What’s the oldest age you’d a woman should conceive her first child...

What’s the oldest age you’d a woman should conceive her first child? Gf is 34 and having extreme baby fever but spooked desu.

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20, ur fucked

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If you two don’t have a baby now, you’re likely fucked. Advancements in medical technology have made it more possible for women to have children at older ages, but the risk for things like Down syndrome still exist.
Assuming she has 3 kids one after another starting with the first being born when she’s 35, one of those kids will likely have some deformity or be miscarried. Best bet is to dump her and pick up a 23 year old.

34 is getting up there man. At 35 is when genetic abnormalities start to occur at an increasing rate. If she's planning on having a kid, have one right away. If she wants two, have it as soon as possible also. After that it's gonna start getting risky.

This is either one dedicated Bonger, or an ignored Bot

man up.
dump her or knock her up.
life is not getting any longer.
I'm 47 and trying to have a baby with my fiancee also 47.
lots of fucking, fertility drugs and no success yet.
plus higher risk of a retarded or otherwise sick baby.
but we have no other option.
the sad part is we've been together 8 years and 5 years ago in vitro would have been offered to us. unfirtunately we had some health and family issues at the time and
FAILED TO FOCUS ON THE URGENCY of biological clock.
NOW it's

I am going to guess that no one who has responded actually has a kid. Good luck being able to afford a kid before you are 40 these days. The body wants kids at 20 something, the mind wants kids at 30 something, but the bank account wants kids at 40 something. Have them as soon as you can afford them.

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My kids (twins) will be 8 in November, I'll be 27 in April.

>I'm 47 and trying to have a baby with my fiancee also 47.

this has to be a troll.

she had two decades to start

Well Michelle Duggar has had children late in life so anything's possible. If you're old, however, you might not get to play with them as much though so take that into consideration. You might die before you see them turn into adults.

34 is not great but still ok.

But get to fucking, her time *is* running out.

And that is for a (((reason))), they know the majority of white people simply will not have kids until they can afford it. Which is the smart thing to do, but not realistic today with this economy and cost of living.

She's ten years too late my bong. She's hitting the wall at full speed and is trying to keep you. Dump her for a girl half her age

Why don't you ask someone that actually knows their information instead of a Jow Forums politics board that mainly used by underageb&?

Got first baby on the way at 36, hope to follow with another immediately.

Mum had me when she was 32, which explains why I'm here

I'm 34,recently broke up with my 34yo Italian gf in favour of a 27yo Italian. Fuck those wall hitting roasties

How long have you been together? Why haven't you married yet?

At any rate, the correct answer is probably just to dump her.

had 1st and only baby at 43 with a miscarriage prior to that. got married early to a bitch, got divorced and finally found a good redpilled woman to settle down with. better late than never, kid is healthy and it's pretty fun!

Don't fuck*

Enjoy your Down baby

If a woman isn't married by 15,and doesn't have at least 3 kids by 17,she is worthless.A woman must give birth to at least 6 children during her life.And she better be a virgin wife.
OP,is settling for an old used up wife,so when his wife brings her children to school,every one of the fathers of her classmates would have fucked her.
OP is a bitch.

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Start having kids in your mid 20s is M, early 20s if F.

Breed and make more white children.

Depends if she's been pregnant throughout her life.
Menstruation every month for 20 years, versus menstruation maybe twice a year if she's pregnant throughout.
Women who've been pregnant loads can conceive at later ages, though it doesn't change the risk of defects.
Your gf hasn't had kids yet, so she probably won't.

Most fertility docs say 42 is is the beginning of problems.

Dont do it bro, find another youngrr woman. I was told this by a very good friend.
>you'll love in life
>you wont have one love in life

Stop going into debt paying for treatments that wont work and go find a mid 20s fresh out of college girl to be with

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no older then 28, 30 is the absolute cutoff for the LAST child for both men and women for the foreseeable future (this can change with genetic engineering tech) .
there's a billion of illnesses deformities and conditions that affect children of parents who have the child out of the human evolutionary shadow ,if you're having kids that late you're just causing your child endless future health\mental problems and suffering .

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How old are you?

my sister had one at 39, kid's fine

19. 6 kids, one per year starting at menarche. Then spend her days raising them. Inshallah they shall all be sons.

>I'm 47 and trying to have a baby with my fiancee also 47.

you sir are and idiot. you'll be 60 when your kids are in their teens.
physically you'll be a grandpa when they need a dad

>be 30
>wife 28
>no kids yet
>pregnant w/twin boys

We want at least 2 more though...

meanwhile the brown people are breeding like rabbits in their teens.

