Is this guy a Psyops? I mean even his name hints it

There is lots of info out there about MKultra, Project Butterfly etc. how the techniques are used by the Music industry and his first hit was a first class earworm (brainworm):

Attached: vibe-psy-gangnam-style.jpg (630x420, 61K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Take your meds.

>first hit

gangnam style was on his 6th album and came out after he'd been in music for a decade

why are juden so paranoid about the mighty korean cock?

So what the fucking what? Is he a psyops or not?

Quick rundown on project butterfly

Jow Forums has reached a new level of retard with this post.

Attached: Gee_Iwonderwho.jpg (491x491, 78K)

>a psyops
>says that twice

its "a psyop" you fucking moron. and no, he isn't. nobody at his label expected that song would get so popular. it was wildly successful largely for ironic reasons too, which is difficult to engineer for a psyop.

I meant Project Monarch