greek showing a picture of a destroyer of hellenic culture ?

South america isn't a country user

So.. all laws are arbitrary, but especially the ones protecting minorities?

I smell a mangina

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What the fuck is imaginary about fences, walls, land deeds, checkpoints, watchtowers, customs sheds and road signs?

>lets just throw out all socially established laws and rules because some people want to get ahead and make that totally fake money

go sell that shit to China and see how that goes for ya roach

> cell wall
> zoom out to organism

Life is more complex. Retarded stoner brains oversimplify reality to fit their diminished mental capacity.

Where do you live? Your doors and walls are imaginary lines, and so is your anus.

the Entente betrayed Greece, they left us alone. the Turks held their ground, anyone would've done the same. I have respect for Atatürk.

>imaginary line
That's why a wall is being built roach

Imaginary lines? Ok. I will take your home and move there. In the end. We are all living on giant rock. There is no Turkey. You are thinking you own your house? That there is line between you and your neighbor? Wrong. Everything is for everyone. Your religion? Fuck it. We are all on giant rock floating in infinite space. I don't see it is owned by Mohamed anywhere writen on Earth. Religions and divided by imaginary line. There is only one god. Allah can suck dick. Just imaginery faggot.


kill yourself

You're under arrest for procreating your animal species against the will of the female. On a giant rock floating in infinite space.

Hey, you can make everything trivial by being a fucking moron, nice OP!

Ur right.
Geographical nationalism is such a dumb idea.
Let's try the jew idea of racial nationalism:
> you're all under arrest
> for intruding into my racial safespace
> on a flat plane divided along racial lines
There, fixed it for you.

>What are you doing in my house?

Is this some kind of whataboutism?

>crosses imaginary line
oh so tell me where do the syrians go when they cross your southern imaginary line?

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>You're all under arrest
>for forcibly having sex with white women

Attached: 1538569436827.jpg (600x483, 60K)

>infinite space
>infinite space is expanding
Really fries your almonds

This image says a lot about our society

Nihilism is the heart of leftism. You must be self-loathing as a white man to be a leftist.

> Muffdiver Camel AttaTurk
Based asf

Attached: Rapture~01.jpg (1440x2264, 984K)

>imaginary line
As long as we fuck with people who cross the line, it is not imaginary. Real consequences makes it real

alt-right SJWs BTFO

It's talmudic
Earth is flat, the final red pill.

>in infinite space
you lost

A country’s established border is not “imaginary”. Only cuckdems try to imagine our country does not exist while they enjoy the benifits of our rebublic.

1 post!

I think clumps of cells should use arrangements of steel molecules to propel arrangements of lead molecules towards clumps of cells which inhabit particular spacial coordinates without permission from the clumps of cells which were at those coordinates at an earlier time.

Can I rape? It's just entering the imaginary space between a woman's legs

>1 post by this ID

You're under arrest for shortening someone's life by 55 years on a floating rock in space that has existed for 6,000,000+ years

All I see is the rightful clay of the 5000 quadrillion years long canadian empire spanning over 9000 trillion planets

It’s called being an undocumented gynecology

Just go live in space niggers

If borders are so unimportant to you turkroach, how come you wanna cross them?

I vote to take your welfare tea away, traitor.

Based asf swede

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>Getting arrested for sticking your flesh bit in another fleshy bit without asking first
Rape doesn't exist?

If space is so great why don’t we just shoot all the Mexicans there? Checkmate.

>Borders are social constructs and thus bad
>But human rights are totally real you guys and anyone who says otherwise is a fucking nazi

>pretends his border point makes sense
>flips out when people avoid paying taxes based on their arbitrary physical location on said planet

Attached: 20A10250-674C-4B3B-9117-FD19F86E2CD1.png (416x435, 114K)

>calls police because someone is breaking into his imaginary bordered home

Then just go out into the infinite space and leave our area alone, why obsess over our "tiny" worthless area?