Why do most women today date disgusting nerds?

why do most women today date disgusting nerds?

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Chad's don't complain about nerds getting women.

Only turbo virgins do.

Why do Nerds get more woman, then a semi-chad?

Sounds like OP is so ugly women choose beta nerds over him. Ouch. Try showering

I see everywhere woman with those beta soiboy types

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I look normal and I shower well

Dominant position.

(((They))) are focusing on breeding out strong males from the gene pool. Focusing on propagating traits that allow for easier control over the goyim.

Be honest, OP. How fat are you?

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They dont want to enter your Roche Limit.

75 kg per 175 cm

Why call them beta, if they're what women prefer?

They always did you idiot.
Difference is they used to do it at churches, where they grew up together.
Now they're finding each other out of church, and both are fucked up. Look at the soilet and his SJWhore. It wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't aposematic.

alpha fux beta bux. she fucks the alphas and nests with a beta

The only women dating nerds are ugly 4/10 with glasses who pass their shitty day playing Overwatch, real women and stacies go for chads

The jewish birth control pill. It regulates their hormones incorrectly so their body thinks they are always pregnant.

Non-pregnant woman = hormones make her look for for Chad o Tyrone

Pregnant woman = hormones make her look for cuck to raise Chad or Tyrone's baby

Woman on pill = body thinks she is pregnant with Chad/Tyrone's baby so she searches for Cuck

Nerd is the new chad

Who dates ugly women anyway
>inb4 muh virginity
These women have shitty genes

because they are
>still beta compared to females position see
>they are weak and are afraid to fight
>they follow the historical type of beta male
>they are more similar to cave painters who were the secondary type of males (first were alpha hunter-gatherers)

As a disgusting nerd, I disagree. These are decent looking closet homos most women can't keep a Chad and know it.

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Cos she got fucked by Chad and wants a nice little mouse of a man so she feels "safe" and have him support her. Her expectations for how these nerds treat her will be miles higher than how Chad does.

It's biologically ingrained in women to do this. What's worse is it's usually directly after getting fucked by Chad, his cum probably still inside her pussy when she starts looking for a Beta fag. Cos she needs a guy to support her through her pregnancy, but a guy with more dominant genetics probably won't do that.

We used to have systems in place for this sort of thing. The whole beauty and the beast dynamic, women would pair with Chads and then Beta them up a little bit. Since women have become nihilistic and feckless, they've stopped doing this. It's easier for them to just find the most dominant male to fulfill their impregnation instincts and then find a less dominant male to fulfill their mothering instincts.

They don't, they only get ugly women, I never saw in my life a nerd with a pretty woman who is at least 7/10

Please lose weight op

chill out dude you sound like a salty freak

easier to control

Alpha and Beta refers to character traits, not sexual success.
A beta will mathematically improve the home, his society, so his babies can benefit from his work.
An alpha goes out and explores the world, conquering places, taking huge risks at the cost of not being around a lot. Most alphas don't have kids until they're halfway past thirty.
You know about the rolemodel nerds make out of captain Picard? Alpha dad explorer? No kids, traumatised, no wife, dedicated only to his job and his self-centred mission to explore the unknown.
Meanwhile the betas are shacking up with women all around them, and Jow Forums gets stuck focusing on the media.

You call that a woman, OP?

Then how comes you man STILL cant get any?

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succinctly put, probably 100% true too

Not really. Pretty happy with my life and with women. I can get 6's easily. 7's 8's and 9's are pretty much out of the picture tho.

My post was originally twice as long, and a lot kinder to women. Prefaced with points like "men do similar things". But I realised that was just pro-female bias (which men naturally have) kicking in, and women wouldn't treat men as fairly so I removed it.

I actually kind of like women, they're alright.

You just described at least 1 girl i know perfectly

because women are fucking faggots

which one is the woman?

this entire thread reeks of desperation. bathe your personalities.

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There are two boys in that picture, op.

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Every woman experiences those feelings and drives. They don't all respond to them the same way but they do all experience them. Just like every man gets an urge to get his dick sucked by every roastie he sees but that doesn't mean he's gonna go up to her and slap her ass.

it's the left one is a male, but the right one looks a bit like soiboy, but i am sure she is a female

Which one is women and which one is nerd?

nobody cares, they're both faggots

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I thought it was a dyke couple.

I know the answer to this. There is this girl I know who avoids men that will open her up and challenge her, so instead she has a boyfriend that is "easy" because it wont challenge her ego.

It's really pathetic. Basically they are doing it so they wont mature.

Not pulling this out of my ass either

>In the two-part investigation, published recently online in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology, 18 heterosexual college-aged women in the U.K. were shown composite images of men’s and women’s faces. They were told to adjust the images until they’d zeroed in on the face they’d be most attracted to for a short-term or long-term relationship.

>The women were tested twice: Once when they were not on the pill, and three months later when all of them were. The study also included a larger control group of women who never took the pill.

>The results revealed that the women were less partial to masculine facial features when they were on the birth control pill than when they were not on it. Masculine facial features included larger jaws, more prominent brow ridges and more angular features. However, being on the pill did not influence the women’s preferences when they were looking at photos of other women, suggesting that the pill somehow affected what they found attractive in potential mates, but not in faces in general.