My dad was 48 and my mom was 40 when he had my sister, she's smart, cute and has no problems.

35 is generally the age in which pregnancy becomes risky. The likelihood of defects (especially autism and ds) goes up exponentially every year after. You should get a baby asap desu.

t. Doctor

My biology teacher married at 18 and gave birth to their children at 20,she told us that the healthiest time to give birth is in these periods.Simply because the chances of a baby born with mental/physical defects is very small between two healthy couples.

Dude dont bring a kid in the world so it can have parents that are old as fuck. You had your time to have a child and now that's over, stop being selfish.

My mom had me around your girlfriend’s age and I’m fine (security researcher). She had my sister a couple years later and she’s fine too (medical student). Her mom had died before we were born so she didn’t have much guidance either.

better go quick senpai

i actually wrote an excel script on my work computer to calculate statistics about risk of downs , hearth disease ,autism in the child based on the mother's age , and i keep sending one of my friends her numbers and updating her on how they increase daily .

i can already see her going for 'we'll wait for our careers to be better off' to actually talking to her fiance about this little by little . when i did this to one of my friends whose a roastie and almost never has long term bfs she almost had a breakdown and cried about it .

33, the age of Jesus for a father

25, the age of Maria Magdalena, when Jesus was crucified

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soon brother


No older than 12 or so.

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1st child has to be before 25. There's a bunch of studies on this. Women who have children early tend to have much larger age ranges for viable, non-autistic children. Women who wait for 1st child until after 30 tend to find it very difficult to conceive or have health issues with the children.

>and i keep sending one of my friends her numbers and updating her on how they increase daily .
I love this jew hehe.

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14 to 20. 20 to 25 if she's already popped at least one out by 20.

this data is ancient

35 is Chris-chan territory.


>asking a bunch of virginns about pregnancy

Talk to a fucking doctor, OP. The fuck is wrong with you.

After the age of 30, the baby’s chances of having Down syndrome increase significantly. My wife was 32 and we had a 1 in 300 chance if him having down as opposed to 1 in 1200-1500 for younger women. Younger is safer in my opinion.

This is good news for me, but do you have any sources?



Gonna get married next year, I’ll be 26, she’ll be 25. Is it safe to wait 2-3 years to have the first kid? Wanna do the travel meme for a bit before kids

>eternal (((anglo))) starting fake thread
47 year old boomer
>Israel flag literally telling you not to have kids.
>meme flag literally just amplifying what the Israel flag said
communist amplifying what jew said

Don't my mom had me at 40 and i ended up here

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50% of women at 30 are subfertile. Drop her and find another. Your love for her is healthy and admirable but misplaced; that attitude is neccessary to stick around when she is is acting nutty while bearing your fourth kid, not putting up with her potential inability to reporduce.

I was barely conceived after years of effort, and my mom was 31. 35 is the ABSOLUTE COMPLETE upper limit. Women start losing fertility over 25 though.

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got my wife pregnant at 24. within a year afterward she said she only wants 1 and that i should get a vasectomy, i already have 2 from previous marriage, so i'm agree. now she's almost 30 and the baby fever is starting to creep out. i specifically warned her about this happening and she swore that she only wanted the 1. now i'm scared when that shit hits maximum levels I'm going to get cucked...

you'd have been a pussy anyway.

>tfw 23 yo gf
>tfw she's not a virgin

What do I do? I really dont want the mother of my children to have been fucked by other guys. Do I break it off?

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freeze your sperm

man the fuck up and pump her full of baby juice.

I think 20 is the oldest to aim for, for a first, but she'll make it, and so will you.

That's not the half of it. We're talking about the chance of producing a defective child re: Down Syndrome. There's still a question of whether they can produce one at all when we're talking beyond 30.

This is why some super elites (where raising an extra child is like 5% of their income) choose women with proven fertility.

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If you have a brother borrow his sperm that's my plan if I ever end up infertile.

i brought up this option and she vetoed it. it's too late now, i've been snipped for 5 years.

Look at yourself honestly. Are you a virgin? Did you ruin a woman's chance at her first being her husband?
Is she holding all the cards otherwise of a woman you want to build things with?

my only brother killed himself 3 years ago...

oof sorry

>white autistic weeb living in japan

>asking pol if you should have Kids
what Kind of moron are you

I think you can undo that, but it will probably be painful. Ask your doc.
And incels and faggots, don't ever let a woman tell you to cut your shit, if she's certain she doesn't want more kids let her tie her tubes.

