How do we solve the Latino drunk driving epidemic?

Why do Latinos/South Americans/Chicanos etc. love to drive drunk? Is it a badge of honor in their culture? Is calling a cab a sign of cuckery to them?

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Is there a living human behind all that makeup?

No, same with rhinoplasties

Its extension of macho culture
>I can do this other people can't

Well, not any more.

Texas here. They can't help it, it's just part of their culture. They come across the border illegally, get drunk, and then crash into some American family in a family van. Happens at least once a week down here, and it's always the same, name of the DUI/hit and run/driver is always Martinez/Gonzalez/Rodriguez/etc. They no comprehende el car insurance either, which makes it even worse. The fuckers almost killed me as well, when I was a kid. A full 6 pack of them rolled over their shitty car coming around a turn too fast and barreled into the yard where I was playing. Only avoided getting hit because we had a big tree that stopped the car before it got to me. Five or six of the fuckers fells out, beer cans slung around the yard from rolling. They scattered like roaches before the cops got there.

Is there a lizard face underneath of your mask?

In Toronto blacks, Indians, Tamils, Arabs, Bangladeshis, Greeks, and Armenians really just COMPLETELY disregard the warnings about drunk driving.

Especially brown guys. They just get fuckin wasted and hop behind the wheel of an 18-wheeler like whatever.

What race were they?


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I had a hispanic coworker who killed his passenger in a dui crash, she was 20 years old and he was 22. He was dropping her off at home and crashed into a tree right in front of her place. Her parents have to see that tree every time they leave their house. I think he got sentenced to about 12 years, it was his third dui.

Spics are busted for child molesting and drunk driving constantly

She is more human than any jew.

>under 30
>Mother of three



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>Dreaming while driving

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I found her FB page. One of her kids looks like a spic.


Are we looking at the same picture? Thats an obvious Goblina

Food stamps don't work for cabs.

EBT is for lobster - anybody that hates working and loves to leech off me knows this.

if anything he deserves a medal for killing a liberal

>Champion boxer Marcos Forestal was arrested on suspicion of drink driving

Drink Driving lol who checks this shit for mistakes

Get on chair, tie a rope around your neck, then jump off.

>How do we solve the Latino drunk driving epidemic?
give them more booze and faster cars

you mean drink driving