>In a second experiment, the researchers recruited 170 couples. In half of them, the woman was on birth control when the couple met. The researchers showed photographs of the men to additional groups of volunteers — both men and women — who rated how masculine the men’s faces were. In keeping with the findings of the first experiment, the women who were on the pill when they met their partners tended to be in a relationship with men whose faces were less manly.

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is the fedora in the shadow photoshopped?

Just like betas dating demure Asians.

I think you got some point here
I am convinced that most western woman do not have to think over responsibilities and will totally fail if they need to plan something
it is because they are overprotected and they have no sense of responsiblity (because their parents have made their lives too easy)
tha'ts why they support liberalism, leftism and all this kind of cancer

It's really pathetic man because the girl I mentioned is actually quality, but she has so much anxiety that she either stays single or goes for the easy fags. She has so much anxiety around normal people or chads that she can barely say 'hi.'

The cure is for her to "woman up" and start dating these types so that she develops confidence and maturity, but she is too much of a coward. Whatever, I moved on...

Because most 'women' are disgusting retards.

Most women are disgusting nerds

>colored hair
>pierced lip

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Yes. What happens is that if a person doesn't have a developed side, they will avoid relationships that strengthen that side; the path of least resistance. Then they end up with people that confirm their bullshit, instead of challenging their bullshit. Hence: soi boy wins.

I dont understand half these threads are MGTOW the others are bragging about dating Arby's we got the beef $5.99 discount women. I dont get it. Are we being raided?

Nonstop raids since 2015.

most soi boys are similar to them too
most north european woman are too sensitive and get offended by most of things too fast
Too much empathy actually ruined our lives
not a raider, just wondering why soiboys get laid, but good looking Jow Forumstards can't

It's so common around here that I'm used to it. It's been the norm for a while now.

Memeflag leafposting should be bannable you aren't wondering shit kike. Memeflags are instant kike threads.

ever since trump was elected there has only been like 3-4 months this board hasn't been raided.

okay, schizo

Ow shit nigger, i felt that burn

>schizo aka the new conspiracy theorist
what the other guy said checks out, fuck off.

>why do most women today date disgusting nerds?
Beta orbit. It's how women get by.
>be girl
>see group of nerds
>just hang out
>as time passes, flirt with each
>whoever responds the most, hit on them
>nerd works up courage to ask girl out
>girl accepts
>nerd spends money on girl
>she can't complain
>while she dates the nerd, shes flirting with chads that only want her because shes not single
>she finds a chad
>she tells the nerd its not working out
>she dumps the nerd
>bonus points if the nerd over reacts so she can talk about how creepy and crazy the nerd was

Yeah, betas aren't failures or success, but a proxy to success or failure. They're human stepping stones.

pets for social status and home company
they get chad dick on the side

I consider myself a nerd but also alpha. I work in the tech field but also work out daily. Also, many insecure woman like to date small, nerdy, weak men so they can control them and pick a lover that is uglier than her for the same reason. These type of woman are also the ones that are cheaters.

there is nothing wrong with being conspiracy theorist
schizo because 90% of the memeflags are not kikes (i've seen to move to Jow Forums)
they are usually American or Mexican

i've seen more like insecure nerdy girls date them
mostly some anime autists (don't take it as an insult if you watch anime)

which one is the guy??

she shows the ass for Chad

maybe the girls date their equals if they are not so insecure? I don't know. Still, I think the severely insecure ones date guys they can more easily take advantage of.

too many buzzwords, back you go

They don't faggot

Because she is a disgusting nerd.

calm down friend. so many one liners in this thread. "leafposting" "kike" "memeflag" "soi boy" - just relax.

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I got 14 words: The sexual revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


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Because there are more nerds today than in the past

Appearance doesn’t correlate to having relationships.

Then you do not demonstrate value. Do you have your owm house? Car? A good job?

>I work in the tech field
Doing what?

in my country, i see them all the time
I live in a university city, but our generation could be just fucked (i am gen z)

well, I am still finishing school, last year

>Having anymore than one of those things in this economy by 20

Wasn't expecting a real answer after It makes more sense for you to be a fat slob behind a keyboard than it does for you to be at work, browsing Jow Forums.

Youre just too ugly user


This, the pictures you see are fabricated with filters and makeup. Those chicks that look hot next to the nerd look like trash in person. Pajeet moved to my school, became prom king as a joke because everyone thought it was funny. Fast forward 10 years, has a girlfriend for the first time. Shes a 9/10 on social media. Meet her in person can clearly see the makeup lines on her face because she dont know how to match her skin color. Looks like Mimi irl

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Sounds cute, since when does /pol diss on this behavior? Do we have an influx of wamenz or something?

If most women today dated disgusting nerds then this board wouldn't be packed with shrieking incels.

>why do women
>posts two traps
user i

>shows picture of two disgusting nerds
wheres the woman fuckhead

aren't those two lesbians?

true, but no digits
try again for trips