The New York Times published a massive dive explaining how the Trump family schemed to commit a $400,000,000 tax fraud

The New York Times published a massive dive explaining how the Trump family schemed to commit a $400,000,000 tax fraud.


They stole from the rest of us so they could have gold toilets. How the fuck can you support this man?

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The problem with constantly lying is eventually people figure out that they cannot trust anything you say. Such is the case with the NYT. Sad!

We got that here too. My mother in law rolled her eyes and said "yet another smear article" and she's a pretty huge normie

Tax is fraud

>milking poor mutts for pennies so you can shit in a bowl of gold
>yo watch this, I bet these dumbasses even elect me their leader


You literally copied and pasted that last sentence off of reddit.

Considering I'm the one who made that post on reddit, I feel entitled to reuse my words here.

Or are you going to tell me that it bothers you more that I post on reddit and THE FUCKING PRESIDENT'S FAMILY IS INVOLVED IN ACTUAL FRAUD

oh no, the NYT just completely destroyed drumph! any person with at least a high school education knows this is a crock of shit. they figured that the constant smears of Kavanaugh were not working, so they'd just come up with a new one for don.

why dont you reddit faggots stay there and blow each other?

No they didn’t

Again with the taxes?


>tax avoidance
>tax fraud

pick one

How the fuck you still supporting dem?

Haha faggot

Did it happen recently? No? Then no one who didn’t already hate him gives a fuck


You are just jealous.

Trump doesn't want to pay for negrowelfare or our roads, water, schools and essential public utilities. Fucking liberal shitforbrains.

>tax fraud
>stole from the rest of us
just hang yourself

You just fucking know that have a folder full of bs like this ready to pull out whenever a previous smear fails. Dr. Fraud is falling apart, better push a new smear to the front! These fucking kikes man.

Boo hoo the government was not able to steal even more money from Trump's father.

This. I honestly, even after like 3 years of constant anti trump stuff, would still get a twinge of "o no maybe drumf really is finished this time!" whenever some crazy scandal would come out. After Kavanaugh, these stories only buttress my hatred. No more benefit of the doubt, everything these people say is a lie.


The government literally wanted to take 52% of Trump Sr.'s wealth, Donald sprung into action to find some loopholes to prevent this absolute theft, good for him.

>trump's a welfare nigger

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if they can present valid evidence these people are the true patriots


>Helps prevent people stealing from them
>They're stealing from people

He's been audited about 20 times.

How the actual fuck do you brainlets justify listening to Trump then?

He used the system fully,like every good businessman would.... redditards dont get it why would they ?

How retarded do you have to be to believe the New York Times?

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>How the fuck can you support this man?
Easily, for starters I will vote for him in 2020.
Do you need additional information on how to support your president? Please feel free to ask, Jow Forums is a board is peace! Thank you for posting your support of President Donald J. Trump!

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Kill yourself OP kike. Tax is theft. Tax is Judaism. Judaism is islam


Nobody is believing their lies anymore.

here for the popcorn, there for the salt

Easy fag.

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Trump often exaggerates to make a point. Most people understand this, and dont take phrases like "100% of the time", "the best [x] in the history of the world", etc literally because they understand what he is trying to convey.

You guys freak out because zomg hes lying how can you trust him?! You think you're debunking him but all you're proving is that you have a lack of experience verbally communicating with normal people.

>fighting for taxation

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>They stole from the rest of us
he didn't steal shit from me
he doesn't owe me anything

Certainly it would be a good thing for any wealthy man to be very generous with voluntary donations to causes and projects for the betterment of society. Paying taxes is involuntary and not a gauge of generosity or character. It judges compliance and stupidity.

It takes no less than a minute to make the first post, the best post.

What's your excuse, /leftypol/?

An American using loopholes in the system to pay the least amount of taxes possible!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!
OMG! How weird!

Would you rather he’d spent the money buying kids?

yeah it just makes Trump look smart. Stupid New york times lol

Evidence of what?
They didn’t even claim Trump did anything illegal.
It’s just another made up hit piece so the democrats has a reason to scream about muh tax returns for another three years

yeah nobody knew that the rich do that kind of thing. oh the shocker...

Trump straight up said he tries to pay as little tax as possible because the government just wastes it on stupid shit anyway. we would ALL do this if we could. also
>tax avoidance
>tax fraud
wanna guess if NYT doesn't know the difference?

Why are you even fucking here? Get the fuck back there. Why are you even on a politically incorrect board? Jesus Christ you are a useful idiot to the Soros family and the cultural Marxists.

