jesus christ Jow Forums
what race are they even supposed to be?
Jesus christ Jow Forums
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>what race are they even supposed to be?
la gente
Just your standard goblinas trying to expell a creatura. An increasingly common sight in some parts of the US.
why do girls tits always fly out when they fight
Those are spics.
>Germanic rape baby calls another country mutts
>your standard goblinas trying to expell a creatura
Kek, sometimes I really have pity for you ameribros but then I remember I live in Paris.
This is the human body on multiculturalism
>that guy trying to fight back a smile while trying to break up the fight but not wanting to physically touch the obese woman
Because these days girls wear shirts that bend the laws of physics themselves in order to show the maximum possible cleavage at all given times while also giving you a peek at their nipples. Any amount of movement disrupts the careful atomic balance and they slip out for all to see (but don't you dare look you sexistracistbigotpig)
This meme will never cease to amuse me.
Where i live, ive seen maybe one spic in person. Unfortunately my town is like 5% nig. Not sure which is worse to be honest. Nig crime is usually petty and against other nigs. Mestizos seem capable of a higher level of crime.
I kinda want to see the big one rape the little one. ami.. amirite
La humongo anericano gobolina
Whip out dem
Looks like they're wetbacks
La Raza de Ogre
el gigante del goblino leviatán
Poor user can't even post creatura memes.
Hotto desu ne?
This is a reenactment of found footage of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's assault sources familiar with the way reenactment actors think state.
Good one Winnie.
do this one
She's a big gal
What state?
Sadly that will be the new American race of the south. The American mutt. Half shitty white and half shitty spic. That's why the parents got together, nobody of their race wanted them.
South West,
Aaaaahh, the amerimutt
Such grace
Such civilization
Those people just look white. I had a girlfriend like that once. Spics are already half white typically you moron. The kids come out looking white as fuck. They certainly wouldn't look like these bitches.
She's a big girl
for you
Are you serious? Turn off your proxy, jew
Yea. When a white guy for instance, has kids with a spic, the kids come out looking white as fuck.
It's because the spic is already half white.
The entire Mexican race is the mutt race. They're all half white. Do you need me to post pictures?
Some form of Pacific Islander by the look of things.
I like how she started beating on her after she took a hit while trying to hold her back.
Non-white spotted.
what I was going to say. that beast is humongo.
thats a big guy
They All are it’s just hard to tell next to the behemoth
Im sad to say this genetic line has all but devoured the majority of my Midwestern city. Its depressing as fuck.
because they can
I still don't know the story to this.
>her sandals fly out
I want to lick her feet.
>>your standard goblinas trying to expell a creatura
>Kek, sometimes I really have pity for you ameribros but then I remember I live in Paris.
hahaha... that little brown dude trying to wrap his arms around the White Warrior Woman! what an onionsboy!!!
are they Polynesian?
i need to know the story OP!
that giant impresses me I would bread her. did you see her just toss little wonder whop like nothing?
The one in white is no goblina
She is fighting Uruk-hai
She is Ugluk, she commands
for us
best thred
I'm pretty sure this is what 99% percent of mcdonald's workers look like. Just another good reason never to eat there.
Every McDs in the states has at least one of these types of people in them.
>Mcdonalds.....Not. Even. Once.
Wut? Those people look white to you? Kill yourself you fucking shitskin, day of the fucking rope.
They look like Americans to me
Seeing spics like you completely in denial of the fact you're a shitskin is both funny and sad.
And your average goblino or creatura IS AT MOST a quarter white. And when they mix with Whites the kids always look like another Goblino. I live in LA I see this shot on the daily.
Half spic mutt = white to you. KYS shitskin, the midwest germanic and nordic people of your country fucking despise you.
Just more spic trash in our beautiful country.
They don't have self-control.
Fucking kek. The one that broke up the fight starts beating the shit out of her too.
why weak people fight ?
This is why every man should train martials arts. Otherwise fat lesbians will kick your ass.
yep - Oceania maccas store layout
el goblinas...
>what race are they even supposed to be?
that's the USA race, that's what we will all look like in 50 years
Crease :D
The monster mash? Is it halloween already?
Memes aside though she got straight up man handled by them hammer fists. I laughed. Thanks OP have a (you)
>not pulling out your massive cock in a fight
just think of all of our tax money going to support these non-humans
The "New World Organism"
post more peak hambeast gladiatorial combat kino
looks like samoa
Fucking kek
Mutt spotted.
How do you stop such reckless hate
How do we recover from this webm?
Well, they will be reported as "WHITE"
They look like, Samoan + black
that's in a mcburgers ...the customer nog is out gunned about 6-to-1 in pounds/per nog.
we wyhite ppl are doomed. we're Doomers
what the fuck are you
Girls involuntary exposing their bodies while fighting always makes me hard, even these obese American creatures, something's wrong with me guys.
Clearly spics, Christ.
Every single one.
Multiply by 40 million.
Welcome to every hour of life in California.