My mother was 45 and I've turned out autistic.

Just knock the old hag up, might squeeze a downie or two out before she dries up

>Are you a virgin?
I was when I met her

> Did you ruin a woman's chance at her first being her husband?

>Is she holding all the cards otherwise of a woman you want to build things with?
Kindof. Shes nice to me but shes also chubbier than what I would like

When I first met her I was in college and kind of a desperate cuck. Now I have improved my life and feel like I can do better

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You're at least 10 years over due.

My mum was 40, I turned out little acoustic but completely healthy, but some complications at childbirth were present. Fucking roasties, my wife is gonna be 20 or younger

>I turned out little acoustic

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No,do not marry her just impregnate her and ditch it.
She did not give her first time to you,she didn't love you enough to save herself for you.Find yourself a virgin wife.

she didnt know me when she banged other guys but I guess the notion is still true


As someone whose mom was nearly 41 when she had me, knock up your girl ASAP if you really do want kids. A lot of people will tell you about the dangers of ending up with a kid with all sorts of disabilities (which I don't refute at all; fortunately I avoided those), but they typically neglect to bring up the other big issue: how being an older parent affects the kid(s), and the mother/child relationship.

For me, as a single child, for my whole life I basically had to play the role of the husband in a weird way as my parents divorced when I was very young and my dad wasn't a part of my or my mom's life really (and he died when I was around 11). Of course I can't help but to think that she only ever even had me as a way to make sure she'd have someone around later on for sure. I had to deal with a menopausal mother while being in high school. I had a mom who barely would do anything with me like... talking... because she was always "soooo tired". The other thing in my case is that my mom's sister never had kids (she physically couldn't), so I don't have much family. I'll be 26 in less than a week and my mom will be 67 in late November; I have just my aunt (I think she's 64) and my maternal grandmother as close relatives, all of whom have a very realistic chance of being gone relatively soon.

Not just for OP, but for all of you: keep these things in mind when you think about waiting to have a kid. I'm not saying to pump them out at 19, but don't wait too long. It's very realistic that I'll be completely on my own by the time that I'm 30, a virtual guarantee that I will be at 40. No older people, no siblings, just an island with no familial ties left really.

In her 20's. You're already 5 years late, but you want to wait longer?

Let me put it in an easy way, you have a gut feeling / instinct. the fact that you shitpost here about your fiance is doubt enough, why get validation from me or anyone else, if she sucks you dry of energy dump her, she makes you unhappy dump her, she is not part of your becoming malier process dump her. WHEN VALUE IS CLEAR DECISIONS ARE EASY

these are good points. a woman who has a kid in her 40s isn't a huge deal for the kid, IF HE'S NOT THE FIRST

At your age your children should be graduating from college and planning their wedding. Even if you're lucky enough to conceive one kid and that kid isn't total failure like his parents you'll be lucky if your grandchildren even get to meet you.

25 according to coach redpill

My mother was 38 when she gave birth to me, and I'm perfectly fine. I don't have any problems. Well, I browse Jow Forums and have some weird sexual fetishes, but none of my problems were caused by any birth defects. So get her checked up and go for it. Impregnate her as soon as you fucking can. You could even possibly pull of 3 kids if you impregnate her soon after she gave birth. Every white woman must have at least 3 kids, that is the bare minimum.

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As young as possible, but don't let kike propaganda spook you into thinking over 35 = Down's Syndrome. The chances increase slightly, then increase more dramatically after 40. Big fucking deal. Ignore kikes and have your family, user.

You're both selfish pieces of shit. if you're not trolling Christ, and I thought my parents were retarded...

As a parent your job is to put the kids best interests and welfare first and you're already proving to be failures at that and you've not even knocked up the woman (hopefully you won't be able to because that kid will end up being a retard).

excellent advice fren

I know someone who waited until late 30s, now has 3 kids. The propaganda about problems with having kids at an older age is intended to make people have more kids, not less, so you can just ignore the propaganda once you actually reach that age.

After 30 its autismo adhd babies. ONE OF US ONE OF US

I was made at 36 I am ok, but I am an asshole.
My parents did a test amniocentesis, to see if I had down syndrome or other shit.
You should make a couple of brits and get over it.
You guys think too much, and this makes u unhappy.

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