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Setting up shell companies isn't a loophole.
It's fraud.

I don't see any Russian stuff here.

Leave and never return reddit scum

Taxation is theft

>your premise is flawed

No it isnt

If this was big they would have saved it for 2020

and then using the rewards of your superior tax knowledge to enhance family company and become President of only capitalist country. excellent life sir, 5 stars for effort and my undying loyalty for your efforts.
all should be in awe

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Taxation is theft so I don't really care if people dodge it. Plus the only reason they can is because the people they're 'stealing' the taxes from (just to clarify, the government, your erroneous claim they're stealing from everyone else is erroneous) put loopholes and outs so they themselves don't have to pay taxes.

Yeah cause last time I checked it was a loophole but I'm pretty sure you lefties are gonna change the definition of that pretty soon huh

that's the thing

the NYT really went out of it's way to not state that anything done was illegal

They intimate and hint, but they don't state it . Why? Because the accountants and tax attorneys who helped with the story know that nothing illegal was done. Yet, the NYT goes ahead with an implying implications nothing burger story about the use of gaps in the tax law to legally minimize payments.

Then the NYT wonders why half of America calls them fake news. They are so ideologically blinded that I am willing to bet that none of the editors have the ability to even see their bias at work.

>expecting /pol to have sympathy for the IRS

The fuck it's not Sven.
Why the fuck do you think the Wyoming Secretary of State banned out-of-state filings?

>Trump doesn't want to pay for negrowelfare or our roads,
buy a truck
nobody drinks tapwater anymore anyway
not like kids learn in our educational institutions anymore anyway
>and essential public utilities.
lmao everyone is going off grid, except for normies, and fuck them

You are confused.

show proof
>you can't

You already showed that proof yourself.

oh look, a brainlet! Sad!

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>I’m perfectly fine with having a President that breaks the law!

>schemed to commit

That's a roundabout way to say he didn't do shit.


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How can the IRS not go after them now that they're aware of this? Do they even has the discretion to not go after a potentially NINE FIGURE payday?

>I’m perfectly fine with having a president that not only doesn’t follow the law, but brags about it too!

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>slav degenerate detected

>EU flag

I’m not more mad at you or even mad. You’re just a clueless, dickless tourist that hasn’t even done the basics to make a case worth arguing about.

Hell, you didn’t even bother to archive your steaming turd of a pile of rumors.

>The New York Times


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kys redditor, we dont want your filthy kind here

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I wonder why J*wYork Times wants to stir sh*t to divide the country..... Hmmm
Ref. Picture

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>They stole from the rest of us
Keeping your own money is stealing now

they aren't illegal if they are used properly. get educated -- liberal moron.

Does the NYT have a source that we can actually verify ourselves? They reference documents but never provide them, so I assume they made it up since they've done that before.

Stay mad incels

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No one cares about how much money the government didn't get to steal from the Trump family.

Never forget to sage, boys.

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>I post on reddit

Low IQ brainlet confirmed.

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I think the problem with this bullshit article is that most people dob't agree with INHERITANCE TAXES, in the first place. It would be like writing an article about how the Trump family smokes pot.

You pay taxes on your wages and capital gains all your fucking life and then when you try to give what you created/saved to your kids the government thinks they DESERVE to take even more? Fuck that shit. Only fucking niggers, and commies think that keeping YOUR money, is "theft".
>The IRS agent cries out in pain as he steals your familial wealth (one last time).

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>all laws are justified and moral
oi where's your meme loicense m8?!

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Too much fat in the diet, creates not enough definition between butt and thighs

>400 million
>not caught within a decent timeframe
Sounds like someone who knows how to get things done.

I don't believe this.

>Why the fuck do you think the Wyoming Secretary of State banned out-of-state filings?
...but Trump didn't live in Wyoming.

I applaud anyone who evades taxes and get away with it.
/happy clap

>The New York Times published a massive dive explaining how the Trump family schemed to commit a $400,000,000 tax fraud.
yeah he's ni politics now I'm sure it's much worse at this point

Yes, it does bother me more that you're a redditor. Now if you're still here take this post back to you're friends so they can all see it.

What evidence do you have that makes you think that?

It's where some Panama Papers companies were registered.

>How the fuck can you support this man?
By voting.

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As Drupmf said during a debate with Hitlery... If you dont like it change the laws that make it legal......

> Shit libs BTFO by logic

Too much gay in the brain, leads you to make such observations.