Trump planning to use Chinese historical bond to cancel US national debt held by China >Trump planning to use Chinese historical bond to cancel US national debt held by China
Trump planning to use Chinese historical bond to cancel US national debt held by China >Trump planning to use Chinese historical bond to cancel US national debt held by China
Is this your dissertation or just some class project?
Jayden Reed
>memeflag >no proofs >literally times new roman laminated OP, I...
Luke Roberts
sauce is From a Chinese billionaire (maybe a trillionaire) currently in exile in the US. He is part of the movement.
Daniel Ramirez
Could this trigger military conflict?
Adrian Taylor
>Chinese billionaire >trump gonna do this thing cause this thing Ok
Camden Gonzalez
Gavin Kelly
naw, they are already hurting from our trade war (have a few friends in Hong Kong) and this would be the final blow and will assert American dominance back into #1.
Matthew Martinez
Can someone explain how this works?
Jaxson Sullivan
the KMT is in Taiwan, maybe we should seek remittance from them
Samuel Kelly
Good, if true. Fuck the insectoid people. Maybe they will lose all their wealth and property that they hold around the world. Now we just need to fuck over Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Liam Hughes
unless you want more gook refugees going into Canada don't fuck up China for no reason
James Anderson
Military conflict between nuclear powers is a meme
William Gutierrez
Yeah, like we don't want to push Canada farther right....
William Baker
Is it? Israel sank the Liberty...
Lincoln Hernandez
This could be epic. Is it for reals?
Bentley Bell
>between A master bullying a vassal is not a conflict between two powers.
Michael Brooks
Jaxson Jenkins
Ask Taiwan to pay.
James Diaz
Small update liberals are getting BTFO up here. Been since 1974 they have held so few seats.
Cameron Cook
this is Benjamin Fulford tier nonsense
Dominic Jenkins
If true Trump would become the new Godemperor for life the next day. Holy fuck the absolute chinkoid assmad that would result. You would have two billion anally devastated insectoids screeching eternally. There would be mass suicide events in China.